Ausgabe 1/2.2025

Dear Readers,
Welcome to 2025! The challenges ahead haven’t become any easier, but we have decided to face them with courage and confidence. This is precisely what we sensed when we talked to active participants on the occasion of the third anniversary of the conflict in Ukraine. We were deeply impressed by the commitment of the Art Helps initiative and the extraordinary bravery of Ukrainian interior design and architecture professionals, who share their experiences of living and working in their homeland. The external circumstances do not seem to affect the quality of their designs: Slava Balbek and Borys Dorogov from balbek bureau in Kiev have once again delivered a remarkable design with the bridal boutique in Warsaw. Their concept “stone versus textile” sets itself apart from conventional shopfitting ideas. This is also true for the other projects we have selected for the theme “Retail and Presentation”, featuring stores in Berlin, Seoul, Paris, Budapest and Milan, as well as installations in Nuremberg, Stockholm, Shanghai and Bangkok. The stone on which I posed for the photo on the top, however, isn’t in the Warsaw bridal boutique but in Peter Zumthor’s Kunsthaus Bregenz. From there, I brought back highlights from the exhibition and a feature on the Stadthaus and Hotel “kleiner Löwe“ by Herzog & de Meuron. Once again, I realised that Bregenz is worth a visit any time of year. Mark Jenewein from Love architecture makes a similar case for his hometown of Graz. In the AIT series “A Weekend in …”, he provides an insightful and entertaining tour of Styria’s capital. Do you remember the traditional shoe manufacturer Salamander? The connection between Salamander and architecture is revealed in the feature “Change of Perspective”. And Benjamin Reding tells us how important shop windows of department stores were and still are – not only for children – in “Vom Nashorn, das Zug fahren konnte”. As we do at the beginning of every year, we want to know which AIT cover you liked best in 2024. You can find our Cover of the Year competition on page 19. In 2025, we aim to deepen our focus on the theme of “Women in Architecture”. Numerous events on this topic will take place in mid-June, which we will announce and cover continuously. And the DIVIA Award starts. Together, we can make this a great year!
Best wishes
Petra Stephan, Dipl.-Ing.
Chief Editor
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Alle Serienbeiträge aus »Ausgabe 1/2.2025«

Textile Campus (AIT 1/2.2025)
A brownfield site is being transformed into a new meeting place, serving as a learning and experience hub: Leonie Schill …
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Entrepreneur (AIT 1/2.2025)
Till Schmiedeknecht studied architecture in Karlsruhe, Barcelona and London. He then changed sides and, after detours in …
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Graz (AIT 1/2.2025)
The diversity of culture, history, contemporary architecture and excellent cuisine makes Graz a fascinating place: As Au …