Page 27 - AIT0718_Leseprobe
P. 27

Reiner Pfisterer

                                                         ist freier Fotograf mit den Schwerpunkten Reportage, Porträ   t, Buch- und Ausstellungsprojekte. Sein Arbeitsmittel -
                                                                                                                                          Foto: Sigrid Blank
                                                         punkt ist das Film- und Medienzentrum in Ludwigsburg. Seit 25 Jahren blickt er hinter die Kulissen von Kultur,
                                                         Politik, Wirtschaft und Sozialem, immer auf der Suche nach dem Wesentlichen.    

                                          Xeribe, 2012, Zelal Gökce

                                        Don´t stop the music, 2010,
                                                Jamie Cullum

                In his work, the Ludwigsburg photographer Reiner Pfisterer always shows people and life
                in all their diversity, always in search of what is authentic. As part of the “hin und weg”
                exhibition for the 300-year anniversary of the city of Ludwigsburg, he focused on living
                rooms which he shows completely without any human beings to give the visitors scope
                for their own stories. The exhibition of the photographs for which Pfisterer gained access
                to a wide variety of living rooms in the city will be shown until 16th September. In the
                exhibition, each photograph is accompanied by a select song which tells something about
                the person living in the respective room after all.

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