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Entwurf • Design Zawieja Studio, PL-Posen
                                                                                Bauherr • Client EJMedical, PL-Posen
                                                                                Standort • Location Bojerowa 28, PL-Posen
                                                                                Nutzfläche • Floor space 3480 m 2
                                                                                Fotos • Photos Zasoby Studio PL-Warschau
                                                                                Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 142

                                                                                REHABILITATION CENTRE

                                                                                IN POZNAN

                                                                                In view of the current demographic change, the design
                                                                                of age- and dementia-sensitive spaces is becoming more
                                                                                and more important. Zawieja Studio’s tongue-in-cheek
                                                                                motto for this project therefore was: “Rehabilitate senior
                                                                                spaces!”. When you see the photos showing the result,
                                                                                you immediately ask yourself the following question: is
                                                                                this a wellness resort or a medical facility after all?

                                                                                A  fter having suffered a serious neurological illness, movement
                                                                                   restrictions as well as diminished sensory perceptions often pose
                                                                                great challenges in coping with daily life. In such an exceptional situa-
                                                                                tion, those affected benefit particularly from an environment that is
                                                                                easy to grasp visually and spatially and thus succeeds in conveying
                                                                                a high degree of security to the patients. The Neuroport rehabilita-
                                                                                tion centre was therefore built with the aim of giving the residents
                                                                                maximum independence and autonomy and ensure a speedy and as
                                                                                complete as possible recovery. The two-storey building has 48 rooms,
                                                                                each of which can accommodate up to three people, on an overall
        Grundriss Erdgeschoss • Ground floor plan  Grundriss 1. Obergeschoss • First floor plan  area of about 3,500 square metres. In addition, appealing common
                                                                                rooms have also been designed, which serve as spatial and social
                                                                                anchor points – including a lushly landscaped conservatory with an
                                                                                open space above that allows visual references to the outside. It has
                                                                                been shown through research that connections to the environment
                                                                                is able to stimulate the memory of people who are suffering from
                                                                                dementia. When it comes to the interior design, the colour scheme
                                                                                and the specially designed wallpaper refer to the centre’s location on
                                                                                a lakeshore. Accents in orange and aqua blue are used to complement
                                                                                the rooms, which are bathed in earthy tones. The soothing atmosphe-
                                                                                re also thrives on the sensitive use of light: along the corridors, perfo-
                                                                                rated sheets filter the daylight coming in from above. The individual
                                                                                rooms are fitted with translucent curtains to make the lighting situa-
                                                                                tion as pleasant as possible at all times. In developing the striking
                                                                                guidance system, the young Polish design studio focused on a high-
                                                                                contrast design. In addition to the wall surfaces, the floor coverings,
                                                                                door- and stair elements were also included in the system. These now
                                                                                refer to the respective location and thus simplify orientation within
                                                                                the building complex. All the furniture fixtures and fittings subtly allu-
                                                                                de to the aesthetics of the 1960s and 1970s. For recent findings show:
                                                                                References to the former surroundings of the patients also support
        Axomometrien • Axonometries                                             their well-being and thus promote recovery.

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