Page 130 - AIT0116_E-Paper
P. 130


                                                                            F   or a long time now, the temporary occupation of vacant urban areas by so-called
                                                                                pop-up stores has been a major issue in retail. In this context, our architectural
                                                                             and design office has now developed an innovative mobile spatial concept. The Pop-
                                                                             Up Box takes up the idea of temporary sales and offers retailers and exhibitors a con-
                                                                             vertible presentation area. The Box designed in the shape of a cube is an item of
                                                                             design based on a closed, multifunction system – an “out-of-the-box” solution. It has
                                                                             now found its first destination in the Das Gerber shopping centre in Stuttgart (see AIT
                                                                             3.2015). The concept was developed according to the specific wishes by the Stuttgart
                                                                             client. Requested was a room-in-the-room concept enlivening the rows of shops in the
                                                                             centre and meaningfully integrating into the appearance.
                                                                             Intelligent solution – major scope – optimal showcasing

                                                                             The Pop Up Box is intended to offer every brand a high-quality and versatile sales set-
                                                                             ting. For this, the design takes two aspects into consideration: On the one hand, it is
                                                                             in line with the architectural language of the surrounding space while, at the same
                                                                             time, doing justice to a multitude of presentation contexts. The Pop Up Box consists
                                                                             of a stationary main- and three freely movable elements. We distinguish between
               Zum neuen Möblierungskonzept gehören auch modular ... • Included in the furnishing concept are modules ...  two: open and closed. After closing time, all four parts are pushed together and stand
                                                                             closed in the shopping arcade. Not only the cubic form of the construction on a sur-
               ... aufgebaute Sitz in seln mit integrierten Pflanzenkübeln. • ... of seating isles with integrated plant containers.
                                                                             face of nine square metres gives the innovative creation its name: Like a box, it pro-
                                                                             tects the merchandise inside it. From the outside, it presents itself in upscale walnut
                                                                             wood. The dark colour contrasts with the room’s bright tiles of natural stone. In-bet-
                                                                             ween spaces equipped with perforated metal sheet allow views into the interior. The
                                                                             pattern of the black inserts takes up the logo of the shopping centre and thus refers
                                                                             to the surrounding space. At the moment the Gerber opens, the elements are rolled
                                                                             apart and form the framework of a barrier-free, individual sales area. The so-far con-
                                                                             cealed inner life becomes visible. The bright concrete look of the interior sides is
                                                                             modern and unpretentious to provide a neutral background to the products. With
                                                                             these materials and the colouring, the walnut shell finds its counterpart and becomes
                                                                             fully effective. In the product showcasing as well, the respective retailer has total free-
                                                                             dom of design: all the four elements of the Pop Up Box are equipped with a horizontal
                                                                             carrier system. Glass shelves, suspension arms and product-carrier rods can be
                                                                             directly added to the integrated rails of the system. The lower, enclosed part of the
                                                                             elements in turn provides space for stocks and with its top offers an additional dis-
                                                                             play area. For the optimal showcasing of the products, the sales stand also has an
                                                                             electricity system hidden towards the outside. The fixed main element gets power
                                                                             from the floor tank and, when closed, feeds the built-in batteries of the other seg-
                                                                             ments. The battery performance is sufficient to ensure illumination all day. Integrated
                                                                             power cables run through the steel profiles of the back walls into the bus bar on the
                                                                             ceiling. Here as well, utmost importance was attached to aesthetics. Thus the bus bar
                                                                             is set into the ceiling profile with the opening facing downwards and in this way
                                                                             makes for a closed appearance. With just a click, the retailer is able to mount as
                                                                             many spotlights as required and showcase his products. In addition, two LED moni-
                                                                             tors are integrated into the back walls of the base. They can be used for digital pre-
                                                                             sentation via the USB interface and so are a point of attraction from a distance.

                                                                             Simple technology – easy handling – high aesthetic value

                                                                             Moving the individual elements is done via an integrated lifting system. This mecha-
                                                                             nism guarantees precise and controlled positioning. Operating it is as easy as could
                                                                             be: In the closed areas of each element are four worm gear screw jacks with wheels
               Schemaskizze • Scheme sketch                                  which are linked by connecting shafts. When the retailer turns the integrated hand
                                                                             crank, thanks to mechanical power transmission, the piece of furniture is lifted and
                                                                             the wheels are exposed. The unit can then be moved. Turning the hand crank in the
                                                        LED-Strahler • LED Spotlight
                                                                             opposite direct results in the fixing of the element. Due to the heavy own weight,
                                                                             safety from overturning and stability are ensured. When closed, this makes for opti-
                                                                             mum protection of the goods. As part of the overall concept for the interior of the
                                                        Warenträger • Product carrier
                                                                             whole shopping centre, in addition to the Pop Up Box our office also worked out a
                                                                             furnishing concept. Two long tables with individual seating, for instance, complement
                                                                             the existing Food Corner. Seating isles assembled from modules with integrated plant
                                                                             containers were also designed. The reference to the Pop Up Box is ensured by using
                                                        Akku • Battery
                                                                             walnut wood. Also from our office is the design of the Hook & Eye concept store. The
                                                        Hubsystem • Lifting system
                                                                             start-up offers custom-made furniture and select brands for customers with an affinity
               Schnitt • Section                                             to design and opened its second store in Das Gerber.

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