Issue 06 | 2016


Dear Readers,

when asking established (interior) architects in our “Job Interview” section what they would do as a young graduate today, the most common answer is: travel. Ester Bruzkus and Patrick Batek (page 12) share this opinion and add “relax”. This insight is not quite new – Goethe already thought that “a clever man finds the best education while travelling”. Today, education is not always to the fore when crowds of people embark on a journey on busses, trains and cruise ships, and they are not always brighter when they return home. Reading our current issue on “Bar Hotel Restaurant” could possibly change this. We travelled – mostly only mentally – to Buffalo, Adelaide, Tel Aviv, Mexico, Istanbul, Warsaw, London, Pamplona, Milan, Ragusa, Zurich, Basel, Adelboden, Berlin, Frankfurt, Lindau, and Hilzhofen and discovered exceptional, intelligent and imaginative projects in the catering sector, each of which would be worth a journey. From our business trip we have brought back a souvenir for you in the form of a comprehensive follow-up report on the Salone del Mobile trade fair: starting on page 32, you find the latest furniture trends from Milan! Speaking of Milan – the supposed gastronomic crochet artwork (photo on the left) is a staging at Palazzo dell´Árte on the occasion of the XXI International Triennial, which again takes place in Milan after 20 years. Under the title “21st century. Design after Design”, exhibitions and events at numerous locations on the themes of design, art, architecture, and fashion draw visitors to the North Italian metropolis until 12 September. And from Milan it is not far to Venice, where the 15th La Biennale di Venezia, the international architecture exhibition, will start on the last weekend in May. So the holiday in Italy can turn into an educational journey! Reding’s essay “Behind Glass” is about a train journey of a special kind (page 42) – but with oppressively topical references. We wish you plenty of inspiration and a relaxed summer holiday!

Best wishes
Petra Stephan, Dipl.-Ing.
Chief Editor

Christine Schröder besuchte mit Tom Dixon das Mondrian Hotel (S. 116).

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