Page 126 - AIT0116_E-Paper
P. 126


                                                                             A  s location for the latest showroom of the Quiksilver, Roxy and DC Shoes fashion
                                                                                labels, Kauai Textilvertriebs GmbH chose an old industrial hall in the north of
                                                                             Munich. In the past, children’s books by the Schneider publishing company were
                                                                             printed here. The site is still owned by the Schneider Family, but nothing has been
                                                                             printed or produced in the halls for a long time. The existing buildings and the hete-
                                                                             rogeneous commercial surroundings seemed to be ideal for translating the content-
                                                                             related, functional and structural requirements specified by Kauai  Textilvertriebs
                                                                             GmbH. The open-minded nature of the owner and his eagerness to try new things
                                                                             turned out to be a true windfall for the success of this project.

                                                                             The mere size of the halls became tangible again

                                                                             In the years following the printing operations, the industrial ensemble was occupied
                                                                             by crafts businesses and a car dealership, before Kauai GmbH rented a majority of
                                                                             the floor area in 2014 to open a shared showroom for their three fashion brands on
                                                                             a total floor area of 1,300 square metres. For this purpose, two of the four halls were
                                                                             completely stripped. That way, their mere size and effect of their north-facing shed
               Die Büros wurden entlang der Straßenfassade platziert. • The offices were placed along the street façade.  roofs and the filigree,  white half-timbered structure became tangible again.  The
                                                                             result is a bright room immersed in daylight, which provides optimal lighting condi-
                                                                             tions owing to indirect light entering from the north. The demands on the interior
               Beim Betreten durchquert der Kunde diesen Riegel. • The customer crosses through this elongated volume.
                                                                             design concept primarily comprised the addition of new fixtures, materials and
                                                                             colours to the existing context in a sensitive and  yet contrasting  way. The client
                                                                             demanded a simple, subtle material concept doing justice to the corporate identity
                                                                             of the three companies. Eventually, the architects chose maritime pine, which was
                                                                             used as both wall and floor covering. The ensuing wear of the surfaces especially on
                                                                             the floor is wittingly accepted and corresponds to the desired vintage look of the
                                                                             shops. The panels were sanded and subsequently oiled to ensure a basic durability
                                                                             and allow intensive usage. The connections of details were planned and executed in
                                                                             a robust and solid way. The hall is also intended as future venue for special show
                                                                             events – for example skateboard events or fashion shows. The only firmly installed
                                                                             spatial volume is the office section along the street façade. When entering the hall,
                                                                             the customer crosses through this elongated volume, before stepping into the slightly
                                                                             raised hall and overlooking the complete showroom. Only sliding glass doors sepa-
                                                                             rate all offices from the presentation hall to ensure a visual connection of the single
                                                                             functional areas. Communication and exchange between both the employees and
                                                                             customers was a fundamental precondition of the new interior concept. Detached
                                                                             room dividers in the form of black shelves additionally allow simple restructuring in
                                                                             the office area. An existing vehicle ramp along the access platform dating from the
                                                                             time when the hall was used as a car dealership was integrated into the interior
                                                                             design. It is now used for the presentation of clothing and sport equipment as well
                                                                             as barrier-free access. A large roller shutter at the back of the hall additionally allows
                                                                             direct deliveries. Opposite the ramp, a meeting cube supported by stilts, with its sim-
                                                                             plicity being reminiscent of a beach hut, protrudes into the room. Here, too, a large-
                                                                             format glazing establishes a direct connection to the exhibition area. The room is
                                                                             used as both internal meeting room and small presentation space for customers.

                                                                             The subtle design gives the goods a more intensive effect
               Schnitt • Section
                                                                             The furniture of the showroom had to be flexible and partly supported by castors
                                                                             to allow for simply and quick redecoration of the hall for the winter respectively sum-
                                                                             mer collections. Used wooden tables, shelves and leather armchairs were used as
                                                                             presentation furniture.  The modest colouration of surfaces in the form of bright
                                                                             wood, deep black and white give the colourful pieces of clothing, accessories, surf-
                                                                             boards and skis an even more intensive appearance. The core element of the area is
                                                                             the large, open-plan kitchen, which serves as meeting and communication point and
                                                                             café. The six-metre long, detached counter can also be used as a bar during events.
                                                                             If required, the kitchen area can be separated from the hall with black PVC curtains
                                                                             made of truck tarpaulins to be used for presentations. A simple lighting system in the
                                                                             form of linear suspended fluorescent tubes was installed to illuminate the hall. Black
                                                                             industrial lighting fixtures, on the contrary, highlight the kitchen unit. Secondary
                                                                             rooms  like  toilets,  showers  and  changing  rooms  are  accommodated  in  a  lateral
                                                                             building section, where the same materials and colours as in the main room domi-
                                                                             nate the ambience. Besides the contentment of our client, we consider the owner’s
                                                                             statement that the premises have now regained their originality and clarity as a great
               Grundriss • Floor plan                                        acknowledgement.

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