News | 13.12.2010
To this day, the AIT-Charity Chair has earned more than 34,000 Euros.
This is the amount
This is the amount AIT readers and AIT customers have paid for the chairs in favour of the South African AIDS orphanage. And there is no end in sight yet, because the online bids continue. On our homepage everybody can find out, which chairs are still available and what the current bids are.
The last public auction for now took place in a snowy pre-Christmas atmosphere in Berlin – and simultaneously in the Munich AIT ArchitekturSalon. Despite the catastrophic weather and the corresponding travel problems, 200 guests arrived in Berlin to bid vigorously. Additionally, guests at the architects’ Christmas party at the AIT ArchitekturSalon in Munich were connected via skype, and new bids arrived from outside. Thereby it turned out that not just the “big names” among the chair designers were high in demand. Works by (yet) less well known architects realised high prices.