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RETAIL ANS PRESENTATION Dear Readers, Welcome to 2025! The challenges ahead haven’t become any easier, but we have decided to face them with …
HEALTH AND SPA Dear Readers, An eventful year is coming to an end. It won’t be remembered as a relaxed one – too many global issues remain u …
HEALTH AND SPA Dear Readers, as you take your first look at our November issue on the topic of health and wellness, young patients, doctors …
OFFICE BUILDINGS Liebe Leserinnen, liebe Leser, The bad news first: Rising interest rates, expensive building materials and the ongoing tren …
RETAIL AND PRESENTATION Dear Readers, in today’s world, dedicating oneself to retail and exhibition design with a clear conscience is no lon …
LIVING Dear Readers, “The house is on fire” could be a casual way of describing the situation in affordable housing construction – not to me …
BAR HOTEL RESTAURANT Dear Readers, have you also noticed the strong affinity between our profession and the catering industry? My first inte …
PUBLIC BUILDINGS Dear Readers, It was a perfect start to spring in Milan: this year’s Salone del Mobile attracted more design enthusiasts th …
OFFICE BUILDINGS Dear Readers, Those who regularly follow the news are just as regularly warned: about extreme weather, price increases, pho …
LIVING Dear Readers, As much as housing is perceived by the general public as a very private basic need – more than 50 percent of Germans dr …
RETAIL AND PRESENTATION Dear Readers, Welcome to 2024, which hopefully brings us many positive developments. We kicked off the series of tra …
BANKS AND AUTHORITY BUILDINGS Dear Readers, everything looks so wonderfully colourful here! That was our first thought when we looked at the …
HEALTH AND SPA Dear Readers, The unusually long, hot summer is definitively over, and it’s time to wrap up well! I certainly heeded this adv …
OFFICE BUILDINGS Dear Readers, In southern Germany, dirndls and lederhosen currently dominate the cityscapes: it’s Oktoberfest time! Persona …
RETAIL AND PRESENTATION Dear Readers, “Could you consider dedicating an issue to sustainability?” an interior designer friend asked me recen …
LIVING Dear Readers, So much for a silly season! When journalist colleagues lament the quiet summer period, we respond with a weary smile. T …
BAR, HOTEL, RESTAURANT Dear Readers, We have been waiting for this summer for a long time: travelling carefree again at last, enjoying resta …
OFFICE BUILDINGS Dear Readers, This issue on Public Buildings is about the three Cs: No, we do not mean the disrespectful alliteration child …
OFFICE BUILDINGS Dear Readers, Until not so long ago, every architect or interior designer broke out in a cold sweat when the clients announ …
LIVING Dear Readers, my highlight of this year so far has been a visit (pictured above) to the home of Egon Eiermann (1904–1970) in Baden-Ba …
RETAIL AND PRESENTATION Dear Readers, a truly crazy year has come to an end – I sincerely hope that you have had the best possible start int …
BANKS AND AUTHORITY BUILDINGS Dear Readers, The year 2022 has not been short of new challenges. We are all affected – still by the pandemic, …
HEALTH AND SPA Dear Readers, This autumn trade fair season has caught us flat-footed, because after a long hiatus we had to get used to busi …
OFFICE BUILDINGS Dear Readers, It’s an open secret – not only in the AIT editorial office: I don’t like houseplants! Not at home, not in the …
RETAIL AND PRESENTATION Dear Readers, it could have been a picture-book summer, but ongoing material shortages, price increases and uncertai …
LIVING Dear Readers, Good news: for the first time since the pandemic, a “proper” Salone del Mobile was held again in Milan. Almost 270,000 …
BAR HOTEL RESTAURANT Dear Readers, Fortunately we remember how joyful a visit to a restaurant is, how it works to book a hotel room! The gas …
PUBLIC BUILDINGS Dear Readers, Whenever educational institutions have been in the public eye in the last two years, discussions about compul …
OFFICE BUILDINGS Dear Readers, What seemed to be an interim solution two years ago under the catchphrase social distancing has become everyd …
LIVING Dear Readers, in true local patriotism, we had our fingers crossed for the John Cranko School by Burger Rudacs Architekten in Stuttga …
RETAIL ANS PRESENTATION Dear Readers, The summary for the past year could be: Good that it’s over! Of course, we had hoped that the pandemic …
BANKS AND AUTHORITY BUILDINGS Dear Readers, Those who had hoped that looking back on the past year would be much more positive than reviewin …
HEALTH AND SPY Dear Readers, Recently, I was in a hospital. No, not as a patient and not even as a visitor – I had the opportunity to visit …
OFFICE BUILDINGS Dear Readers, the summer, which did not really feel like one, is coming to an end! Some fortunate ones were able to prolong …
RETAIL AND PRESENTATION Dear Readers, the good news first: during the last lockdown, many retailers used the time to make their shops more a …
LIVING Dear Readers, we had almost forgotten how to do it: booking flights, reserving hotel rooms, packing suitcases – none of that had happ …