Page 148 - AIT0517_E-Paper
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                                                                            W     ith more than 70,000 visitors a day, the Bahnhofspassagen in Potsdam are a
                                                                                  highly frequented location. They were opened in December 1999 and were one
                                                                             of the first projects in Germany where a station and a shopping mall were combined.
                                                                             The commission for the redesign of the arcades  went to the KSP Jürgen Engel
                                                                             Architekten office in Frankfurt am Main. In 2016, among other measures, the whole floo-
                                                                             ring in the arcades measuring approximately 6,500 square metres was to be renovated.
                                                                             The special task  was to complete the renovation during active operation since the
               Verlegeplan: Platten in Längsrichtung mit deutlichen Fugen • Installation plan: lengthwise panels with clear joints   Bahnhofspassagen are continuously being used and the station has no closing times. To
                                                                             keep the construction work minimal, the first plan was to glue light almost, jointless
                                                                             flooring on top of the existing one. There was, however, not enough installation height
                                                                             for this technique. Even for the low material thickness of six millimetres of the new floo-
               1. Arbeitsschritt: Abfräsen des Bestandbodens • 1st work step: Milling of the existing flooring
                                                                             ring, it would have been impossible to afterwards open the doors of the shops in the
                                                                             shopping arcades as well as the fire- doors. Neither would the thresholds of the lifts or
                                                                             the escalators still have fitted. Removing the existing flooring of artificial stone comple-
                                                                             tely was also not an option: time-consuming and expensive. Removing the floor would
                                                                             furthermore have resulted in considerable disturbances of the ongoing operation and
                                                                             the time windows when the floor could not be walked on were too large.

                                                                             Each millimetre means time, dust and money

                                                                             With the architects and the Laminam consultants joining forces, an innovative solution
                                                                             was found which was completely new in its extent: It consisted in milling off of the exis-
                                                                             ting floor – but only as little as was necessary since each millimetre means time, dust
                                                                             and money. On the abraded floor, Laminam was to be installed – an extremely robust
                                                                             kind of ceramics with a low material thickness of only 5.6 millimetres – so that the exis-
                                                                             ting floor only had to be ground down ten millimetres. To keep the inconvenience for
                                                                             the travellers and the passers-by as small as possible, the work hours were furthermore
                                                                             postponed until the night hours. In a first step, the existing artificial stone was milled
                                                                             off. This was not milling in the conventional sense but rather a cutting of the flooring.
               2. Arbeitsschritt: selbstnivellierende Universalspachtelmasse • 2nd work step: self-levelling all-purpose putty
                                                                             The advantage of this method consists in lesser vibrations since these could otherwise
                                                                             damage the substrate.  The resulting surface  was to serve as the substrate for the
                                                                             Laminam large ceramic panels which need a completely level surface. To achieve this,
                                                                             self-levelling, rapidly hardening all-purpose putty  was used. The next step  was the
                                                                             installation and the grouting of the large panels in the format of 3,000 by 1,000 milli-
                                                                             metres. The panels were installed by hand as well as with an installation robot. For this,
                                                                             single-component, highly flexible thin-bed mortar as well as two-component, rapidly
                                                                             hardening, cementitious, highly flexible pourable-bed mortar was used. The installation
                                                                             was done in the buttering-floating method. What was particularly important was to
                                                                             ensure the flatness of the edges from one panel to the next across a joint; to achieve
                                                                             this, a specific levelling system was used. The joints were planned to measure two mil-
                                                                             limetres, the expansion joints were maintained and movement profiles were used. The
                                                                             grouting was done with a kind of jointing mortar guaranteeing high mechanical load-
                                                                             bearing capacity. The panels were installed lengthwise with continuous longitudinal-
                                                                             and transverse joints so that an unobtrusive installation pattern could be achieved. The
                                                                             longitudinal direction emphasizes the walking direction and thus guides the stream of
                                                                             visitors through the arcades.  The large ceramic panels by Laminam are absolutely
                                                                             scratch-resistant, have high abrasion resistance, are resistant to stains as well as easy
               3. Arbeitsschritt: Verlegen der Platten mit Verlegerobotern • 3rd work step: Installing the panels with robots
                                                                             to clean. Even when it is intensely used and frequently cleaned, the surface stays the
                                                                             same. As regards the slip-resistance, a surface with R10B was chosen so that the pas-
                                                                             sers-by can safely stroll through the mall even on rainy days. In addition, installing
                                                                             Laminam produces dust or noise since the material can be cut with the glass cutter.

                                                                             Recipe for success: communication and cooperation

                                                                             The result is convincing: Due to its small ratio of joints, the large-format panels make
                                                                             the mall look generous, light and modern. Because of the unobtrusive appearance of
                                                                             the floor, the window displays are more in the focus of the passers-by. The bright colour
                                                                             of the panels has significantly improved the reflection and the effect of the light. Last
                                                                             but not least: Among other factors, the success of implementing the project is owed to
                                                                             the excellent cooperation and communication of the various trades. The workers not
                                                                             only did their job in a highly precise and professional manner but they also cooperated
                                                                             extremely well. The industry and the suppliers punctually delivered products of perfect
                                                                             quality. The client and the architects promoted the construction work with quick deci-
                                                                             sions such as allowing necessary supplements, for instance. We are pleased that an
                                                                             idea which initially appeared to be unrealistic could be implemented successfully.

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