Page 133 - AIT0716_E-Paper
P. 133

Hygienische Oberflächen, strenge Geometrien und die für Mallet-Stevens typischen Heizungsverkleidungen spielen in der Villa eine große Rolle. • Strict geometry covers typical for Mallet-Stevens play a role in the villa.

                steel) and noble materials from various countries are. This "modern-day château” is
                laid out ar ound a hall way giving onto a  vast drawing room, whose large window
                opens onto the garden and water mirror. This layout is divided up by function, with
                a parents’ wing, servants’ area, children’s area, and sports and relaxation areas, and
                terraces, whilst an immense basemen t houses the wine cellar, a huge boiler room,
                the laundry room, and storage areas.
                From prestigious building project to a monument
                The interior spaces and furniture of the villa then underwent major transformations
                                                                                                     9     3
                as a r esult of the dama ge caused by military occupation during the Se cond World                          5          7
                War and due to the changing needs of the family. Paul Cavrois return to his house in  11  11  10  4                    7
                January 1947 and called on architect Pierre Barbe, who modified the house between                                      7
                1947 and 1959. Following the death of the Cavrois couple, the house was in September       2                6   6      8
                1988 sold to a property development company that planned on dividing the grounds  15
                up into building plots and demo lishing the  villa. A pressure group was set up t o        1
                oppose this plan, resulting in the foundation of the Association de Sauvegarde de la
                Villa Cavrois in N ovember 19 90. The  villa  was list ed as a hist oric monumen t in  Erdgeschoss • Ground floor
                December 1990. Despite various legal actions brought by the association, the proper-
                ty developer continued to neglect the villa. After lying vandalised and in a st ate of
                virtual ruin, the villa along with and parts of the grounds was bought by the State in
                2001. Upon purchasing the villa, the State launched a particularly large restoration
                campaign. The total budget for works to save the villa and grounds was estimated at  8  12  13  3  8  14  14  8  14
                nearly 23 million eur o. The Centre des Monuments Natio  n aux (CMN) has mana ged
                this vast restoration campaign since 2008. The C avrois Villa was entrusted to the
                CMN in order to open it to the public, in accordance with its statutory missions. The
                priority was to present the in terior spaces designed by Mallet-Stevens as a li ving
                space for the C avrois family. Since the C avrois Villa is one of  the f ew Modernist-
                inspired F rench buil dings of  the 19 30s, th e N ational C ommittee f or H istoric  Obergeschoss • Upper level
                Monuments decided to reinstate the original interior volumes and layout. Extensive
                research was requi red before actually conducting the restoration work and reconsti-
                tuting the  villa and gr oun ds as f aithfully as pos sible. By re-establishing the gr eat  1  Überdachter Eingangsbereich • roofed entrance area  9  Raucherraum • smoking room
                majority of the de corative, functional, and architectural features of the monumen t,  2  Eingangshalle • entrance hall   10  Büro des Hausherren • study of the man of the house
                                                                              3  Salon • parlour             11  Räume der jungen Herren • rooms of the young men
                the State has brought the original ambition of the Cavrois and Mallet-Stevens back to  4  Esszimmer • dining room   12  Schlafzimmer der Eltern • master bedroom
                life. Today the C avrois  Villa is a  lively and d ynamic place  with encounters and  5  Esszimmer für die Kinder • children’s dining room   13  Boudoir der Hausherrin • boudoir of the lady of house
                                                                              6  Küche • kitchen             14  Räume der Kinder • children’s rooms
                debates about architecture and design, taking its due place in the ne twork of local,  7  Personal • servants  15  Terrasse • terrace
                national, and international cultural institutions. Informations:  8  Bad • bathroom   16  Pool • pool

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