Page 77 - AIT0517_E-Paper
P. 77

Jeden Monat nähern sich unsere Kolumnisten, die Berliner Filmemacher Dominik und Benjamin Reding, dem jeweiligen Heftthema
                auf ihre ganz eigene Art und Weise. Geboren wurden die Zwillinge am 3. Ja nuar 1969 in Dortmund. Während Dominik Architektur
                in Aachen und Film in Hamburg studierte, absolvierte Benjamin ein Schauspielstudium in Stuttgart. 1997 begann die Arbeit an
                ihrem ersten gemeinsamen Kinofilm „Oi! Warning“. Seitdem arbeiten sie für Fernseh- und Kinofilmprojekte zusammen.

                Each month our columnists, Berlin-based filmmakers Dominik and Benjamin Reding, approach the respective issue-specific
                theme in their very personal way. The twins were born on January 3, 1969 in Dortmund. Whilst Dominik studied architecture
                in Aachen and film in Hamburg, Benjamin graduated in acting studies in Stuttgart. They started working on their first joint
                motion picture “Oi! Warning“ in 1997. Since then they have tightly collaborated for TV and cinema film projects.

                Ein Essay von Dominik Reding
                I  nitially they can still have a wash in museums, but then they are no longer  Now, two years before the magical anniversary year 2019, three cities are competing
                                                                              with the Bauhaus heritage. Weimar, of course, the cradle of the notion, Dessau,
                   allowed in, than it gets difficult.” I read this in Andy Warhol’s “From A to B and
                back again” and pondered. Whether one can really get that low that museum toilets  which can boast THE Bauhaus, the architectural blueprint of the “Bauhaus style”
                start to replace the private bathroom at home? I thought of the homeless people I  which is copied all over the world and Berlin. Here, the Bauhaus was forced to close
                had noticed in New York. With matted hair, wrapped up in clothing made of card-  in 1933; here, the largest and most significant collection on the Bauhaus can be
                board and plastic bags, they begged at Washington Square and would definitely not  found, and here is the last building  Walter Gropius and  his team designed for
                gain access to a museum anymore. Several months later, after sleepless nights in a  Germany, which has served as a depot since 1979: the “Bauhaus-Archiv – Museum
                30-man dormitory of a youth hostel in London, I staggered towards Clore Gallery at  für Gestaltung”. An architectural icon. All three cities initiated a competition, but in
                daybreak, a museum which accommodates the world’s largest collection of paint-  Berlin it will not be a complete new museum but an annexe to the existing building,
                ings by William Turner. However, I was neither interested in the building, ironic-post  so to say fiddling around with the Gropius icon. The winner of the competition was
                modern architecture by James Sterling, nor the world-famous Turner paintings, I was  an architect from Berlin, no longer that young who has become known for his muse-
                interested in the loo. Eventually I would be able to clean my body in peace and  um buildings: Volker Staab.
                quiet, brush my teeth, wash my hair. The toilette was bright and large and looked  Just imagine one could have been around when the Bauhaus was invented! Being
                clean and I thought of Andy  Warhol and his                                             present when Gropius and his starry–eyed ide-
                statement. I started to run water down my hair                                          alistic colleagues designed the Bauhaus build-
                and talked to myself: “The man was right.”                                              ing in Dessau, being present when they assem-
                “Either first prize or eliminated after the first                                       bled the  Wassily Chair, the  Wagenfeld lamp
                round. Anything else sucks.” Professor Döring                                           and the Gropius door handle, being present
                grumbled, moaned, looking sullenly at his con-                                          when they created the “Bauhaus style”. And
                cept. This site simply did not work out. A muse-                                        now  we have the opportunity to be actually
                um for contemporary art in a backyard! And to                                           around. At least kind of.
                top it off: a crooked, obstructed backyard lack-                                        I ask Volker Staab for a meeting and he agrees.
                ing daylight. He pushed the staircases up and                                           The  workshop of an alchemist awaits me, a
                down, the lifts from the front to the back, the                                         secret laboratory,  where behind steel  vault
                entrances from the left to the right. And then he                                       doors  with tricky combination locks the
                looked at us, his assistants and student                                                Bauhaus is trumped, reinvented or completely
                apprentices, expectantly enquiring. And  we                                             discarded, and 21th century architecture
                looked  back  at  him  quizzically.  It  wouldn’t                                       emerges over ecstatic dancing and whispered
                work out. After more and more desperate                                                 incantations from the infinite  white of the
                attempts, the outcome was a tall rectangle with                                         drawing paper or the electronic gleam of the
                a  dramatically  steep  flight  of  stairs  stretching                                  iMac. However, trumping and St. Vitus dances
                across all levels as well as a façade, which was                                        are not Volker Staab’s thing. He prudently sits
                remotely reminiscent of the Musée Pompidou  Foto: Benjamin Reding                       at his desk, rolls the sketching paper across
                in Paris. Finally, a talented assistant drew a                                          the  Resopal  worktop  and  sketches  the  cuba-
                smiling Pop Art Marilyn across the glass façade.                                        ture of a new building  with fine, searching
                We handed in our concept. Our design for the architectural competition for   lines. There will be a garden courtyard, surrounded by large-format windows and
                the Museum for Contemporary Art in Nuremberg. It didn’t come first and was not  concrete walls, floors, ceilings as smooth and as precise as if cut from a block of
                eliminated after the first assessment round, but somewhere in-between. The winner  marzipan  with a kitchen knife, and a filigree tower as milestone and entrance.
                of the competition was a then completely unknown young architect by the name   Volker Staab says that the new building shall be a “teammate at eye level” with the
                of Volker Staab.                                              existing Gropius building. A continuation, an addition, which turns two buildings
                1919 must have been an important year in Germany. Three museums are currently  into one and improves the ‘new whole’. And he succeeds, the new building makes
                planned and constructed simultaneously to commemorate an event that happened  the old building more usable, updates it without disturbing it. I am slightly disap-
                that year. Is it about the signing of the Versailles Peace Treaty? No. About the intro-  pointed. No coup d’état, no revolt, no fresh start, no shattering of the Holy Grail. Mr
                duction  of  the  eight-hour  working  day  on  1.1.1919?  No.  The  proclamation  of  the  Gropius would have liked the annexe, definitely.
                Bavarian Soviet Republic? No. The foundation of the HSV football club? The founda-  When leaving, my eyes get caught by the plans once again. The tower, the garden,
                tion of the German Communist Party? The birth of Loki Schmidt? No, no, no. On  the entrance area. Ah, I see: There will be a generously sized toilet section, it will be
                Tuesday, 1 April 1919, a new school of art was founded in the Thuringian ducal city  easy to reach, easy to clean and sufficiently illuminated. And one will be able to
                after the abdication of the local potentate of the petty state. Its first director was  have a proper wash in there – when necessary a complete body wash. That’s not the
                Walter Gropius and he called it “Staatliches Bauhaus Weimar.”   worst thing architecture can achieve, is it?

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