Page 136 - AIT0622_E-Paper
P. 136


            Explosivdarstellung des Interieurs und seiner verborgenen technoiden Struktur – „Ein geiles Bild ist ein geiles Bild.“ • Exploded diagram of the interior and its hidden technoid structure – “A cool picture is a cool picture”

            U   pon entering the Gian Paolo e Marco, bewilderment sneaks in – due to the ex-  mountain panorama. The counter was scanned in 3D and then a wood construction
                traordinary design vocabulary and the unconventional choice of colours and ma-
                                                                          with the necessary recesses for cables and pipes was modelled. On top of this base
            terials as well as the conceptual approach by Technobeton. We like to think back to  structure, we then parametrically designed a customized marble shell of Nero Mar-
            the beginning when the first sketches for the project were made. For us as planners,  quina and Calacatta Bianco with continuous grains.
            goal-oriented trips to Sofia, Kyiv, Tokyo, Paris and Milan were organized which stron-
            gly inspired us and made an efficient and direct design process possible. “Let us look  Terra, lake, mountains, volcano, sky – a landscape architecture
            at the interior like at a landscape! We are not planning a floor but an archipelago.
            Not a wall but a horizon. Not a ceiling but a sky. Not a toilet but a pink hell.” Due to  As the symmetrical end piece, the coffee machine sits enthroned like a desolate summit
            the complex planning for the Emilu design hotel, the completion of the building was  cross in the middle of the marbled mountain massif. The table looks solid; however,
            delayed several years. Our motto is “first idea – best idea” and to keep the maintain  with a quick look under it, the canny visitor becomes aware of the opposite. Thanks to
            the interest of our clients, we consoled them during this period with pretend concepts  symmetrical marble slabs and water-jet cutting technology, the illusion is almost per-
            and basic research. The surprise effect was all the greater when, at the only right point  fect. In the belly of the marble block hides the technology: lighting, DJ connectors, a se-
            in time, meaning at the very last moment, we presented them our “first idea”: a semi-  cret compartment for fresh T-shirts and much more. The mirror attachment not only
            realistic interior-landscape! If one walks into the bar and expects a traditional room,  meets the static requirements, a cable duct and the WLAN router are also integrated.
            one is disappointed in a good sense. Rather, an endless scenery opens up emphasi-  The pyramid top of red technical stone had to be produced no less than four times until
            zed by the mirror effect on walls, surfaces and ceiling elements. We immediately de-  it achieved the necessary precision and completely convinced us. Unfortunately, it tur-
            cided in favour of the first and only idea. Now the rendering “only” had to be built.  ned out at the building inspection that, according to the guidelines for occupational
            But how does one build a sky, a horizon or an archipelago? We accepted the creative  safety, it had to be rounded off. To give this central element more authenticity, the artist
            challenge in the field of the technical construction. The floor was to be not only a sta-  Iasselon Friedendoorp was commissioned to design hidden details in the otherwise mi-
            tic condition – that is why we had a PU floor-composition poured. A pink surface on  nimalist-looking pyramid shell. Due to differences regarding taste with the clients, the
            which one moves, drinks and dances. In the centre, an abstract lake in pure blue was  conceptual work was concealed with an additional, silicone-sealed pyramid which, in
            designed. The bar, on a 14 to 17 centimetres high platform, looks like a monolithic  the end, was so oversized that it projected from the table surface. The sculptural form

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