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sultations on complex financial products and services, has an identity-generating  providers." One fact that is missing in Gregory's consideration, however, is that val-
                effect. Thus, the banker becomes the advising ambassador of his bank and the station-  ues can only be strengthened if companies strike the right note, which depends on
                ary consulting room the platform of a corporate image, which at best is aimed at a  the zeitgeist and thus on trends. What seems appropriate today can be inappropriate
                clearly defined target group. It has long been known that companies collect data to  tomorrow. The same applies to interiors. This results in the necessity of demonstrat-
                create user profiles that help them understand their customers and target groups.  ing permanent flexibility and - in line with the retail trade's manner - continually
                According to Banken-Blog — a news and discussion platform by and for bankers —  questioning and realigning the branch appearance. Now as in the future, banks are
                Michael Boqvist, Sales Manager Financial Industry Services at SIX Payment Services,  not funny playgrounds and therefore do not need a hipster startup flair, but they nei-
                Germany, states that a lack of knowledge about customers and their individual needs  ther are time-honoured and forgetful of their time. It is the planner's responsibility to
                has been one of the biggest problems for banks. The goal must therefore be to eval-  design bank branches that are of high quality but not immoderate; serious but not
                uate and learn from existing data. The diversity of potential customers is great.  old-fashioned; straightforward but not soulless, in order to convey credibility and
                Established players such as Commerzbank, Deutsche Bank, and Sparkasse have set  authenticity to the customer with the help of the interior.
                up innovation laboratories to develop the right approach and contact points for each
                customer  group  and  generation.  A  survey  conducted  by  the  Centre  for European  The right mix of branch, online and mobile
                Economic Research on trends in retail banking shows that the growing heterogeneity
                of customer profiles means that different types of branches have to be used.   And customer loyalty? In the already quoted article by Michael Boqvist it says: "The
                                                                              right mix of branch, online, and mobile will decide about customer relevance and thus
                Six future branch types                                       business success in the future. Defining it will become a strategic core issue for the
                                                                              industry. Social media will play a special role in this. The aim is not only to attract
                According to the Centre for European Economic Research, six branch concepts have  millions of followers, but also to be able to serve the community - the customers -
                emerged for effectively addressing all potential customers on site: The experience  according to their needs 24/7." The bank becomes a valued community that the poten-
                branch is regarded as a zeitgeist-sensitive, experimental flagship and is intended to  tial customer can already feel a part of when entering the branch or following the cor-
                emotionally appeal to bank visitors. The range of services is tailored to the local  responding Instagram or Twitter profile. So, are stationary bank branches still needed
                market potential and customer groups. Bank-related products (e.g. insurances) are  at all? In view of the fact that online banks such as ING-DiBa are now moving from
                available besides financial products, as are non-banking products. The consulting  virtual business to the real world and opening stationary branches, it becomes appar-
                branch focuses on high-quality consulting for complex or individual financial servic-  ent that bank branches are far from being obsolete. At this point, a clear ''yes'' to the
                es. Extended opening hours and advice islands, but no service counters are charac-  bank branch with a big ''but'', because the banking industry has to reinvent itself con-
                teristic. Banking Shops also have long opening hours, but are geared to occasional  ceptually and spatially in order to remain relevant. Architects and interior designers
                customers concluding standardised financial transactions and are therefore usually  can make a significant contribution to the step into the future - because the interiors
                small stores in prime locations. Full-service branches are closest to today's classic  must be designed as a communicator of new strategies, a platform for live communi-
                bank branches and provide all target groups  with a combination of service and  cation, a support of the public image, and a guarantor of corporate success.
                advice. An extension of the ATM is the self-service branch, which has no staff and
                is equipped  with digital service counters for account management and payment
                                                                              Express-Counter sorgen für eine schnelle Kundenbedienung. • Express counters ensure fast customer service.
                transactions. The  target  group branch comprises all branches that are regarding
                their function, design, and location tailored to a special customer group (students,
                pensioners, etc.). One example is the Sparkasse bus branches, where one employee
                provides advice and service in rural regions without permanent branches. The phys-
                ical fitout of the branches is increasingly inspired by the retail trade. Even financial
                products are visualised by means of product boxes and elaborate information kits.
                Furthermore, emotionalization and storytelling play an increasingly important role,
                observes Andrew Richards, Head of Regional Retail Banking of the English Metro
                Bank. At the Commerzbank branch in Berlin, Studio Dan Pearlman shows what flag-
                ship stores designed according to the latest findings can look like. Under the motto of
                "Rethink the bank", the created store concept bridges the gap between traditional reli-
                able appearance and contemporary communication spaces. The aim was a place
                with a holistic brand experience that focuses on consulting at eye level.

                "We are transparent and know what matters!"

                In the centre of the spacious room design is a lounge area providing drinks, iPads,
                information screens, and WLAN. Adjoining express service counters and consultation
                booths provide an appropriate environment for every request. A white interior fitout
                with yellow details, wooden elements in combination with a varied floor covering
                and lighting concept creates an inviting and high-quality appearance. The subtle mes-
                sage: we are transparent and know what matters. Dan Pearlman's concept has been
                successfully applied to numerous branches since the flagship was completed in 2013.
                Recently renovated locations such as the city branch in Frankfurt complement the
                store appearance with counselling tables and brick walls, giving Commerzbank an
                urban flair. Creating contemporary offerings and consulting rooms to remain attrac-
                tive — that sounds catchy, impressively simple, and above all optimistic. Robert
                Gregory, Professor of Information Systems at the IESE Business School and researcher
                in the field of digital transformations, positively assesses the future of banks:
                "Traditionally, banks have been regarded as discreet, reliable, and trustworthy. If
                they strengthen these values, they need not be afraid of the attack of new service

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