Page 122 - AIT0522_E-Paper
P. 122


                                                                          Vom ersten Entwurfsmodell aus alten Elektrobauteilen ... • From the first design model of old components …

            Einzelne RGB-Spots werfen beim Durchqueren bunte Schatten. • RGB spots cast shadows when being crossed.  ... zum finalen Modell mit orchestrierter Lichtanordnung • ... to a model with orchestrated luminaire arrangement

            I  n December 2021, the first undergrounds passed through the seven new stations in  establish the cable course. The result was entered into the plans and served as the work
                                                                          drawings for the contractor. The isolators as well were initially just a design element and
              Karlsruhe. Apart from the locals, many people were not aware that 17 years had gone
            by between the competition design and the opening. One can thus imagine that, in 2004,  only later turned out to be necessary safety elemenst. We overcame all the static and
            LED technology had by far not developed to such an extent that it could have fulfilled all  safety-technology problems in cooperation with the architects. Our continuous interdis-
            the requirements. This especially concerns the efficiency, the colour rendering, the service  ciplinary cooperation is noticeable today in the design: Allmann Sattler Wappner thus
            life and the acquisition costs of the LED lamps existing at the time. In the competition  also adapted the joint pattern of the wall covering to the rhythm of the overhead cables
            specifications, solutions with fluorescent lamps had often been explicitly demanded. Yet  and the luminaires. Wire ropes run across all the platforms of the seven stations and via
            our experience with underground stations benefited us: Knowing about the building pe-  these steel rope constructions, numerous cables, clamps, isolators guy wires are routed
            riods of many years for tunnels and stations, we deliberately avoided establishing types  as a condensed, well-ordered catenary system. A segment consists of five ropes, three of
            of luminaires. I well remember ordering disused electrical components for the model.  them next to each other and two on top of each other. Attached to them are the tubular
            Early on, the idea of making the seeming tangle of wires and cables visible – an impres-  LED linear luminaires. On each side of the platform are ten cylindrical light rods lying on
            sive lighting design for the restrained interiors by Allmann Sattler Wappner Architekten.  the ropes. Six rods ensure the even illumination of the platforms, the remaining luminai-
            The first self-luminous vision of the stations originated. It was only in about 2017 that we  res light up the ceilings. Whereas the direction of the rods is strictly in the direction of
            worked on the implementation and gave the lighting design an update with the latest  travel, they are staggered in height in a seemingly random way. With the arrangement of
            technology for a second model. The composition of the luminaires on the cables was  three ropes next to each other and two on top of each other, the light construction – de-
            checked and when we presented the result it found great recognition.  pending on the passengers’ visual axis – looks like the notes of a symphony. In stations,
                                                                          one had always rather subconsciously noticed the complex web of the overhead cables.
            A tightrope act: from the 1:1 model to the implementation     We wanted to continue this stylistic component as a web of light. The visible routing of
                                                                          steel cables or power cables reminds of the aesthetics of the electrification of railways
            Since the design shows the entire electric installation and cable routing, these as well  and the implicit belief in progress – a kind of “industrial romance” which becomes visible
            had to be adapted. Highly motivated by the feedback, we extended cables on a scale of  and comprehensible in the technology. That architecture and lighting complement each
            1:1 in one of our large production halls to develop all the attachment components and  other – cannot even do one without the other! – is not a new notion. And yet far too rarely

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