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                                                                             however, Merete Mattern became so ill with food poisoning that her life took a different
              aus: M. Mattern: Bilder ökologischer Visonen, IL 27, Natürlich bauen, 1980, S.- 268-271/Architekturmuseum der TU Berlin
                                                                             turn. After her return to Germany she began addressing ecological and esoteric questions.
                                                                             Teaching appointments, studies for ecological building and participation in the founding
                                                                             of the political party “The Greens” all followed. Articles in other publications followed,
                                                                             for example in the French architecture magazine L’Architecture d’Aujourd’hui, which in
                                                                             1967 devoted an entire issue to architecture from Germany, in particular that in which
                                                                             architects who took their cue from Hans Scharoun were sounding out new interpretations
                                                                             of Expressionism. 1967 saw further success for Merete Mattern. Her proposal for the
                                                                             expansion of the city of Bratislava, which was produced for an international architects’
                                                                             and urban planners’ congress, was exhibited on several occasions. As previously with the
                                                                             Ratingen project, Merete Mattern developed her design using sketches and numerous
                                                                             working models, which in each case document stages in the process, without, however,
                                                                             making more than vague specifications. Further designs of this nature were made for
                                                                             Karlsruhe, Neuperlach in Munich, as  well as  with the title “Solar City Fort Lincoln,
                                                                             Washington DC” (together with Mario Sama). For the Solar City she was awarded a
                                                                             “Grand Prix International d'Urbanisme et d'Architecture” in 1969 in Cannes, which Louis
                                                                             Kahn presented to her and a number of other prizewinners. As she recorded in a hand-
                                                                             written note, it was at this time that she started becoming aware of symptoms of food
                                                                             poisoning. “Yes! That was one of the most poignant moments in my life” Merete Mattern
                                                                             noted in a folder, in which she documented her defining encounters in the form of a CV.
               Bilder ökologischer Visonen – organische Grundrisse • Pictures of ecological visions – organic ground plans  The list ended with the words “Thanks to all the great masters who rebelled + Louis
                                                                             Kahn.” After this series of urban design competition entries, Merete Mattern devised the
                                                                             “Floating Cities” project. The exact context can no longer be reconstructed, but it is noti-
                                                                             ceable that the technoid structures are mounted in a photocollage from the Bratislava
               I  n the 1960s and 1970s, Merete Mattern’s designs made her a regular feature in German  competition with a view of the Danube from the castle. The copies of drawings and pho-
                                                                             tos of models from the urban design projects of the late 1960s are peppered with later
                 and international trade journals. Her visionary and fantastic plans for entire cities were
               also included in several books about trends in architecture at the time. Be it the expansion  designs, which are presumably architectural phantasies, i.e., came about without any
               of Bratislava to accommodate 100,000 inhabitants, or the invention of “floating cities”: For  specific reason. They are often plant-like buildings, many were modelled in clay, photo-
               many people Merete Mattern, who was born in 1930, was a ray of hope in an era felt to  graphed, and stuck in. Other designs are devoted to the ecological conversion of entire
               be often in crisis. The development of huge residential areas was at the top of architects’  regions. In Garnpoint on Lake Chiemsee there are also numerous wax models. These
               and urban planners’ agendas, but very few were able to go about the task as freely, arti-  were made because of the sheer joy of wishing to experiment with pouring hot wax into
               stically, and un-technocratically as Merete Mattern. At the time, between 1966 and 1970,  water. The results are reminiscent of the form-finding studies conducted by Frei Otto, with
               she published work and presented it at exhibitions far more than actually realizing pro-  whom Merete Mattern exchanged ideas for a while, and others of present-day parametric
               jects. She had been able to do so since the late 1950s. Though at the time she had not  design processes .These later designs likewise continually appear in publications, though
               actually completed her Architecture degree, she was already working with her parents  they are far removed from urban development debate, in which in the 1960s Merete
               Herta Hammerbacher and Hermann Mattern, both successful landscape architects, on  Mattern and her designs played a major role.
               several projects, for example a housing development comprising several residential buil-
               dings in Göttingen. Though Herta Hammerbacher and Hermann Mattern had been divor-
               ced since 1935, they still worked together and now involved their daughter in their project  Der Autor des Beitrages Oliver Elser ist Kurator am Deutschen Architekturmuseum (DAM)
               partnership. Merete Mattern was born in Berlin. Following her parents’ divorce, she lived  in Frankfurt am Main. Er kuratiert Ausstellungen  zur Postmoderne, über Archi tek -
               with her father and his second wife Beate. For a while, her mother moved in with the pho-  turmodelle im 20. Jahrhundert und über Simon Ungers. 2016 war er Kurator von Making
               tographer Elsbeth Heddenhausen and the latter’s sister in a house which the architect  Heimat, dem Deutschen Pavillon auf der Architekturbiennale in Venedig. Sein aktuelles
               Walter Kratz had designed during the Third Reich to meet the needs of three single, pro-  Ausstellungsprojekt ist #SOSBrutalismus, eine internationale Bestands auf nahme mit
               fessional women. In 1941, Merete Mattern, her father and stepmother moved to Garnpoint  Rettungskampagne. Er arbeitet auch als Architekturkritiker und -journalist.
               on Lake Chiemsee in Bavaria, where the father had acquired a farm as a place of refuge
               and in which they could be self-sufficient in wartime and times of crisis.  Mit freundlicher Genehmigung der Herausgeber und des Ernst Wasmuth Verlages
                                                                             wurden der gekürzte Textbeitrag und die Abbildungen entnommen aus:
               She graduated under Hans Scharoun at the TU in Berlin

               As of 1946, she attended an educational facility in Marquartstein to obtain a high school    Frau Architekt
               graduation certificate. She then did a carpentry apprenticeship, following this by an
               internship with Ivar Tengbom in Stockholm as well as periods of study in Kassel and          Seit mehr als 100 Jahren:
               Berlin, which were repeatedly interrupted by practical work in her parents’ studio. In 1961,  Frauen im Architekturberuf
               she graduated under Hans Scharoun at the Technical University in Berlin . A large model
               of the concert hall she designed for her degree still exists today. According to her son
               Fabian Zimmermann, she made reference all her life to the design, which for her seems        Frau Architekt
               to have been a nucleus for a “music cathedral”, a sort of gesamtkunstwerk of a musician’s    Herausgeber: Mary Pepchinski, Christina Budde, Wolfgang
               life. Five years later Merete Mattern, as part of a consortium that included her mother and  Voigt, Peter Cachola Schmal – Deutsches Architekturmuseum,
               several young architects, took part in an urban design competition for the expansion of      Frankfurt/Main. Erschienen 2017 im Ernst Wasmuth Verlag,
               the City of Ratingen. It would be her first and biggest publication success. The numerous    Tübingen, Berlin. Deutsch/Englisch. 113 Seiten. Hardcover.
               instances of her design for Ratingen being published, as well as subsequent pieces of        Format: 24,5 x 30,5 cm. 48 Euro
               work, were followed by the next step in her career, a visiting professorship in the United   ISBN 978 3 8030 0829 9 (Buchhandelsausgabe)
               States, which she began in 1968 at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. While there,  ISBN 978 3 8030 0828 2 (Museumsausgabe)

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