Page 130 - AIT1117_E-Paper
P. 130


                                                                            W     hen furnishing health- and care facilities, it is especially important to integrate
                                                                                  biodynamic light which follows the natural flow of daylight and thus supports the
                                                                             human sleep-wake rhythm because the patients and the staff spend a lot of time
                                                                             indoors. In the case of the new building of the psychiatric hospital designed by Karlsson
                                                                             Arkitekter and VLA Vilhelm Lauritzen Arkitekter in Slagelse in Denmark, we succeeded in
                                                                             implementing a lighting concept based on our latest knowledge as to light and health.
                                                                             The pavilion-like structured hospital includes general psychiatry, forensic psychiatry, a
                                                                             high-security wing, an outpatient department, an emergency unit as well as training- and
                                                                             research facilities. 44,000 square metres provide space for 190 patient rooms. 200 to 300
                                                                             persons are treated daily as outpatients. An important prerequisite for the non-visual
                                                                             effect of light is the optimal supply of daylight and the use of the suitable materials and
                                                                             colours. The architectural design created the optimum conditions. It is based on princi-
                                                                             ples such as openness and transparency, proximity and flexibility. Much value was fur-
                                                                             thermore attached to recognizable room hierarchies, to the connection with the outside
                                                                             as well as to an appealing colour- and artificial-light concept. The heart of the hospital
                                                                             is a central multi-storey atrium building. Skylights supply the atrium evenly with daylight.
                                                                             Thanks to special glass in the roofs, the daylight inside appears to be 500 Kelvin warmer
                                                                             than outside. The steel structure in the glass roof is furthermore positioned in the directi-
               Runde Lichtröhren bringen Tageslicht auch in tiefe Räume. • Circular light pipes bring daylight also into deep rooms.  on east-west and clad with structured aluminium. Together with the special surface gloss
                                                                             of the  wooden parapets on the storeys below, sunlight is here directed specifically

                                                                             The building has an optimum supply of daylight

                                                                             In the access zones of the spacious hospital, skylights and generous window surfaces
                                                                             admit daylight inside from above and from the side. The skylights consist of classic pent
               Das Herz der Klinik bildet ein mehrgeschossiges Atriumhaus. • The heart of the hospital is a multi-storey atrium building.
                                                                             roofs covered with insulating glass. In the work areas of the medical staff, they are com-
                                                                             plemented with an integrated sun-protection grid. Heating and glare are thus avoided.
                                                                             The hospital’s one-storey pavilion buildings are arranged around inner courtyards and
                                                                             gardens with some of them also accessible for the patients. The extensive window areas
                                                                             in the adjacent rooms provide these with daylight. In the sports facilities such as the fit-
                                                                             ness room or the swimming pool, light pipes ensure additional daylight illumination. All
                                                                             the common areas as well as the patient- and work rooms are thus completely illumi-
                                                                             nated by daylight. Artificial lighting, on the other hand, is possible with the help of LED
                                                                             downlights integrated in the ceilings and producing a brilliant, warm light. At the same
                                                                             time, the luminaire allows the widest possible variability as to the lighting design – from
                                                                             broad to narrow to asymmetrical beams. In the entrance- and hallway zones, LED down-
                                                                             lights in a simple and unobtrusive ceiling grid ensure base lighting of approximately 200
                                                                             lux. Individual walls which support the light direction and the signage are evenly illumi-
                                                                             nated by asymmetrically shining wall washers with approximately 300 lux of vertical illu-
                                                                             minance. In the long hallways, individual zones such as the reception, waiting areas,
                                                                             communication zones or tea kitchens are additionally accented with an illuminance of
                                                                             from 500 to 1,000 lux. Continuous LED light strips also produce side light on the walls of
                                                                             the atrium building. Light colours of 4,700 or 2,700 Kelvin respectively make adjustment
                                                                             to the daylight possible.
               Grundriss Erdgeschoss • Ground floor plan
                                                                             Dynamic LED downlights support the day-night rhythm

                                                                             The treatment- and meeting rooms are illuminated by an LED downlight integrated into
                                                                             the ceiling and with a basic level of illuminance of 500 lux. The light colour is 2,700 Kelvin
                                                                             since there is always sufficient daylight during the day. On principle, the atmosphere in
                                                                             the medical consultation rooms reminds more of private living rooms than of a medical
                                                                             facility. Although the multifunctional 24-hour workstations assigned to the individual buil-
                                                                             ding wings have an optimal supply of daylight, white light complements the daylight
                                                                             during the winter months. A special LED downlight system produces the supplementing
                                                                             illumination with 4,700 Kelvin. In the evenings and during the nights, the light colour is
                                                                             lowered to 2,700 Kelvin with the same illuminance. The patient rooms have the most dif-
                                                                             ferentiated lighting design: As a second lighting mood – besides daylight – the normal arti-
                                                                             ficial light allows a medium basic illuminance of 200 lux. The patient is furthermore able
                                                                             to define zones in the room since the reading light, the treatment light as well as the light
                                                                             of the work table have an illuminance of 500 lux. It is possible to change the light colour
                                                                             to 2,200 Kelvin at night. The level of basic illuminance can be lowered to 70 lux. Late at
                                                                             night, there is also a safety light with two to five lux. The light colour is on principle con-
                                                                             trolled depending on the outside light and the time of day. Patients and staff are able to
                                                                             control the brightness of the room-, examination- or reading light.

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