Page 41 - AIT0716_E-Paper
P. 41

Flora und Fauna
                                                                                 von • by
                                                                                 Désirée Spoden, Stuttgart


                                                                              A stack of customary notepads, a black pen and a free mind – nothing

                                                                              more  was  necessary  for  this  series  of  black-and-white  graphics.

                                                                              Sounds simple, but it was especially the last component which pre-

                                                                              sented the major challenge: not following the reasonable mind but

                                                                              intuition and giving free rein to one’s hand. I wanted to design as
                                                                              ingeniously and freely as in my days as an interior design student or

                                                                              even in my childhood. Slip after slip I felt the soothing power coming

                                                                              from this creative process – far from regulations, time pressure and

                                                                              customer  requests,  which  often  set  boundaries  to  one’s  fantasy  in

                                                                              everyday professional life. In the end, more than 30 nine by nine cen-

                                                                              timetre drawings lay in front of me. They allowed numerous associa-

                                                                              tions and were yet dividable into three groups: flora and fauna, geom-

                                                                              etry and architecture as well as cosmos respectively the universe. In

                                                                              a  second  step,  I  therefore  digitally  dissolved  the  respective  small

                                                                              graphics, recomposed them as three large ornamental pictures follow-

                                                                              ing  the  themes,  and  finally  used  colour  to  breathe  life  into  them.

                                                                              Granted: the second step was again overly intellectual, but it was fun

                                                                              nevertheless! Maybe because ration has finally had a break.

                                                                                                                            Désirée Spoden
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