Page 126 - AIT1217_E-Paper
P. 126


                                                                             Aufschluss über den aktuellen Standort, weisen den Weg zu Service- und Funktions ein -
                                                                             heiten sowie zu den ausgestellten Kunstwerken. Das aufwendige Lichtkonzept wurde
                                                                             gemeinsam mit der Leuchtenmanufaktur Lieht aus Neustadt an der Weinstraße entwi -
                                                                             ckelt.  Verschiedene Farbtemperaturen und die unterschiedliche Abstrahl charakteristik
                                                                             der jeweils gewählten Lichtquelle sorgen für einen spannenden Kontrast und verleihen
                                                                             den Räumen eine extreme  Tiefe und Plastizität. Sämtliche Bereiche  wurden einzeln
                                                                             betrachtet mit Leuchtmitteln ausgestattet. Aus den Tresoren etwa strahlen LED-Profile in
                                                                             kühlen Farben, um den Lagerungsprozess nicht zu stören. LED-Leuchten oberhalb der
                                                                             Tresore illuminieren die Gewölbe indirekt, der Bereich um den Tresen ist mit Downlights
                                                                             und Pendelleuchten in Szene gesetzt, wo hingegen die Kunstwerke mithilfe einer modifi-
                                                                             zierten Variante einer Stehleuchte erstrahlen. Licht und Sound werden über ein BUS-
                                                                             System entsprechend der jeweiligen Situation gesteuert. So wird das Licht beim Betreten
                                                                             der Gewölbe mittels Präsenzmelder langsam hochgedimmt, im Hintergrund erklingt
                                                                             dezent Musik, die Inszenierung ist perfekt.

                                                                             T  he Winebank offers its clients a somewhat different kind of storing their invest-
                                                                                ments. As the name already suggests, this is not where diamonds and gold bars
               Ein Wegeleitsystem führt durch das verwinkelte Gewölbe. • A guidance system leads through the meandering vault.  are safely stored but particularly noble drops which rest in vaults under optimal cli-
                                                                             matic conditions. Since the foundation of the company by wine-grower Christian Ress
                                                                             in the Rheingau in 2009, branches have followed in  Vienna, Basel, Hamburg,
                                                                             Frankfurt, the Palatinate, Cologne, Palma and now in Mainz as well. Together with the
                                                                             surrounding  wine-growing region of Rheinhessen, the capital of the Rhineland-
                                                                             Palatinate belongs to the international Great Wine Capitals wine-marketing associati-
                                                                             on where a characteristic wine-growing region per country is represented. With good
                                                                             reason: Viticulture goes back approximately 2,000 years, when the Romans began to
                                                                             plant vines, and is omnipresent to this day. The Mainz Winebank was built on the site
                                                                             of the former Altmünster brewery which was completely developed for housing and
                                                                             commercial use together with the local architect Axel Efferth.
               In regelmäßigen Abständen stehen Tresen bereit.• Counters are provided at regular intervals.
                                                                             Play with contrasts in historic masonry

                                                                             What all the Winebanks have in common are the cubic wine safes, closed with steel
                                                                             grids, which were to be integrated into an individual architectural concept. Beside
                                                                             their practical function as storage facilities, the attractive premises are available to the
                                                                             so-called Winebankers around the clock for a visit, a wine tasting and for exclusive
                                                                             events with their guests. Incidentally, this applies to all the Winebanks around the
                                                                             world. In the course of the gutting, the subsequently earlier whitewash was removed
                                                                             from the vault and it was cleaned. To preserve the natural climate and thus guarantee
                                                                             the necessary exchange of humidity for storing wine bottles, the floor remained unco-
                                                                             vered. In addition, the construction measures such as the access and the necessary
                                                                             partitions of sand-lime bricks had to be coordinated with the monument preservation
                                                                             authorities. Newly constructed  walls  were  whitewashed and painted anthracite.
                                                                             Reinforced-concrete components, on the other hand, were left untreated. The concept
                                                                             stipulates the interplay of adaptation and the contrast between the old and the new.
                                                                             With their form, the new, modern construction elements are to harmoniously blend
                                                                             in and, at the same time, stand out from the existing fabric due to their material. The
                                                                             view from below of the emergency stair of reinforced concrete, for instance, curves
               Im privaten Weinkeller finden besonders viele Flaschen Platz. • Numerous bottles in the private wine cellar.
                                                                             upwards in line  with the design language of the  vault consisting of quarry-stone
                                                                             masonry and, with its rough material, is the desired contrast to the fabric. Although
                                                                             the former staircase in the form of a narrow newel stair was preserved, the access
                                                                             was enclosed with glass which produced a back-lit showcase. The actual access is via
                                                                             a new elevator system for which the already existing shaft could be used.
                                                                             Staged throughout

                                                                             A guidance system for general orientation was developed together with the Mainz
                                                                             Headquarter design studio. The elaborate lighting system was designed together with
                                                                             the Lieht luminaire manufacturer in Neustadt an der Weinstrasse. Various colour tem-
                                                                             peratures and the different light-emission features of the selected sources of light pro-
                                                                             duce an exciting contrast. All the areas were individually equipped with illuminants.
                                                                             LED luminaires above the safes indirectly illuminate the vaults; the area around the
                                                                             counters is lit with down lights and pendant luminaires while the works of art shine
                                                                             with the help of a modified  variant of a freestanding luminaire.  Thus  whenever
                                                                             someone enters the vaults the light is slowly dimmed up with a motion sensor; soft
                                                                             music is played in the background, the staging is perfect.

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