Issue 11.2021

Dear Readers,
Recently, I was in a hospital. No, not as a patient and not even as a visitor – I had the opportunity to visit the first completed wards of the Nagold District Hospital before their official opening. The architectural offices dorner+partner from Altensteig and Heuser+Partner from Nagold are responsible for the overall refurbishment and extension of the complex, completed in 1977. The special aspect: the fathers of Achim and Lutz Dorner and Heidi and Peter Heuser, who run the two architectural firms today, had planned the new Nagold hospital at the time. If the next generation is allowed to carry on
the legacy of their parents, a quality that is getting on in years can be reliably transferred to the present day – a rare but ideal redevelopment situation. We will continue reporting in AIT 11.2022. For our current issue on healthcare and wellness, we researched worldwide for exceptional sports and wellness facilities and remarkable healthcare buildings. Again, we saw confirmation of how important – besides functionality – an empathetic atmosphere is. Achieving a successful mix of stimulating and calming design, thereby reducing fears and conveying a sense of security and confidence, is an important task that the interiors of hospitals and medical practices must take on. Ackermann+Raff, Stuttgart, however, had to deal with completely different challenges when building a new hospital in Myanmar. Specialists Christine Nickl-Weller and Hans Nickl take a look into the future in their article Corona Impulse and show how hospitals can learn from the pandemic. Since life is picking up speed again despite Covid-19, we can feature a follow-up report on the Supersalone in Milan and report on the INsider Awards 2021 retreat in the Palatinate region. And we would like to recommend a weekend in Zurich, a visit to Berlin’s Horseshoe Estate or a gastronomic tour of Stuttgart. But above all: stay healthy!
Best wishes
Petra Stephan, Dipl.-Ing.
Chief Editor
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Tautes Heim (AIT 11.2021)
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Introspection (AIT 11.2021)
Who am I? What do I want to achieve? The question of one’s self comes easily to some people; others never find the right …