Page 125 - AIT1122_E-Paper
P. 125

Elemente des Altbestands bestimmten die Neugestaltung. • Former elements determined the new design.  Hinzugekommen sind Außenbereiche mit Panorama. • Exterior areas with panoramic views have been added.

             Grundriss Erdgeschoss • Ground floor plan                     Grundriss 1. Obergeschoss • Floor plan level +1

             door pool. A direct entrance from the parking lot separates the access to the dirtier out-  window divisions of the indoor-pool façade complemented. The technical roof super-
             door sports activities from the other uses. The existing main entrance had not been  structures were also given an Eternit façade and now merge into the roofscape. In-
             obvious due to semi-concealed entrance doors. Due to the opening of the entrance to-  side, tones of black and white dominate as well as wooden surfaces with added in-
             wards the parking lot and the repositioning of the ticket area on the first upper floor  dividual contrasting colours. There is an attractive play with recurring round forms in
             towards the large entrance stairs, the routing was designed to be more evident to the  contrast to the otherwise cubic building – such as found in the mosaic, in the curves
             visitors. At the same time, the new entrance arrangement also makes the direct eva-  of the indoor swimming pool and in the wellness area, in the balloon- and in the
             cuation of the foyer possible in an emergency.                round wall luminaires. The colour play of the round mosaic interprets the courser
                                                                           grain of the artificial-stone covering in the foyer areas. With different colour combina-
             Modern group rooms and sports facilities                      tions and degrees of brightness, it indicates the various uses of the building. A darker
                                                                           mixture is found on the ground floor for the more private uses (when changing clothes
             At ground level, directly oriented toward the park, before the conversion there had  or using the showers); in the pool hall, the space looks vaster due to a lighter mixture;
             been two dormitory rooms with triple bunk beds for sports camps intended for chil-  as, for instance, in the case of the floor in combination with white wall areas. In the
             dren and adolescents. Instead of this no longer really modern arrangement, there are  wellness zone, softer colouring was chosen with an ivory shade that is in harmony
             now seven modern group rooms. The rooms designed for four occupants each are  with the wooden installations and contrasts with the very dark more intimate zones.
             practically furnished and equipped with a washbasin each. Integrated fold-out beds  As an eye-catcher, a perforated and back-lit wall of dark Eternit runs along the corri-
             make additional accommodation possible. Showers and WCs were added on the op-  dor zone to the various stations. The new football changing wing is designed to look
             posite side of the hallway. In addition to strengthening measures at the support struc-  more robust. In the long exposed-concrete hallway, dark doors indicate the various
             ture, the wooden false ceiling and the lighting were replaced in the Linthhalle. In ad-  locker rooms. A floor of rubber granulate in a warm rusty shade links the likewise
             dition, there is a new gym floor as well new parts of the sports infrastructure and the  black shower- and toilet rooms and the brighter changing area with benches of blond
              wall coverings were complemented. As to their materials, the extensions are oriented  wood. The reception area with a shop on the first upper floor is covered with bronze
             on the building stock of the Lintharena. The panel format and the colour of the Eternit  corrugated profiles. The outdoor areas as well were adapted to the new appearance
             façade as well as the base of exposed-concrete elements were continued and the  and complement the extremely successful renovation.

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