Page 142 - AIT0916_E-Paper
P. 142


                                                                            T   he Predigerkirche with its mighty chancel clearly projects from the tight mazer of
                                                                                the old-town alleys below the Zurich “Universitätsberg”. Formerly constructed as
                                                                             the church of the nearby Dominican monastery, since the closing-down of the convent
                                                                             during the Zurich Reformation in 1524 the church had an eventful history. Above all the
                                                                             high-gothic chancel, separated from the main nave in the middle of the 16th century,
                                                                             over the centuries already served as a press house, a granary and a storage building
                                                                             before, around 1800, the libraries of the canton, the city and the university moved into
                                                                             the building. Close to 100 years ago, the historic wood structure of the false ceilings
                                                                             was replaced with the first, and today listed, reinforced-concrete skeleton construction
                                                                             in the city of Zurich. Since then, the music collection of the Zentralbibliothek is located
                                                                             on the upper floors whereas the ground floor is used as an exhibition room for rare
                                                                             books and manuscripts.

                                                                             The old and the new are seamlessly woven to form a unity

                                                                             The Zurich architectural office of Oliver Menzi and Philippe Bürgler was in charge of the
                                                                             conversion of the Predigerchor during the past years. Inside as well as outside, the archi-
                                                                             tects designed completely new accesses which meet the requirements regarding public
               Das Treppenhaus wurde von verunklärenden Einbauten ... • The staircase was freed of disfiguring installations ...  buildings of being barrier-free just as much as they fulfil the clients’ wish for a repre-
                                                                             sentative foyer which makes the institution be newly perceived in the urban space. Via
               ... befreit und ein neuer repräsentativer Zugang geschaffen. • ...and a new representative access was designed.
                                                                             a representative external staircase, directly from the library courtyard the visitors now
                                                                             arrive in the newly designed foyer and the entrance area. A staircase which was reno-
                                                                             vated and freed of disfiguring installation as well as a handicapped-accessible lift allows
                                                                             access to the upper floors. In the choice of the materials used, the architects paid atten-
                                                                             tion to harmoniously matching them to the existing architectural context: oak wood,
                                                                             high-grade plaster, concrete and brass are to patinate in the course of time and thus
                                                                             become similar to the materials of the Predigerchor and part of a new whole. The archi-
                                                                             tects describe the desired result as a kind of puzzle “where different individual parts
                                                                             interlock without differentiating from each other.” – The old and the new are “to almost
                                                                             seamlessly merge to form a unity.” For the conversion, extensive excavations in the
                                                                             archaeologically significant subsoil and in the area of the foundations as well as inter-
                                                                             ventions in the monument-protected upper building fabric became necessary. These
                                                                             works took place in close coordination with the authorities responsible.

                                                                             Close coordination with the authorities and the building clients

                                                                             The building clients as well were strongly involved in the project development. That was
                                                                             because it was essential to stay in continuous dialogue with all the participants for
                                                                             again and again coordinating and adjusting the technical and functional requirements
                                                                             to the conditions of the historic fabric which, in many cases, only became visible during
                                                                             the  construction  process.  For  newly  designing  the  exhibition  level,  the  so-called
                                                                             Schatzkammer, Menzi and Bürgler furthermore secured the support by interior- and
                                                                             exhibition designers Remo Derungs and Carmen Gasser from the Zurich office Gasser,
                                                                             Derungs. Together, it was decided to expose the supports and the joists of the concrete
                                                                             structure and to emphasize them as an autonomous, historic design element.
                                                                             Showcases with wide brass frames were integrated into the existing deep wall niches
                                                                             while modularly constructed exhibition islands made of Zurich oak were positioned in
                                                                             the centre of the room. They consist of table- or all-glass showcases, audio- and video
                                                                             stations as well as seat cushions or simple exhibition plinths. Depending on the exhibi-
                                                                             tion concept, these islands can be individually arranged. To complement them, modular
                                                                             partition walls for text- and illustration panels were designed. Along the outside walls,
                                                                             a parapet of stacked oak sticks as the cover of the radiators borders the unique room.

                                                                             Schnitt • Section

               Grundriss • Floor plan                                        Schnitt • Section

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