Page 130 - AIT1217_E-Paper
P. 130


                                                                             direktbeleuchtung sowie die der Außenwand des Plenarsaals folgende Lichtvoute auch
                                                                             im neuen Konzept erhalten, allerdings wurden alle Licht quellen auf LED-Technik umge-
                                                                             rüstet und die Beleuchtungsstärken heutigen Vorgaben angepasst. Im Foyer wurde im
                                                                             Zuge der Neuplanungen das strenge Raster der Decken leuchten beibehalten, aber sym-
                                                                             metrisch auf die Säulen abgestimmt. Die vorher sehr präsenten Leuchten wurden gegen
                                                                             quadratische Decken-Einbauleuchten mit prismatischer Ab deckung ausgetauscht. Diese
                                                                             integrieren sich ruhig und unaufdringlich in das Decken bild, generieren aber druckvolles
                                                                             und gerichtetes Licht. Der helle Boden reflektiert einen Teil des Lichtstroms an die Decke
                                                                             zurück. Dieser positive Neben effekt lässt den Raum offener und  weiter erscheinen.
                                                                             Neben  der  optimierten  Allgemein beleuchtung  wurden die beiden eingestellten
                                                                             Treppenhausblöcke mit umlaufendem LED-Licht so inszeniert, dass die Wände sowohl
                                                                             im Raum als auch in der Außenwahrneh mung des Gebäudes einen prominenten Auftritt
                                                                             haben. Als weitere vertikale Fläche wurde die Reliefwand vor dem Restaurant mit Licht
                                                                             inszeniert. Um die hier eingebetteten Fossilien aus der Jurazeit plastisch herauszuarbei-
                                                                             ten, kamen kompakte, schwenkbare LED-Strahler zum Einsatz, welche die Wand mit prä-
                                                                             zise ausgerichtetem Licht bespielen. Bei einer so konsequent transparenten
                                                                             Gebäudehülle wie am Landtag definiert die Innen raumbeleuchtung natürlich auch die
                                                                             Außenwahrnehmung.  Zusätzlich  zu den mit Licht  inszenierten  Wänden der Trep pen -
                                                                             hausblöcke und der Außenwand des Plenarsaals unterstützen deshalb lediglich Licht -
               Geschwungene Lichtlinien inszenieren das Landtagsrestaurant. • Curved lines of light stage the restaurant.  bänder zwischen den Fensterstürzen die repräsentative Nachtwirkung.

                                                                             T  he building of the State Parliament of Baden-Württemberg marks a new beginning
                                                                                in many respects. Amongst other things, this was one of the first new parliament
                                                                             buildings in the European region after the Second World War. The uncompromisingly
                                                                             innovative architectural language of the steel skeleton construction – the design was by
                                                                             the Freiburg architect Horst Linde (1912-2016) – could, at the beginning of the 1960s, like-
               Dank der gläsernen Hülle wird die Nachtwirkung ... • Thanks to the glass envelope, the effect by night is ...
                                                                             wise be seen as a metaphor for a new era and a new self-image of politics. The Parliament
                                                                             also showed courage as to innovation in the case of the now completed overall renovation
                                                                             planned by Staab Architekten. This becomes clearly visible in the truest sense of the word
                                                                             in the plenary hall, the heart of the building. The formerly windowless and enclosed room
                                                                             was moderately opened at its back which allows views through the foyer into the rose gar-
                                                                             den. A noticeable incidence of natural light and a direct connection to the outside, howe-
                                                                             ver, only became possible with the partial opening of the roof. For this, twelve large, cir-
                                                                             cular skylights with a diameter of 2.60 metres and 36 small ones with a diameter of 0.80
                                                                             metres were integrated flush with the flat roof. All the small skylights are equipped with
                                                                             so-called smart glass technology. In the case of an excessive incidence of light, the elect-
                                                                             rochromic glazing results in a decrease of the light and a reduction of the heat input. In
                                                                             addition, the natural light is transferred by a unique and innovative daylight system,
                                                                             directed and then fed into the room via a translucent, satin-finished ceiling consisting of
                                                                             synthetic panels. For this purpose, large-format plastic tubes are installed right beneath
                                                                             the skylights. For the small skylights, these are short cylinders, for the large ones, in con-
                                                                             trast, they are long truncated cones which taper towards the bottom. The cylinders are
                                                                             lined with highly reflecting foil and end about 50 centimetres below the skylights. They
                                                                             evenly transfer the daylight into the ceiling void. In contrast to this, the large, conical day-
                                                                             light openings extend down to the luminous ceiling where they are closed by clear glass
                                                                             panes. These in turn are embedded into the satin-finished luminous ceiling as transparent
               ... wesentlich durch die Innenraumbeleuchtung geprägt. • ... mainly characterized by the indoor lighting.
                                                                             circles. On the inside, the walls of the truncated cones have a smooth, slightly reflecting
                                                                             surface whereas the outsides were given an opal look with a special lacquering process
                                                                             so that they have rough haptics. This means that, on the one hand, they transfer daylight
                                                                             down into the hall; on the other, their exterior surfaces scatter the light. Thus luminous
                                                                             volumes are produced in the ceiling void which gives the ceiling liveliness and depth.

                                                                             Sun- and artificial light form a strong duo

                                                                             As the result, the natural light penetrates the nine-sided plenary hall as a mixture of diffuse
                                                                             and direct components. The clear closure lids of the cones add striking centres of light,
                                                                             but they also enrich the hall in the opposite direction since they allow direct views to the
                                                                             sky above Stuttgart. The key feature: From every seat, the direct and largely unobstructed
                                                                             visual connection to the sky is guaranteed. In the process, the conically tapering detail of
                                                                             the light openings optically shortens the thickness of the ceiling and appears to bring the
                                                                             sky to the edges of the luminous ceiling. In the plenary hall, the daylight systems thus
                                                                             ensures a vital lighting atmosphere with an average illuminance of between 150 Lux on
                                                                             overcast and more than  800 Lux on clear, sunny days. If needed, LED light with control-
                                                                             lable colour temperatures between 2,700 Kelvin and 6,500 Kelvin can complement the
                                                                             daylight or take over the staging on its own in the evenings.

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