Page 134 - AIT1217_E-Paper
P. 134


               Alles unter einem Dach! Die Baumstützen leiten sich vom Wald ab. Die Photovoltaikanlage über dem Leichtdach gilt als eine der größten in ganz Österreich.

                                                                            R   educe, reuse and recycle – this stands for the environmental conscience of western
                                                                                consumer societies. The fact is that there is more rubbish than ever before! Active
                                                                             strategies for preventing waste, upcycling and cradle-to-cradle are to counteract this.
                                                                             Recycling centres make a start by collecting and separating materials and resources.
                                                                             With the Blumenegg service centre in the  Vorarlberg community of  Thüringen,
                                                                             Hammerer Architekten designed an economic-environmental showpiece. The architects
                                                                             from Ludesch planned the building where day-to-day recycling materials, problem was-
                                                                             ter, green cuttings, branches and building rubble are deposited as homage to the local
                                                                             mixed forest. Since about 7,000 square metres of forest had to be cleared for the con-
                                                                             struction site, as a compensation measure, the builders committed to reforest open spa-
                                                                             ces and to restore mixed-forest cultures. The architects reforested with the architecture.
                                                                             Regional tree species – fir, spruce, beech, ash, pine and arolla pine – characterize the
                                                                             elongated structure, not only visually but also olfactorily. “When entering the building,
               Grundriss Erdgeschoss • Ground floor plan                     one is welcomed by the smell of wood”, the architects explain. Under the large roof and
                                                                             next to the collection of recyclable material, which is open on three sides, are the buil-
                                                                             ding control department and the building yard as a compact, two-storey volume. They
                                                                             were both designed as  wooden-frame constructions.  The false ceiling consists of
                                                                             Brettstapel elements. Regional woods cover the interior walls of the building control
                                                                             department. A comfortable atmosphere was thus produced which perfectly suits the
                                                                             location in the midst of nature. Unlike in the building control department, in the buil-
                                                                             ding yard the floors, walls and ceilings consist of formaldehyde-free glued, polished OSB
                                                                             panels. The architects had all the furniture made of untreated silver fir in solid wood.
                                                                             A local carpenter crafted the seating furniture. Translucent foils with motifs of the origi-
                                                                             nal mixed forest add fresh green colour to the inside glass doors and –walls. An evident
                                                                             reference to nature and a strong contrast to the wood species used for the interior fur-
                                                                             nishing were thus created.

               Grundriss Obergeschoss • Upper floor plan                     Everything under one roof

                                                                             The façade as well consists of wood and wood derivatives. Fibreboards serve as the
                                                                             insulating material; the cladding consists of rough-sawn pine boards. The envelope is
                                                                             designed in such a way that it meets the passive-house standard. All the surfaces were
                                                                             left in their natural state. With its construction, the generous shed roof protects the exte-
                                                                             rior components from direct weathering. The lightweight roof is supported by tree-like
                                                                             wooden columns which make it look as if floating. The supporting structure is econo-
                                                                             mically optimized as to the spans and the materials. It was thus for instance possible
                                                                             to use laminated timber instead of solid wood. Photovoltaic modules cover the entire
                                                                             roof surface. This is considered to be one of the largest pitched-roof installations in
                                                                             Austria and to reach a simulated annual electricity yield of about 310,000 kilowatt
                                                                             hours. The people of Ludesch and Thüringen are able to fill up with energy right at the
               Schnitte • Sections                                           DLZ Blumenegg: For owners of e-bikes, there are bicycle stands with charging stations.

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