Page 173 - AIT1018_E-Paper
P. 173

Entwurf • Design Space Encounters, NL-Amsterdam
                                                                                        Bauherr • Client Sony Music, NL-Amsterdam
                                                                                        Standort • Location Overhoeksplein 1, NL-Amsterdam
                                                                                        Nutzfläche • Floor space 700 m 2
                                                                                        Fotos • Photos Peter Tijhuis, NL-Amsterdam
                                                                                        Mehr Infos auf Seite • More infos on page 192

                                                                                        SONY MUSIC HQ

                                                                                        IN AMSTERDAM

                                                                                        A’Dam – Amsterdam Dance and Music – is how the former
                                                                                        Shell Tower on the north bank of the IJ River has been cal-
                                                                                        led since 2014. These days, it is the location of all kinds of
                                                                                        representatives of the domestic music industry.  Among
                                                                                        them is also the Sony Music record label. Its premises on
                                                                                        the eleventh and twelfth upper floors have been designed
                                                                                        by the Amsterdam Space Encounters architectural office.

                                                                                        T  he former Shell Tower is one of Amsterdam’s most striking land-
                                                                                           marks. Since 1971, the almost 100 metres high tower has been stand-
                                                                                        ing on the north bank of the IJ River and dominating the panorama oppo-
                                                                                        site the historic old part of the city. Originally, the structure designed by the
                                                                                        architect Arthur Staal (1907–1993) served as the administrative building for
                                                                                        the adjacent laboratory- and research centre of the petroleum company.
                                                                                        Around the turn of the millennium, however, Shell radically reduced the
                                                                                        location and handed the until then strictly closed-off area over to the city
                                                                                        of Amsterdam. As a consequence, over the past years a new inner-city dis-
                                                                                        trict with almost 2,200 residential units and about 130,000 square metres
                Grundriss 11. Geschoss • Floor plan Level +11                           of commercial space was developed. The cultural anchor is the EYE Film
                                                                                        Institute Netherlands built according to plans by the Viennese Delugan
                                                                                        Meissl architectural office and inaugurated in 2012. After the last group
                                                                                        employees had moved out in 2009, it took until 2014 for a new utilization
                                                                                        concept to be submitted for the Shell Tower as well. In the same year, the
                                                                                        architects Felix Claus and Dick van Wageningen were commissioned with
                                                                                        the renovation and the tower was officially renamed A’Dam Tower, which
                                                                                        can be understood as the abbreviation of Amsterdam itself as well as an
                                                                                        acronym for Amsterdam Dance and Music. The latter then also refers to
                                                                                        the new purpose of the building because, since its reopening in 2016, the
                                                                                        music industry, which is quite important for the city, is located in the
                                                                                        A’Dam. Major record labels, music publishers and concert agencies have
                                                                                        their offices here. Since last year, the major label Sony Music has also been
                                                                                        residing in the A’Dam. Space Encounters were in charge of designing the
                                                                                        offices on the eleventh and twelfth floors. The architects left the concrete
                                                                                        columns of the façade uncovered and designed a work environment with
                                                                                        a strict grid and consistently grey in grey. On the one hand! On the other –
                                                                                        entirely true to the motto “work hard, play nice” – almost half of the office
                                                                                        area was designed as a communal, communication- and relaxation zone,
                                                                                        including comfortable sofas and recliner chairs, a bar and a DJ booth. All
                                                                                        the installations and the furniture here are immersed in rich green. In addi-
                 Grundriss 12. Geschoss • Floor plan Level 12                           tion, there are exotic potted plants in all kinds of forms, colours and sizes.

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