Issue 04 | 2019


Dear Readers,

Since we have selected the projects for our AIT issue on the subject of ‘Office and Administration’, we are well aware of what an office furnished with great attention to detail, design competence, and consideration for functional and ergonomic requirements must look like today. We focused on unusual concepts, the exemplary use of materials and colours, as well as identity-creating unique features. However, taking a look behind the scenes is particularly exciting for us: Where are these spaces planned and in which environment do the architects themselves work? Recently, I had the opportunity to see an office structure that had evolved over 50 years in Vienna – during a visit to the office premises of Coop Himmelb(l)au (top picture). Wolf D. Prix (picture on the right) gave a breath-taking tour of major international projects that still bear the deconstructivist, fascinating signature of the three founders, Wolf D. Prix, Helmut Swiczinsky, and Michael Holzer. Current projects in Vienna can also be found in this issue: from page 122 on, we feature the office of Agenda Austria, based on a design by Vienna-based architectural firm gaupenraub +/-, and on page 40, in the series ‘Three… Wine Architectures’ the Colono Wine Shop in Vienna by the Spanish architect duo Serrano + Baquero. For those who prefer to travel far afield or still need a recommendation for a trip during the Easter holidays, the article by Dr. Micha Gross from Switzerland, founder of the Bauhaus Centre in Tel Aviv, is highly recommended: He takes the readers on ‘A Weekend in … Tel Aviv’ (page 48) and guides them – among other things – to the most impressive architectural icons of the White City. How do you feel about plants in the office? There’s hardly any chance of doing without them, one might think after taking a look at current office projects. I rather agree with artist Saskia Groneberg: When photographed and printed, the office plant (from page 140) does not even have to be watered. We wish you a happy Easter!

Best Wishes
Petra Stephan, Dipl.-Ing.
Chief Editor

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