Page 113 - AIT1119_E-Paper
P. 113

A   ccording to a study conducted by Rockefeller University which was pub lish -
                    ed in the Science specialist journal in 2014, human beings are able to distin-
                guish one trillion (!) smells. Far more than in the case of colours. Smell has an in-
                stant and immediate effect. Our world of emotions, our memories and decisions are
                much more strongly influenced by nasal experiences than is generally assumed.
                Scents and smells are relaxing, stimulating or balancing. Carefully dosed and spa-
                ringly applied compositions of essential oils complement wellness- and spa areas
                for a sustained pleasant spatial feeling. Already in ancient cultures, smells where
                used to olfactorily upgrade rooms. But only in modern times has magnetic resonan -
                ce imaging been able to show that appealing smells activate the same areas in the
                brain as kissing.

                The power of the olfactory sense                                                                                          Foto: Bayerisches Staatsbad Bad Reichenhall Kur GmbH; Entwurf Architektur: Rudolf Wienands

                In small doses we usually do not notice what we smell. Below our individual per-
                ception thresholds, scents and smells are hardly perceived consciously. But when
                the likewise individual, higher recognition threshold in strongly smelling surroun-
                dings is exceeded, then we become aware of a scent or of a smell which to us is ne-
                gative. In all this, only the negative feeling has visible effects on our behaviour: We
                become active in order to end the unpleasant perception. In the case of a positive
                realization of the perceived scent, our brain signals that the current situation is to  Rubertus Therme Bad Reichenhall: größte naturreine Luftversorgung unter den deutschen Thermen
                be maintained. The olfactory environment is already forgotten after approximately
                20 seconds since there is no danger associated with it and it may perhaps even po-
                sitively influence our well-being. Not last due to this, it is important to use a scenting
                technology with interval dosing. The sense of smell is decisive for procuring infor-
                mation and food, for getting our bearings in our environment as well as for choosing
                a partner and for reproduction. It is located in the evolutionary oldest brain regions  „Jedes Atmen ist potenzielles Riechen.
                and works without assistance of the cerebrum. Under its influence, it is in the latter  Und jedes Riechen ist Emotion.“
                that the decision is made about what we remember in the long run and with what
                we link these memories emotionally and with images. The promise of enjoyment          Elke Kies
                awakened by the smell of food produces an enormous appetite since 90 percent of
                our tasting is retro-nasal smelling. Typical holiday smells get us into a good mood
                and produce inner images of memory – more profound than any visual information
                is able to achieve. When talking about smelling we are talking about a vital sense.
                This is because no matter whether they are consciously perceived, recognized or not
                noticed by us at all, the inhaled scent molecules enter our bloodstream and disperse
                in the body. Their qualities and substances should thus be investigated in more de-  Kriterien der Duftausbringung
                tail. Whereas genuine, pure plant extracts with their provitamins show a close affi-
                nity to the human hormone balance and can all be well utilized and broken down  r Dosierung: Genauigkeit der Einflussnahme auf die Duftkonzentration im
                by the body, nature-identical aromatic substances are perfume oils which, in some  Raum, für Dufterlebnisse auch das Tempo, in dem eine gewünschte Duft-
                cases, are produced in laboratories. We encounter these everywhere: in perfumes  stärke im Raum erreicht wird.
                and body-care products, as air fresheners and as fragrance trees for cars, in washing
                powders and detergents. Some of us have become accustomed to these mainly pe-  r Wirkstofferhalt: Die aromatherapeutische Betrachtung einer natürlichen
                troleum-bases fragrances over the years. Their wide use is still a problematic trend  Raumbeduftung zielt auf unverfälscht freigesetzte Pflanzenwirkstoffe im
                because the biological degradability in the body has largely not been proven.   Gegensatz zu billigen Raumduftsystemen, die mit Wärme oder Sprühnebel ar-
                What is a naturally pure scent?
                                                                                 r Tropfengröße: Dufttröpfchen in der Luft haben eine hohe Konzentration und
                A natural scent composition is produced without the addition of alcohol for a  eine große Oberfläche. Sie einzuatmen ist für Asthmatiker sehr riskant.
                functional and hedonistic objective of its application. This purely natural sent com-
                position may be labelled as consisting of “100 percent essential oils”. The label   r Oxidation der Duftstoffe: Im Zusammenwirken von Luft und Wärme verän-
                “natural” is incorrect and only has a competition-distorting effect. The afore-men-  dert sich die chemische Struktur der Düfte. Die Düfte riechen schlecht, natür-
                tioned composition is produced from distillates of resins, roots, branches, leaves,  liche Stoffe verlieren zum Teil ihre Wirkung.
                blossoms, fruits and seeds of various medicinal and aromatic plants from all over
                the world and mostly known for years. In the process, the perfumer aims to achieve  r Fraktionierung: Die Raumduft-Komposition wird in Kopf- und Basisnoten
                the desired balance of volatility and stability of a composition with the percentage  aufgespalten. Zuerst werden Kopfnoten, zum Beispiel zitrische Komponenten,
                of the respective oils. Compositions are created with a refreshing or balancing, coo-  freigesetzt. Die verbleibenden Basisnoten riechen alleine nicht gut, vor allem
                ling or warming, stimulating or calming effect which can be used as a strong pre-  nach der Oxidation.
                sence or very subtly for the functional scenting of rooms. This depends on whether
                one combines ingredients which olfactorily strengthen or rather balance each other.  r Rückstände: Durch starkes Erhitzen/Oxidation entstehen toxische Verbin-
                Simply put, one can state about the effect of essential oils that they let us enjoy in  dungen. Weder ätherische noch Parfümöle sind dafür ausgelegt. Duftstoff-Nie-
                the room air the very effect the oil also has for the plant. And they all have one  derschläge auf Materialien führen gegebenenfalls zu Verfärbungen und staub-
                aspect in common: they are antiseptic!                           bindenden Verharzungen der Oberflächen.
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