Page 142 - AIT0516_E-Paper
P. 142


               Die Flora bei Nacht: unten der hell erleuchtete Große Saal, oben der Dachsalon • The Flora at night  Edles Ambiente: strahlendes Weiß, durch Licht inszeniert • Upscale ambience: bright white staged by light

                                                                             I  t took about 70 years. In June 2014, it was accomplished. The Cologne Flora had its
                                                                               barrel roof back – even if in a modified form. The originally semi-circular glass roof
                                                                             had been destroyed during the Second World War and replaced with a flat roof in the
                                                                             1950s. Instead of the glass roof, now a semi-circular construction covered with zinc
                                                                             sheet sits enthroned above the listed building. For reasons of energy consumption and
                                                                             noise protection, this variant was favoured from today’s perspective. The new barrel
                                                                             vault crowns the elongated, representative domed hall. Rosette-like windows in the
                                                                             fronts add their very special atmospheric appeal in the façade and in the hall. In the
                                                                             mind’s eye, the glory and glamour of the Gründerzeit come back to life. Nostalgic charm
                                                                             which no new building is able to achieve – unless decades later! The geometry of the
                                                                             crossed barrel roof makes a festive, cathedral-like spatial impression. 250 luminous glo-
                                                                             bes suspended from the ceiling also make a contribution. The Bocci luminaires looking
                                                                             like oversized raindrops produce a fairy-tale-like play of light.

               Grundriss Erdgeschoss • Ground floor plan                     Festive start

                                                                             The foyer already puts the guests in a festive mood. Above the entrance rests a large,
                                                                             oval, illuminated glass roof. Curving flights of stairs lead to the terrace. Solnhofen floor
                                                                             panels, wood-panelled cloakrooms and a ceiling of illuminated glass beads are proof of
                                                                             the upscale, thought-out choice of materials for the interior. Sculptural flights of stairs
                                                                             then take the guests upwards for 23 metres. When riding the panoramic elevators, the
                                                                             visitors enjoy a view of the botanical garden and its surroundings. What particularly cat-
                                                                             ches the eye as well: the historic façades with their large glass elements – a time journey
                                                                             into the past. The ground floor as well looks like in the 19th century. The high-ceilinged
                                                                             ball room was there brought back to life. For this purpose, as a reference to the original
                                                                             palm house, K+H Architekten had the historic glass supports reconstructed and had
                                                                             them staged with light. To achieve an optimum result, the lighting as well as all the sur-
                                                                             faces were visualized and finally sampled and checked on site on a scale of 1:1. In a nos-
                                                                             talgic way, the restored and reworked chandeliers from the 1950s evoke the mood of
                                                                             times past. In addition, state-of-the art lighting technology ensures that the whitewas-
               Grundriss Obergeschoss • Upper floor plan                     hed hall with the arched windows can be immersed in various colour- and light moods.
                                                                             Massive oak parquet – like in the lounge upgraded with square inlays of smoked oak –
                                                                             in the truest sense of the word provides a stable, party-suited floor for social events,
                                                                             banquets or award ceremonies with numerous guests. When it came to the interior
                                                                             design, the architects, monument conservators and clients were advised by Cologne
                                                                             interior architect Dorothee Spitz. There was also close cooperation between Wieland
                                                                             Egger and the monument-conservation authorities. Together with the client and the ope-
                                                                             rator, KölnKongress – a subsidiary company of the city of Cologne and Koelnmesse – the
                                                                             decision was made that the former orangery was to be freed of all the annexes that had
                                                                             accumulated in the course of the decades. These annexes were replaced with one single
                                                                             new building. In the form of a two-storey wing with printed glass façades, it extends
                                                                             parallel to the historic Flora. In it are new hall- and foyer areas which, thanks to their
                                                                             ceiling-high glazing, profit from a magnificent view of nature. Inspired by to the former
                                                                             orangery and analogous to the name Flora, reliefs of flowers and leaves were integrated
                                                                             into the suspended ceilings. LED light bands emphasize these motifs.
               Querschnitt • Cross section

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