Three …

Farewell rooms (AIT 11.2020)

Farewell rooms (AIT 11.2020)

Death belongs to life as does birth – that much is clear. Yet we associate a negative feeling with dying. That is why cemetery architecture ranks among the most demanding of all construction tasks. It is, after all, about creating a dignified place for the deceased as well as for the surviving dependants – for resting, mourning and remembering. Besides, the task is often linked with the carrying on of structures which have grown over centuries. We show three highly different works of Christian culture of remembrance.
Holiday Homes (AIT 7/8.2021)

Holiday Homes (AIT 7/8.2021)

Whether holidays in the forest, by the sea or in the mountains – the longing for holidays away from one’s home has rarely been greater than this summer. Holiday homes in the middle of nature are very popular because all types of holidaymakers can find their perfect place here without any corona worries. We show three oases of well-being in Mexico, Denmark and Germany, which are particularly eye-catching because their interior and exterior design makes unerring references to their respective genius loci.
Flower shops (AIT 10.2021)

Flower shops (AIT 10.2021)

For some people, cut flowers are a superfluous luxury, but for many they are more than just a fleeting eye-catcher. Especially in recent months, beautifying the home environment with flower arrangements has experienced a renaissance. If the design and appearance of the store and customer advice are right, even buying a bouquet can be a real treat! We show three stores in Madrid, Milan and Dubai, which offer an effective stage for both the retail of the colourful merchandise and the craft of floristry.
Dental Practices (AIT 1/2.2022)

Dental Practices (AIT 1/2.2022)

For most people, going to the dentist is far from a pleasant event. If psychological barriers are to be lowered, not only is a team required which is professionally and socially competent but so is the suitable setting. The issue is to have rooms which, far from looking sterile, are designed to be high-quality, communicative, trend-conscious and sustainable without reducing their efficiency as dental surgeries. We show you three dental practices in Bielefeld, Frankfurt am Main and Lisbon that meet these high standards.
Fire stations (AIT 10.2024)

Fire stations (AIT 10.2024)

Since the pandemic at the latest, it has become clear that systemically important professions, such as that of a firefighter, deserve recognition. This recognition can also be reflected in the condition and design of their workplaces. A modern fire station today is a multifunctional space that contributes not only to the public image but also to the reliable work of the crews. In this context, we showcase four exemplary fire stations in Straubenhardt, Metzingen, Waldshut-Tiengen and Germersheim.
Breweries (AIT 3.2024)

Breweries (AIT 3.2024)

When you think of beer-brewing culture, it’s not uncommon to conjure up images of traditional dark taprooms. But of course, there is another way: far removed from the cosiness of the regulars’ table, breweries today are showing a sense of pure enjoyment and the value of their craft, which is sometimes made visible through transparent production and sometimes with a hop-growing museum. We show three breweries in Bristol, Tettnang and Montreal, whose taprooms showcase transparency, diversity, sustainability and inclusivity.
Nursing Homes (AIT 11.2023)

Nursing Homes (AIT 11.2023)

As we approach the final years of our lives, we talk about growing old in a self-determined way, but what happens when help is needed? Caregiving used to be the responsibility of the family. Today, children often live far away from their parents who, despite needing care, are getting older than ever. Thus, there has never been a greater need for homes for the elderly and nursing homes. We show three homes in Selfoss, St. Leonhard and Lyngdal that respond to their location, but also to the needs of residents, carers and relatives.
Besucherzentren (AIT 10.2023)

Besucherzentren (AIT 10.2023)

Ganz gleich, ob es um Architektur, Natur oder Gesellschaftsgeschichte geht, Besucherzentren können heute zweifelsfrei als Identitätswahrer und -vermittler gelten. Fernab von Flyerständern und Standrundfahrt-Buchungsschaltern, nach allen Regeln der Szenografiekunst ausgestaltet, helfen sie nicht nur dabei, über den Kontext und Wert eines Ortes zu informieren, sondern auch, Raum für realen Austausch bereitzuhalten. Wir zeigen drei gelungene Besucherzentren in Deutschland, Österreich und Dänemark.
Wineries (AIT 7/8.2023)

Wineries (AIT 7/8.2023)

As some of the best wines can get lost in the shallows of retailers’ shelves, winegrowers around the world are taking the marketing of their products into their own hands: their estates have long since ceased to be merely production sites but are tradition-conscious places of enjoyment that like to showcase their craft. We show three wineries in Austria, Australia and the Czech Republic that have established themselves as popular destinations and vinotheques thanks to good concepts and design.
Monasteries (AIT 5.2023)

Monasteries (AIT 5.2023)

To be absorbed in one’s work, to find oneself, to live moderately and to demonstrate humanity are not only desirable goals for every human being. Values like these have been practiced in monasteries for many centuries. To focus on these values, monastery buildings skilfully manage to reconcile contrasts of use such as encounter and seclusion, physical and mental occupation, spiritual and secular needs. We show three such places of faith that are located in Salzburg/Austria, Brunnen/Switzerland and Kijonjo/Uganda.
Prayer Rooms (AIT 1/2.2023)

Prayer Rooms (AIT 1/2.2023)

A church and praying? That goes together – or doesn’t it? Even if people leaving the church reach record numbers, this does notmean they no longer follow a spiritual path. Five world religions, countless others and what they have in common is praying: meditating, being grateful, asking for something, finding rest and protection in a calm space – with or without speaking. That not all the prayer rooms have to be located in the classic structures of churches is shown by the following projects in England, Austria and Argentina.
Opticians (AIT 12.2022)

Opticians (AIT 12.2022)

Eyeglasses are by now no longer just merely a visual aid; today, they are more of a fashionable-individual expression of one’s own personality and are also part of the accessory- and lifestyle sector. The demands on a specialist optician store have increased accordingly. Far beyond the habitus of a practice, the goal is here to exhibit an awareness of life and, not last, also the attitude of a company. We show three stores in Aschaffenburg, Antwerp and Barcelona, that easily achieve just this.
Retreats (AIT 10.2022)

Retreats (AIT 10.2022)

The trend towards a minimalist life without having to pay high rents and tolerating superfluous ballast has brought the Tiny House movement into being as a logical consequence. In the wake of the corona crisis, many people also wanted a private shelter in nature - far away from the confines of the big city and the stress of everyday life. We show three miniature retreats that offer their builder-owners and users space to switch off and work in secluded corners of Germany, France and Finland.
Ice-cream parlours (AIT 6.2022)

Ice-cream parlours (AIT 6.2022)

Ice-cream parlours just used to mean selling ice-cream across windowsills or from hallways of house entrances. Today, they have developed into ice cafés and want to be designed as a fixed component of the restaurant scene. The catering, the visible craftsmanship and the desire for lightness and summer are to come together in this construction task and tempt passers-by to relish in ice cream: We show you three ice-cream parlours in Frankfurt am Main, Melbourne and Livorno that easily succeed in doing this.
Silent Toilets (AIT 4.2022)

Silent Toilets (AIT 4.2022)

Public conveniences seem to be one of the most banal functional units and building tasks which require the attention of architects and planners. But creating a space that is not only hygienic, efficient and vandalism-proof, but at the same time appealing, imaginative and evenmultifunctional, is undoubtedly an architectural and interior design achievement.We feature three projects that seemto easilymeet this high standard in a wide variety of locations, from a recreational area to a national park to an urban space.
Ballett center (AIT 12.2021)

Ballett center (AIT 12.2021)

Becoming one with music and making motion sequences hardly comprehensible for laypersons look so perfect and effort that feelings and stories are communicated without words – this is what dance is and ballet in particular! What, for the audience, is a pure pleasure is hard work for the professional dancers, carried by pure passion. We show you three professional ballet facilities in Stuttgart, London and Melbourne that, in addition to custom-made areas for training and production, also provide space for emotions.
Micro-Apartments (AIT 5.2021)

Micro-Apartments (AIT 5.2021)

As is well known, living space is extremely scarce and expensive in the rapidly growing Asian cities of millions in this world. Living in a minimum of space is inevitable for the majority of people. To make micro apartments look attractive and generous is a question of organization. We show you three examples from Singapore, Seoul and Shanghai with between 16 and 47 square metres. And they have a common denominator: woods and wood décors are to atmospherically contribute to produce comfortable, private miniature refuges.
Eyeware Stores (AIT 1/2.2021)

Eyeware Stores (AIT 1/2.2021)

Choosing a new eyewear model can become a time-consuming endeavour. No other accessory or item of clothing changes our external appearance as directly as the visual aid right on our nose. This is why the decision needs to be carefully considered! As a result, spectacle wearers spend a long time in the salesroom. The quality of the stay, the display of glasses, the lighting concept... if the interior design conveys a high design quality, the advisory competence promises to be similar.
Wineries (AIT 10.2020)

Wineries (AIT 10.2020)

Wine and architecture have long belonged together. Various labels with images of traditional, small press houses and large, renowned wineries prove this. In the meantime, this enjoyable combination of building- and viniculture has been lost. In an increasingly globalized world, regional values are again attractive as unique selling points since they convey authenticity. We show you three individual types of architecture around wine which offer their very own experiences regarding place, spaces and senses.
Canteens (AIT 9.2020)

Canteens (AIT 9.2020)

Catering concepts are as diverse as are the current eating cultures and food trends. Having a meal together has long been more than just food intake and the canteens of yesterday have little in common with the canteen culture of tomorrow. Healthy nutrition and regional products are just as much in the focus here as is the digital networking and the possibility of communicatively sitting down for a meal with friends and colleagues. We show you three canteens which turned out to be appetizing in many respects.
Research Facilities (AIT 6/2020)

Research Facilities (AIT 6/2020)

The planning and design of research facilities is subject to very special requirements: cost-intensive laboratories, communal areas that promote communication and a prestigious appearance must always be on the architect’s agenda. In addition, the three research centres in Orsay, Badalona and Wageningen presented here meet high design standards. They are bursting with ideas, are user-friendly, enter into dialogue with their surroundings and set standards for contemporary research and experimentation.
Community houses (AIT 07/08 | 2017)

Community houses (AIT 07/08 | 2017)

It is no secret: church communities are shrinking. As a consequence of dwindling memberships, the need for large rooms for praying and congregational life is decreasing, too. So what happens if churches and community centres, which are in need of renovation and involve high maintenance costs, no longer correspond to the size of their parish? We present three impressive solutions: a community hall in Mosbach, a parish centre in Passau and a community pavilion in Basel.
Optometrists (AIT 09 | 2017)

Optometrists (AIT 09 | 2017)

From the hipster to the average user — glasses are totally trendy and they are one thing above all: a fashionable accessory. Whether consisting of wood, aluminium or synthetic material, the look is essential – when buying glasses as well as when it comes to the shop design. With Külling Optik in St. Gallen, Binder Optik in Stuttgart and Nill Optik in Mössingen, we show you three opticians who, due to their competence, quality and a trend-conscious consulting- and sales environment, stay competitive despite the online-shopping mania.
Market Halls (AIT 1.2/2020)

Market Halls (AIT 1.2/2020)

Merely selling off food was yesterday! Today, market halls actively contribute to public life by offering art exhibitions, event venues or social facilities as true added values and, as side welcome benefits, upgrade the built environment into the bargain. We show you three market halls in Schiltigheim, Herford and Baza which, in their different ways, invite residents as well as tourists to come and indulge themselves.
Pharmacies (AIT 11 | 2019)

Pharmacies (AIT 11 | 2019)

Normally, going to a pharmacy is one of those activities one would really prefer to do without. Long queues, expensive medication and, in many cases, a clinical-functional interior usually cause frustration much rather than contributing to getting well again. This does not apply to these three projects: An attractive and, in some instances, unconventional handling of materials, innovative concepts and a colourful design prove that there are also pharmacies which can be recommended without any risks or side effects.
Cinemas (AIT 10 | 2019)

Cinemas (AIT 10 | 2019)

Urban, individual, sensual - after the great decline in the number of cinemas, many arthouse cinemas reinvent themselves and rise like a phoenix from the ashes to become crowd-pullers. New openings, extensions and revitalisations have come up with imaginative details in their foyers and projection rooms. Three cinemas demonstrate how the dead motion-picture theatre has become a cultural hotspot because of new mixed uses.
Community houses (AIT 06 | 2017)

Community houses (AIT 06 | 2017)

Whether whimsical or momentous – museums and collections are the stores of knowledge in our society but this alone does not per se make them interesting places. The point is to fascinate above all the younger generation enthusiastic about art and history with intriguing concepts. We show you three examples which could not be any more different: a doll museum in Seoul in Korea, a museum of military history in Mons in Belgium and a natural-history museum in St. Gallen in Switzerland.
Fire station (AIT 04 | 2017)

Fire station (AIT 04 | 2017)

Every second counts! Planning fire stations is a complex construction task with particularly high requirements as to logistics. That the buildings can also, by all means, be ambitiously designed was proved by Zaha Hadid in 1993 with the fire station on the Vitra Campus in Weil am Rhein. We show you three recently completed fire stations, each with unique feature: In Sand in Taufers designed by Pedevilla Architekten, in Chamonix-Mont-Blanc by Studio Gardoni Architectures and in Winnenden by Drei Architekten.
Airport-Lounges (AIT 09 | 2019)

Airport-Lounges (AIT 09 | 2019)

In times of Ryanair, easyJet and others, travelling by air has lost some of the glamour and charm of days gone by. In order to nevertheless give the more solvent passengers a feeling of exclusivity, many airlines make special lounges available for their guest which guarantees heightened comfort with catering and upscale seating. The following examples – which take us all the way from Russia via South America to Rome – show how such a concept can be implemented with an exciting kind of architecture.
Residential high-rises (AIT 03 | 2017)

Residential high-rises (AIT 03 | 2017)

Residential high-rises are currently experiencing a revival – densification being the actual magic word. But whereas, in the 1960s and 1970s, the high-rise developments were above all intended for generating affordable living space, the new towers lure with high-quality furnishing. The Garden Tower near Bern is situated right in the country, the AXIS residential tower in Frankfurt am Main on the outskirts and The Metropolitans in Zurich offers urban living on the periphery.
Hairdresser’s (AIT 01/02 | 2017)

Hairdresser's (AIT 01/02 | 2017)

Cutting and dying as well as lifestyle and creativity are required when it comes to hairdressing. Those who want to successfully defend their position on the market have to offer more than the hairdresser’s basics. An appealing and equally functional interior concept can be a first step in the right direction of designing an attractive service package and achieve strong customer loyalty. The planners at Betty und Betty, Innocad Architektur and Serrano + Baquero arquitectos demonstrate what such a salon can look like.
Bus stations (AIT 12 | 2016)

Bus stations (AIT 12 | 2016)

Unlike a train station or an airport, a bus station is an very often neglected construction task. Centrally situated, it usually has a prominent position in the urban development and thus frequently not only becomes an important traffic hub but also an element of public life. With exemplary projects by Metaraum Architekten, COBE and Gottlieb Paludan Architects as well as Architectus, we show how bus stations can turn into urban spaces of high quality and functionality.
Kirchen (AIT 09 | 2016)

Kirchen (AIT 09 | 2016)

Kirchen sind prägende Bauten – nicht nur für das Ortsbild, sondern ebenso in ihrer identitätsstiftenden Funktion für eine Gemeinde. Als einem beständigen und besinnlichen Ort haftet ihnen in der schnelllebigen Welt von heute eine besondere Atmosphäre an. Wie unterschiedlich Architekten mit dieser Bauaufgabe umgehen, demonstrieren drei Beispiele auf den folgenden Seiten: Neben der St.-Paulus-Kirche im schwäbischen Balingen zeigen wir die Don-Bosco-Kirche in Maribor (Slowenien) und eine Pfarrkirche in Monterrey (Mexiko).
Stundentenwohnungen (AIT 07/08 | 2016)

Stundentenwohnungen (AIT 07/08 | 2016)

Winziges Zimmer, Gestaltung egal, Hauptsache günstig? Studentenwohnheime dieser Art gehören glücklicherweise immer mehr der Vergangenheit an. Auch wenn das Budget bei dieser Bauaufgabe oftmals keine großen Sprünge zulässt, können aus ungewöhnlichen und pfiffigen Ideen nicht nur zweckdienliche, sondern ebenso inspirierende Lebensräume für junge Menschen entstehen – wie unsere Auswahl von drei Studentenappartements im kanadischen Montreal, in der deutschen Stadt Kamp-Lintfort und im dänischen Odense zeigt.
Silent places (AIT 07/08 | 2019)

Silent places (AIT 07/08 | 2019)

A place that everyone knows but nobody talks about: the public toilet hardly receives any attention as a building task, although it can – like probably hardly any other type of building – be regarded as the epitome of civilizing hygiene and is indispensable as part of almost every kind of public space. Whether as a cemetery toilet, on a public parking lot or at a crossroads, in the following we present three examples that can turn relieving oneself into an architecturally valuable experience.
Sporthallen (AIT 06 | 2016)

Sporthallen (AIT 06 | 2016)

Dass der Sportunterricht an vielen Schulen zu kurz kommt, liegt nicht nur an fehlenden Fachlehrern, sondern oft genug auch am fragwürdigen Zustand der Turnhallen. Damit sollten das Kepler- und Humboldt-Gymnasium in Ulm, die Rudolf Steiner Schule in Berlin und die Hauptschule in Klaus allerdings keine Probleme haben! Alle drei profitieren von ungewöhnlichen Lösungen, die die Architekten für ihre Sporthallen gefunden haben – vom Übereinanderstapeln aus Platzmangel bis hin zu multifunktionalen, flexibel anpassbaren Unterrichtsräumen.
Public toilets (AIT 05 | 2016)

Public toilets (AIT 05 | 2016)

They are public buildings – but not the type we usually present in this issue: we mean public toilets. For the majority, this topic will probably arouse rather negative associations. The three examples on the following pages demonstrate that well designed facilities therefore stand out even more positively: we show you two toilet facilities in Japan – one at the Tokyo-Narita Airport and the other in the City of Nakanojo – as well as a small toilet house in Lauterhofen.
Memorials (AIT 03 | 2016)

Memorials (AIT 03 | 2016)

Memorial sites are places to remember the victims of wars and regimes of tyranny. They are not only to serve the survivors as a place of mourning but also as a stimulus for dealing with the terrors of violence and for reminding of the significance of peace. The following three “buildings of remembrance” – in the form of a house in pre-Columbian Pueblo Bello, a ring in Ablain St Nazaire in France and a forest in Schwielowsee near Potsdam – turn remembrance into built reality.
Wine Estates (AIT 01/02 | 2016)

Wine Estates (AIT 01/02 | 2016)

In the area of what is today Austria, wine growing has been rooted for millennia and this has left its definite mark on the country’s scenery as well as on its culture. Not only when it comes to wines is much importance attached to quality. The design of the wineries, the very places where wine is processed or tasted, is increasingly gaining significance. Three wineries in Lower Austria and South Steiermark show how traditional wine-growing and contemporary architecture can merge.
Forschungsbauten (AIT 11 | 2015)

Forschungsbauten (AIT 11 | 2015)

Gesundheit ist ein wertvolles Gut, und dementsprechend wichtig ist die Gesundheitsforschung. Es gibt kaum einen anderen Bereich, in dem die Menschen so direkt von neuen Errungenschaften profitieren. Dadurch, dass sie Gebäude mit optimalen Forschungsbedingungen schaffen, leisten auch Innen-/Architekten ihren Beitrag zum medizinischen Fortschritt. Mit den Forschungsbauten in München, Paris und Clermont-Ferrand stellen wir Ihnen drei Projekte vor, die modernste Forschung mit innovativer Architektur vereinen.
Bibliotheken (AIT 10 | 2015)

Bibliotheken (AIT 10 | 2015)

Die Bauaufgabe ist die gleiche – und doch könnten die Gebäude oft nicht unterschiedlicher sein. Wir präsentieren Ihnen eine Auswahl von drei Projekten rund um das Thema Bibliothek: Für die Universität in Falun schufen die Architekten eine „Spirale des Wissens“, das Niedere Kornhaus in Zwickau ist nicht mehr länger ein Getreide-, sondern nun ein Wissensspeicher, während die instand gesetzte Weston Library der University of Oxford seit Kurzem modernste Archivierungs- und Forschungsmöglichkeiten bietet.
Laufstege (AIT 09 | 2015)

Laufstege (AIT 09 | 2015)

Einfach eine Gasse zwischen Stuhlreihen bilden und fertig ist der Laufsteg? Vielleicht würde das sogar schon wieder Aufmerksamkeit erregen. Denn momentan dominieren bei den großen Marken vor allem aufwendig gestaltete Modelaufstege und -schauen. Wer nicht über eine eigene Abteilung für Entwurf und Planung solcher Inszenierungen verfügt, beauftragt externe Architektur- und Innenarchitekturbüros. Im Folgenden zeigen wir drei räumlich spannende Laufstege, die von Architekten und Designern gestaltet wurden.
Buildings for horses (AIT 07/08 | 2015)

Buildings for horses (AIT 07/08 | 2015)

Again and again, we come across fascinating projects regarding a building task not covered by the usual topics in our editions. But we certainly do not want to keep good architecture from you! That is why what is extraordinary and extravagant finds its place in the “Three …” series. In this edition’s project, large hoofed animals are in the focus: We show you two riding facilities in Mexico and Portugal, the former with a guesthouse, as well as the extension of the Aachen dressage stadium.
Hostels (AIT 06 | 2015)

Hostels (AIT 06 | 2015)

Die Bauaufgabe ist dieselbe, doch die Ausführung oft ganz unterschiedlich: In der Serie Drei präsentieren wir Ihnen immer drei Projekte zum gleichen Thema. Dass Hostels und Jugendherbergen längst viel mehr als billige Absteigen sind, beweisen diese gelungenen Beispiele, deren Gestaltung von der jeweiligen Umgebung inspiriert ist: Das neue Generator Paris ist so bunt und vielfältig wie die Stadt selbst, während sich die zwei jüngsten Bauten der Schweizer Jugendherbergen ideal in ihren ländlichen Kontext einfügen.
Sakralbauten (AIT 05 | 2015)

Sakralbauten (AIT 05 | 2015)

In der Serie Drei... zeigen wir stets ausgewählte Projekte zu einer gemeinsamen Bauaufgabe – passend zum Heftthema sind es diesmal drei Sakralbauten: Während die Gestaltung der Shonan Christ Church in Kanagawa von der Schöpfungsgeschichte inspiriert ist, haben heiratswillige Romantiker mit der Ribbon Chapel in Onomichi vielleicht demnächst ein neues Reiseziel. Die älteste Kirche Deutschlands, die Trierer Konstantin-Basilika, ist dagegen seit Kurzem im Besitz einer neuen Orgel – übrigens der größten in Trier!
Holiday homes (AIT 04 | 2015)

Holiday homes (AIT 04 | 2015)

We frequently come across exciting projects which do not quite fit the topics in our editions. But neither do we want you to miss out on good architecture! That is the reason why, in the series Three … there is always room for selected projects with the same, often unusual or extraordinary building task. Three exceptional holiday homes – on the beach in Thailand, in the Swiss Alpine scenery and in a skiing region of Norway – which hopefully start you dreaming about your next holiday!
Wine shops (AIT 04 | 2019)

Wine shops (AIT 04 | 2019)

Whether full-bodied, dry or fruity – the market offers wines in any price category and flavour. For triggering an impulse to buy, dealers have long been counting on event marketing and emotionalizing for attracting customers. It is a fact that buyers want more than merely the product. They want to be made enthusiastic, want to be part of a community and want to learn something in as entertaining a way as possible. We show you three wine shops which demonstrate how selling fine wines can be successful today.
Beauty salons (AIT 03 | 2015)

Beauty salons (AIT 03 | 2015)

We frequently come across exciting projects which do not quite fit the topics in our editions. But neither do we want you to miss out on good architecture! That is the reason why, in the series Three … there is always room for select projects with the same, often unusual or extraordinary building task. In this edition, the subject is beauty: We show you two hairdressing salons in the French port city of Marseille and the Belgian city of Genk as well as a nail studio in Osaka (Japan).
Bahnhöfe (AIT 01/02 | 2015)

Bahnhöfe (AIT 01/02 | 2015)

Seit einem Jahr zeigen wir Ihnen nun auch spannende Projekte, die nicht in unsere üblichen Heftthemen passen. Mit der Serie Drei... finden stets drei ausgewählte Beispiele zu einer übergreifenden, oft ausgefallenen oder außergewöhnlichen Bauaufgabe Platz im Heft. Und wenn Sie diesmal nur Bahnhof verstehen, hat das seine Richtigkeit! Wir stellen Ihnen nämlich die umgestaltete Verteilerebene am Hauptbahnhof in München, die Metrostation Kraaiennest in Amsterdam und den neuen Bahnhofplatz in Winterthur vor.
Bakeries (AIT 10 | 2018)

Bakeries (AIT 10 | 2018)

In times of industrial production of baked goods as well as pastry departments in supermarkets and discounters, bakeries have a hard time maintaining their traditional craftsmanship. However, the trend towards quality products seems to be re-establishing itself, as current movements such as "slowbaking" indicate. We feature three bakeries by Hannes Zieher in Vienna, John Pawson in Milan, and B.L.U.E. Architecture Studio in Beijing, who know how to focus on goods and manual work.
Libraries (AIT 09 | 2018)

Libraries (AIT 09 | 2018)

Whether literary classics, light fiction or specialist journals – despite the growing significance of the digital media, the print medium keeps its appeal and so do libraries as urban meeting places. All along, libraries have no longer served exclusively for storing books and lending them. Nowadays, they are, in fact, attractions in the urban context, places of silence but also of communication. Their relationship with the public space is significant and their quality of stay is appreciated. Three libraries in the focus.
Sports halls (AIT 06 | 2018)

Sports halls (AIT 06 | 2018)

In times when a healthy lifestyle and sportive leisure activities are getting more and more popular, shabby-stuffy gyms are no longer the order of the day. A stylish or at least classy look is the way to go, even when sweating alltogether in a group. Anyone who plans gyms designs for an increasingly demanding clientele, but unfortunately often on a small budget. We present three sports halls in Clamart, Pegnitz, and Curitiba, which impress with their aesthetics, functionality, and a portion of wilful design.
Wine shops (AIT 03 | 2018)

Wine shops (AIT 03 | 2018)

Everyone is likely to have done it sometimes: Choosing a wine for its label without knowing anything about its taste. The way out of this supermarket dilemma is the advice of a wine merchant. In the best case, the latter has the enjoyment of wine in mind and focuses on values such as quality, service and design. We show you three wine shops designed by BEHF, Bauatelier12 and CBA which turn the sales room into an experience-oriented setting for tastings where wine lovers like to spend their free time.
Bakery projects (AIT 01/02 | 2018)

Bakery projects (AIT 01/02 | 2018)

Put baked goods in the display counter and they will sell automatically? As if! If you want to convince customers of your products, even a bakery needs to offer more than a plain sales counter and the always identical franchise equipment. We feature three remarkable bakery projects by B. L. U. E. Architecture Studio from Beijing, Dyer-Smith Frey from Zurich and FiveCell from Warsaw, which with great imagination whet the appetite for freshly baked products.
Rooms for mourning (AIT 12 | 2017)

Rooms for mourning (AIT 12 | 2017)

At the end, what counts is a neutral venue which provides space for any form of mourning: Death is a sensitive issue and is often repressed. But when the time has come, relatives are grateful for a sheltered setting where they can bid farewell in a dignified manner. Architects are therefore obliged to design rooms where this may be done regardless of people’s religion and social origin. We show you three impressive buildings in St. Gallen, Oberriet and Igualada which convince with well-measured, intimate rooms for mourning.