Page 57 - AIT1117_E-Paper
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Jeden Monat nähern sich unsere Kolumnisten, die Berliner Filmemacher Dominik und Benjamin Reding, dem jeweiligen Heftthema
                auf ihre ganz eigene Art und Weise. Geboren wurden die Zwillinge am 3. Ja nuar 1969 in Dortmund. Während Dominik Architektur
                in Aachen und Film in Hamburg studierte, absolvierte Benjamin ein Schauspielstudium in Stuttgart. 1997 begann die Arbeit an
                ihrem ersten gemeinsamen Kinofilm „Oi! Warning“. Seitdem arbeiten sie für Fernseh- und Kinofilmprojekte zusammen.

                Each month our columnists, Berlin-based filmmakers Dominik and Benjamin Reding, approach the respective issue-specific
                theme in their very personal way. The twins were born on January 3, 1969 in Dortmund. Whilst Dominik studied architecture
                in Aachen and film in Hamburg, Benjamin graduated in acting studies in Stuttgart. They started working on their first joint
                motion picture “Oi! Warning“ in 1997. Since then they have tightly collaborated for TV and cinema film projects.

                An Essay by Benjamin Reding
                A  IT's editor-in-chief Petra Stephan was out and about: at the Cersaie in Bologna.  water, on a lambskin or on the sofa at home. Said the head physician. With utter
                                                                              conviction! The most colourful tiles: glued to the walls of subway stations. Or in the
                   The trade fair for ceramics in Italy! I read it in the current AIT newsletter. The
                November issue of the magazine will focus on wellness, health and ceramics. This  hallway of my neighbour's house. Because he was the head of the subway depart-
                is consistent. No, it's more than that, it's an equation: wellness + health = ceramics.  ment. Giant, wall-sized tiles. Orange, with bluish foamy edges. It looked like mould,
                The material and the building projects related to wellness and health have closely  like long forgotten Gouda cheese in the fridge. He proudly showed them to me, gen-
                grown together. And no other product is more successful than ceramics’ simplest,  tly stroking the porous surface. "That's real art, isn't it?" I was staring at the bubbles,
                most robust and according to DIN standard 51130 non-slip child: the tile. There is no  nodding. The most frightening tiles: were “art in architecture” in the local indoor
                doctor's surgery without completely tiled wash basins, sinks and spittoons, no hotel  swimming pool. Opposite the 3-meter board! A colourful mess of tiles! With a lot of
                spa without tiled floors, no whirlpool without mosaic tiles, no swimming pool with-  imagination, it was supposed to be a sun, an island and the sea. It could have also
                out blue, no public toilet  without  yellow and no hospital  without  white tiles.  been a melted tomato pizza. I stood on the board, looked at the tile pizza and had
                However, it wasn't always like that. The Romans loved wellness and marble and  to jump down. Some kind of swimming test for 10-year-olds. It must have been very
                combined both in their thermal baths, in the Middle Ages, hands were washed in  important. I trembled and hesitated and was cold, and my classmates giggled and
                the village’s stone fountain and people in the baroque period bathed in wooden  looked at me, I jumped, landed on my tummy and almost broke my ribs. After all,
                tubs. At that time, tiles  were only used in                                            I had escaped the sight of the artwork.  The
                churches. As flooring!  Then came the                                                   most  beautiful  tiles: perhaps  to  be  found  on
                Biedermeier period, the bourgeoisie and bacte-                                          the roof of Casa Batlló in Barcelona or in the
                ria.  Every  look  through  the  newly  invented                                        old metro entrances by Hector Guimard in
                microscope revealed it: we are not alone. The                                           Paris or under the dome of the Al-Aqsa Mosque
                beautiful, pure, clear  water is not beautiful,                                         in Jerusalem. For me, however, they shimmer
                pure and clear. There's an enemy lurking in it.                                         at an outdoor swimming pool in Dortmund-
                Infinitely small and abysmally evil! The germ!                                          Hörde. The blue tiled basin is framed by a steel
                Kill it! From now on and until today, everything                                        plant on the left and a railway line on the right
                that has to do with body, health and bathing                                            side, and traversed by a house-high gas pipe.
                pleasure has to be rinseable. The common tile,                                          The swimming pool is not guarded at night.
                this simple piece of clay, quartz and oxide,                                            And if you can climb well, you can get in. I was
                returned. And the return came to be a tri-                                              there with buddies, a little drunk, they helped
                umphant march. The tile actually only exists in                                         me climb the fence. And I got onto the 3-meter
                the plural. You don't buy a single tile, and if you                                     board. This time voluntarily! And I jumped. It
                do, then because it's art. Or claiming to be.                                           was easy, it didn't hurt. I came up and
                With either rural, Dutch or floral motifs. Then it                                      laughed. Be embraced,  you lovely tiles!  The
                hangs on the kitchen wall, gathering dust. The                                          most secret tiles: are green. Every pupil at a
                other tiles, however, the ones in the plural, are                                       1970s concrete school knew this: the interiors
                diligent and accompany us all our lives. Silent,  Foto: Benjamin Reding                 were colourful. Red doors,  yellow  window
                patient servants  which allow every human                                               frames, blue knobbed floors, violet radiators.
                expression of life to be  washed away.  They                                            And green tiles! Like a toilet block in my con-
                coexist so inconspicuously next to and as a floor underneath us, that we overlook  crete school. The architecture was so ambitious that you couldn't find the toilets. I
                and forget them. Who would remember one's first date and mumble, he/she had  discovered them by accident. Behind a concrete wall in the schoolyard! Everything
                such beautiful tiles?  Who  would say that the holiday  was fantastic, especially  was there: light, water, heating, even toilet paper. But they were never used. The
                because of the hotel tiles! And who, apart from interior designers, would cry out  block became my secret retreat, I called it the "Green Hell". The toilet block is said
                after a visit to a restaurant: "The food was good, but the tiles in the toilet, for this  to still exist, nobody has found it to this day. The last tiles: No one sees them. Me
                reason I'll go there again! Do you remember tiles? Do I remember them? I'm brood-  neither. Maybe it's better this way. I visited a closed down crematorium. The city had
                ing, thinking. Yeah, yeah! They emerge, swell from remote brain cells, from the deep-  offered it for rent. Mighty columns at the front, sandstone urn niches, a lot of marble
                est layers of the unconscious, from the super-ego: tiles, tiles, tiles ...   and many mosaics at the back: tiles. You could have thought it was an art installa-
                The first tiles: no one can see them. I didn't either, although I lay on top of them,  tion. Tiles on the floor, tiles on the walls, tiles on the ceiling, tiles on the tables. This
                freezing and screaming. Pretty loud, as the head physician later claimed.  is where they will be lying. I didn't rent the place. A bar moved in. They had little to
                Appendectomy and childbirth were almost the same thing in hospitals around 1970,  change. Tiles are trendy. Hipster coolness and new simplicity! Now, it is a place
                and it was a man's job. That's why the surgeries in the maternity wards looked like  where people laugh, smoke, drink and booze, banter and kiss. Red wine stains the
                car repair shops. Neon light, tiled walls. Plastic tubes, metal tables, chrome-plated  tiles, coffee, beer and latte macchiato, perfume and aftershave, sugar and lipstick.
                technical equipment. It was inconceivable that births could also be possible under  It's nice what can still happen to an old tile.

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