Page 121 - AIT1122_E-Paper
P. 121

S  ince 2006, Kliniken Nagold gehören have been part of Klinikverbund Südwest, a merger of the Böb-
                 lingen, Calw, Herrenberg, Leonberg, Nagold and Sindelfingen hospitals. Together with the medical
              health centres and Krankenhaus Service GmbH Schwarzwald, the group ranks among the largest and
              most efficient municipal health facilities in South Germany. Already 44 years ago, Kliniken Nagold ope-
              ned. The hospital had been planned and constructed by the Heuser-Dorner+Partner architectural office
             after winning the competition in the first half of the 1970s. Close to 50 years later, the architects’ children
              Achim and Lutz Dorner as well as Heidi Heuser-Kawerau and Peter Heuser with their offices
              dorner+partner and Heuser+Partner now have the task and the opportunity of adapting the planning
              by their fathers to the current and the future demands on hospitals. For the new annexes and additional
             storeys, greatest value was attached not to interrupt the homogeneous, clearly horizontally structured
             building- and façade structure but to complement and preserve it with modern building materials. The
             concept also included the construction of a new ward block with a total of 110 new beds. The latest ex-
             perience with the pandemic was also taken into consideration. With a new additional isolation ward
              on the 4th upper floor, after the completion the total number of beds available at the Nagold clinic will
              be increased from 274 to 292. Also part of the first construction phase is the renovation of the patient  Luftaufnahme während der Bauphase • Aerial view during the construction phase
             rooms and the reorganization of the patient admission and the outpatient departments on the ground
             floor. The construction of a new medical community centre as well as the updating and expansion of  Luftaufnahme nach Fertigstellung 1977 • Aerial view after the completion in 1977
             the operating theatres are part of the second work step. The conversion of the entire clinic during ope-
             ration over a period of approximately eight years is a major challenge for all participating in the project
             and, already during the first, early planning phases, required close cooperation and coordination with
             the users. The energetic and technical modernization of the building- and medical technology is an es-
             sential part of the measures and requires interventions in all the areas while the clinic continues to be
             in operation. About 75 percent of the total area of the clinic is affected by the conversion. A total of ap-
             proximately 25 million euros of the overall investment of 115 million euros intended for Kliniken Nagold
             are accounted for the new ward block that is thus the main focus of the overall renovation and updating.

             Implementing the medical requirements

             Already in 2015, extensive medical assessments initiated a planning process to sustainably equip the
              clinics in the Calw district. At the Nagold location, a clinic building for being converted existed which,
              due to the expansion areas and the excellent central access already determined in 1977, offers all the
              prerequisites for meeting the future standards regarding a modern hospital. Based on a surface layout
              and together with the groups of users from all the departments, a status analysis of the location was  Grundriss 1. Obergeschoss • Floor plan level +1
              carried out. The users were fully included in the individual steps of the planning process with the goal
              of developing solutions for the constructional challenges of the clinic. A focus was on the optimization
              of the nursing wards and the patient rooms. Two-bed rooms were to be the rule everywhere. Then there
             is the so-called comfort ward where the rooms resemble those in hotels. Striking colour- and light rou-
             ting systems as well as large, easy-to-read lettering for the better orientation of the patients are also part
             of the overall concept of a dementia-sensitive hospital. This is intended to promote the independence
             of the patients and give them emotional security and orientation. The numerous rounds of coordination
             with the medical specialist departments were continued until the completion of the design planning.
             Nationwide unique test programme: model patient room

             In addition, a test concept unique in the clinic group took effect: A fully equipped model patient room
             made it possible to in real-time operation test the room planning, the prerequisites for the caring- and
             treating processes, hygiene, technical connections as well as the materials. In several steps, first insights
             gained in this test phase were integrated in the model room. The lighting concept with various techno-
              logies produces a feel-good atmosphere as well as providing illumination for orientation and working.  Ansichten • Views
             The routes of the nurses were thoroughly discussed to avoid the potential spreading of germs. One result
             of this planning was the new installation of three disinfectant dispensers for the hands in the patient
             room. A separate power-consumption metre made analysing ecological and economic aspects possible.
             The room was tested for three months. The operating organization in a ward with up to 50 beds was
             planned to be fundamentally newly formulate. Here as well, the aim was to keep the routes of the care
             staff as short as possibly. The planning of the routes from the point of view of a patient was also conti-
             nued. Starting with the arrival in the clinic as a visitor or as a patient for being admitted or as an emer-
             gency patient were newly structured according to the immediate sequence. In future, elective patient
             will be admitted right next to the main entrance, initial medical examinations will be carried out in in-
             terdisciplinarily used examination rooms right next to the admission centre. Easy and quick orientation
             of the patient is an elementary part of the planning. In the preliminary-design stage, the necessary plan-
             ning discussion was held in several workshops with the doctors, heads of the outpatient departments
             and the clinic administration. Patient representatives were included in the partly difficult discussions.
             Whenever a compromise was reached, this ensured broad acceptance.

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