Page 21 - AIT1222_Leseprobe
P. 21

Entwurf • Design Lederer Ragnarsdóttir Oei, Stuttgart
                                                                                     Bauherr • Client Landratsamt Esslingen, Esslingen
                                                                                     Standort • Location Am Aussichtsturm 7, Plochingen
                                                                                     Nutzfläche • Floor space 9918 m 2
                                                                                                                                       Foto: Zooey Braun
                                                                                     Fotos • Photos Roland Halbe, Stuttgart
                                                                                     Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 126


                                                                                     CENTER IN PLOCHINGEN

                                                                                     Going to offices and authorities is bothersome – bure-
                                                                                     aucracy in Germany appears to be connected with tre-
                                                                                     mendous effort and costs nerves as well as time. LRO
                                                                                     from Stuttgart give these official appointments – at least
                                                                                     in Esslingen – a bit of a fresh breeze: The blue-white stri-
                                                                                     ped sun shading of the façade reminds of parasols on
                                                                                     the beach or the awnings of ice-cream parlours.

                                                                                     T  he district administrative office in Esslingen looks friendly already
                                                                                        from a distance. The new building designed by Lederer Ragnarsdót-
                                                                                     tir Oei Architekten with its airy-light appearance, the striking awnings
                                                                                     and the wide window surfaces manages to remove fears of the un-
                                                                                     known even before one first has to enter it. Planned as an extension of
                                                                                     the existing construction, the administration building stands on a hill
                                                                                     above the city of Plochingen, surrounded by ample green and few
                                                                                     neighbouring developments in an excellent location above the Neckar
                                                                                     Valley. A winding, covered passage links the old building from the 1970s
                                                                                     with the new building and guides visitors inside with a welcoming ge-
             Grundriss Erdgeschoss • Ground floor plan                               sture. Large portholes mark the transition between outside and inside
                                                                                     and quite naturally lead into the foyer that is characterized by modest
                                                                                     restraint. The architects planned a five-storey structure with a square
                                                                                     layout and an inner courtyard. Whoever arrives in the foyer of the new
                                                                                     building in the east section is guided to the counters that are located to
                                                                                     the left and the right next to the inner courtyard. In the western part of
                                                                                     the building are the semi-public and internal rooms whereas all the pu-
                                                                                     blic areas are in the eastern part. Due to the repetition of the layout
                                                                                     structure on the upper floors, a pragmatic and quick to grasp principle
                                                                                     of use results. The employees have a separate access to the district-ad-
                                                                                     ministration building and thus the zone of the building can be used free
                                                                                     from disturbances due to the areas open to the public. All the offices
                                                                                     allow looking out into the green nature and a view of the Neckar Valley
                                                                                     – this lightness is reflected in the transparent-looking façade. Wrap-
                                                                                     around balconies consisting of prefabricated concrete components ho-
                                                                                     rizontally structure the view and are a special feature of the design at
                                                                                     the same time: Their considerable overhang serves as sun shading, it is
                                                                                     a constructional protection for the wooden façade elements and it gives
                                                                                     the administrative employees an additional special view. Plant contai-
                                                                                     ners that are embedded in the grid of the concrete slabs and, depending
                                                                                     on the direction, are planted with fragrant rosebushes, jasmine, laven-
             Grundriss Obergeschoss • Upper floor plan                               der or heather – a novel interpretation of façade greening!

                                                                                                                           AIT 12.2022 • 097
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