Page 148 - AIT1219_E-Paper
P. 148


                                                                             Durch den Rückschnitt der oberen Garagendecke entstehen ... • The pruning of the garage ceiling creates ...

               Ein Blick aus dem gläsernen Aufzug offenbart die Vielschichtigkeit. • The glass elevator reveals the complexity.  ... verschiedenste Arbeitsplätze unter der gevouteten Decke. • ... a variety of workspaces under the vaulted ceiling.

               T   his true treasure of architectural history is hidden just a few walking minutes  them repaired. The discrepancy between the costs and the benefits, however, put
                                                                             an end to this era as well. At first glance the new, golden access inspired by the fa-
                   from Zurich central station. Where, until a few years ago, an unspectacular ca-
               nopy indicated the access to the former town hall and later garage located in the  mous Gotthard Tunnel is the most obvious change during the latest conversion of the
               backyard, now a golden gate invites to the headquarters of Switzerland Tourism.  hall. But inside as well, the alterations are no less spectacular.
               Since July 2019, the marketing organization has been promoting Switzerland as a
               holiday- and conference country at home and abroad from this new headquarters.  The past and the future are given a new common roof
               Burkhalter Sumi Architekten together with the interior designers from Büronauten
               attached importance to the restoration of the existing stock as well as accentuating  It was a particular concern of the architects to, above all, make it once again possible
               it with exclusive and regionally typical elements. Thus names of famous pass roads,  to experience the original sense of space in the hall from the floor to the ceiling. To
               mountains and lakes are assigned to individual offices and meeting rooms. On an  achieve this, two ceiling panels under the renovated skylights were opened up
               area of more than 800 square metres on three floors, the former usages of the buil-  which, in the form of atriums, make illuminating the interior with daylight possible
               ding are cleverly and elegantly combined to introduce the new, third epoch.   all the way down to the ground floor and, at the same time, bring the filigree, rive-
                                                                             ted steel frameworks of the listed ceiling construction to the fore again. The top ga-
               A town hall becomes a prestigious flagship                     rage ceiling was cut back on the long sides and the original gallery thus restored.
                                                                             In addition to the extensive ramp construction, a lift glazed on three sides is the
               Due to the bold design by the architect Oscar Brennwald in the year 1906 to have  new access to the three storeys with a wide variety of open office area and added
               the town hall with a length of 40 metres and a width of 20 metres constructed  boxes to provide options for retreating and an atmosphere of privacy. The preserved
               with no supports, it already impressed during its first epoch. With boxing mat-  ceiling- and wall paintings, which only came to light again in the course of the re-
               ches and dances, company events and foodbanks of the Salvation Army as well  novation, complement the impressive appearance of the formerly magnificent the
               as a variety of trade fairs, the venue was part of the Zurich social life for 40 years.  hall. In combination with the uncovered pilaster strips and the newly opened up
               The availability of seating for up to 1,400 people made the building particularly  windows which had only been suggested on one side of the building, bright, mar-
               attractive. In the 1940s and with competing halls being constructed, the town hall  vellous interiors result. The original arched windows are protected by new box-type
               could no longer be profitably used. Thus the beauty of the art nouveau hall dis-  windows. To meet the current energetic requirements, the façade was insulated and
               appeared beneath layers of monochrome paint suitable for a multi-storey parking  dark-grey sgraffito was applied. This is the start of a new period in the history of
               building. Until 2017, it was still possible to park cars here, rent them and have  the hall of many faces.

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