Page 126 - AIT1117_E-Paper
P. 126


                                                                             T  he rowing club in Solothurn has a long tradition: it was founded in 1910, a boat-
                                                                                house was already built in 1911. After about 100 years, the dilapidated building
                                                                             had become obsolete. Phalt Architekten from Zurich were entrusted with the renova-
                                                                             tion of the boathouse. Mike Mattiello, the partner responsible for the project, has con-
                                                                             tinued the architectural value and cubature. Furthermore, the architect was aware
                                                                             that this would increase the chances of the building permit due to the location in a
                                                                             no-building zone with embankment protection. In this area, the building law stipula-
                                                                             tes that existing buildings may only be renewed, partly altered or appropriately exten-
                                                                             ded. The strategy worked out, the new building was approved and has served as a
                                                                             comfortable meeting place and modern training facility since last May.
                                                                             Respectfully continued and intelligently expanded

                                                                             The steel structure in the river Aare supporting the terrace could be preserved. While
                                                                             the basement was constructed in reinforced concrete, all components above it are
                                                                             made of spruce wood. Unlike the façade, for which the 1919 homeland style was
                                                                             adapted and refined, the interior underwent a complete reorganisation. Five dormers
                                                                             on the northern side of the boathouse provide sufficient fresh air and daylight in the
                                                                             attic. Openings reaching down to the floor in both longitudinal façades of the hall,
               Das offene Treppenhaus verbindet alle Ebenen miteinander. • The open staircase connects all levels.  which follow the construction grid, bring daylight into the boat storage area at ground
                                                                             level and afford views through the perforated sheet metal positioned in front. Cover
                                                                             strips painted in a light colour and applied to the dark timber formwork of the façade
                                                                             run over it, allowing the openings to be subtly experienced from the outside. Copper-
                                                                             coloured sheet steel, which was used to case the dormers and form elements such as
                                                                             gutters and downpipes, elegantly rounds off the harmonious appearance.

                                                                             Reduced use of materials in the interior
               Tageslicht und Farbe in den Umkleiden im Obergeschoss. • Daylight and colour in the upstairs changing rooms.

                                                                             Apart from the changing room and wet areas, the interior was consistently finished
                                                                             with three-layer panels made of light spruce wood. A coating of softwood lye delays
                                                                             the yellowing process in a natural way, so that the wood retains its bright appearance.
                                                                             The subsequent treatment  with  wood floor soap ensures hard-wearing, diffusion-
                                                                             open, dirt and water-repellent surfaces and promises a long service life. A staircase,
                                                                             which is open to the roof and located between the front building projecting towards
                                                                             the water and the hall, connects all levels. The cosy club room in the front building
                                                                             is extended by a terrace with a view of the river. On the attic floor directly above, a
                                                                             fitness room has been set up, so that even in bad weather the members can continue
                                                                             their training. The area above the hall now provides separate changing and shower
                                                                             rooms. Women were only admitted as members in 1981 and so the female members
                                                                             had to make do with a retrofitted, unheated changing room under the roof. A seam-
                                                                             lessly installed PU covering in fresh blue on the floor, and in the shower room even
                                                                             on the walls and ceiling, adds a colour highlight in the otherwise wooden interiors.
                                                                             Although it is often discussed whether the historicising architectural style was the
                                                                             right solution for a new building, the architects have with this decision paid respect
                                                                             not only to the valuable design of the predecessor building, but also to the surroun-
                                                                             dings. From their new base, the large and small rowers can enjoy their dynamic team
                                                                             sport in the midst of nature for a long time to come.
               Der Stil des Vorgängers ist im Neubau deutlich zu erkennen. • The style of the predecessor is recognisable.  Das Bootshaus hatte nach 100 Jahren ausgedient. • After 100 years, the boathouse had served its time.

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