Page 177 - AIT1018_E-Paper
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bad air and acoustics are often accompanied by additional conflicts with colleagues,
                stress due to inadequate office organisation or unclear responsibilities as well as
                excessive or insufficient demands. This results in physical and psychological stress
                which, if felt negatively and cannot be reduced, becomes a significant risk of illness.
                In order to specifically address and counteract the causes, it makes sense to group
                them according to their characteristics. Thus, the causative factors can be divided
                into "hard" and "soft". Among the hard factors are the office space itself, its furnish-
                ing in the narrower and wider sense, as well as the range of food on offer. Room
                acoustics are also very important, as they are often underestimated in the planning
                phase and can put a heavy strain on most people in the event of poor implementa-
                tion or non-observance. The communicative advantages of an open-plan office then
                reveal their downside. The change from single and small group offices to open-plan
                offices often  neglects the increased acoustic  requirements, so that cellular offices
                remain in demand or are regretted. Suitable acoustic elements on the ceiling, wall or
                furniture can make a significant contribution to reducing stress and increasing con-
                centration. In addition to acoustically active surfaces, plants and air humidification
                also contribute to improving the indoor climate. Especially in winter, the humidity
                quickly drops below the recommended level and should be increased whenever pos-
                sible — not least to make employees more resistant to the usual diseases associated  Richtiges Sitzen beginnt auch im Kopf. • Correct sitting posture also starts in the mind.
                with winter. Depending on the office equipment, the furniture — i.e. chair and table,
                screen, keyboard, mouse, and lighting — has a considerable impact on the health of
                employees. Furniture manufacturers have recognised this — supported by the growing  dom, which lasts for a longer period of time and perhaps even goes unnoticed, can
                realisation that sitting is as harmful as smoking. This makes working while standing  easily turn into a state of inner dismissal. As a résumé of our research on factors caus-
                at a height-adjustable table more and more popular and is a sign of increased aware-  ing illness in the office, we have derived the so-called "No-Stop-Office" — an installation
                ness of the serious consequences of incorrect or monotonous sitting positions.  in the centre of the exhibition space. It represents the exact anti-thesis of a healthy
                Nevertheless, studies have shown that sitting and standing are similarly stressful in  office environment. After entering, the visitor is in an endless office floor full of cubicles
                their monotony — but with one big difference: standing tempts people to change their  without an exit. Following  Archizoom's and  Andrea Branzi's No-Stop City from
                position much more frequently. Short walks to the printer, to a colleague, or to the  1970/1971, an office world is created here from which there seems to be no escape.
                kitchen happen more often and more spontaneously. One way of identifying the best
                office typology from many is to choose the zone office. As early as 1976, the Duffy  Hard, soft and mental factors influence the workplace
                diagram showed the spectrum of typical office organisations depending on the need
                for communication and concentration.                          Monotony is also a stress factor that can have a physical impact and lead to illness. The
                                                                              "No-Stop-Office" is surrounded by installations that suggest how monotonous office
                The Zone Office provides flexible approaches and individuality  environments can be transformed into varied zone offices with the help of specific
                                                                              interventions. Besides the possibilities to physically enhance the office space, the soft
                Thus, there is no such thing as a playground solution modelled on IT companies,  factors are also decisive for the mental office climate: one's own and practised way of
                which is supposed to solve all problems at once. Rather, it is about a good under-  working,  the presence of colleagues,  staff and hierarchy structures as  well  as the
                standing of one's own needs as well as the targeted adaptation and extension of the  assigned tasks, which have to be accomplished. Although this insight may be obvious,
                available space through suitable zones. The zone office is a flexible approach and can  it often remains a reason of great dissatisfaction. Particularly during and after tense and
                be implemented individually depending on the office typology. Within the design of  stressful phases, recognition is an extremely beneficial way of reducing stress. This
                the special exhibition, we implemented such an ideal contemporary office: a ring of  kind of recognition does not necessarily have to be hierarchically justified, but also pro-
                small private areas, separated from each other for undisturbed and focused work,  motes the climate among equals. The motivation with which individuals pursue their
                surrounds a central, open-plan common room,  which is highly communicative,  work is thus a sum of many different factors — including recognition. To build up stress
                enables spontaneous meetings, creates space for internal office events and celebrates  resistance, to perceive stress as less straining or even to allow stress to have an inspiring
                interaction and flexibility. Both areas — the outer area made up of private cells and a  effect, is thus to a certain extent up to the individual. In the sense of a zone office,
                central, communal "space" — are visually connected. Even a focused employee can  appropriate areas could be created that serve as oases of calm and concentration for
                immediately notice whether something important is happening in the office agora. In  short breaks to build up new motivation. The motivational benefits of such breaks are
                addition to his self-chosen "isolation", one remains part of the entire office activity.  noticeable in the short and long term. Since these measures are only a treatment of
                As mentioned earlier, there are also soft, mental factors that influence well-being in  symptoms, the office management must take appropriate action at an early stage to
                the office. The Healthy Office starts in one's head. Much can be influenced by the per-  counter other soft factors as possible sources of stress among the employees. Working
                sonal attitude to one's work, to one's colleagues and to oneself — for better or for  hours, team sizes, decision transparency, co-determination, workload, over- and under-
                worse. Is one's own attitude open enough to be able to weigh the disadvantages of  load, one's own work discipline all represent potential causes of stress, which can be
                an open-plan office against the advantages in terms of increased interaction? Or do  counteracted by training both managers and employees. The spectrum of reasons why
                you insist on a concrete desk size or even a certain type of desk? The feel-good factor  the office and everyday life can make you ill is correspondingly wide and extends from
                has not only to do with a sophisticated piece of seating furniture, but also with soft  the physical end of the scale — the office space — to the psyche of each individual. It is
                and mental factors. Negative impulses are expressed in the well-known office slogans  therefore understandable that, especially in times of labour shortages and a generation
                which can still be found on screens, in tea-kitchens or at customer counters. "Out of  change on the labour market, attempts are made to consciously showcase one's own
                order, patience has snapped", "Impress your boss — set your desk on fire and call it  step forward in a colourful and playful way with new, apparently contemporary office
                burn-out", "I always work with 100 percent commitment. 20 percent on Mondays, 20  redesign. It is important, however, that with so much good intention you do not forget
                percent on Tuesdays..." are just a few examples of such cries for help disguised as  who you are, what distinguishes you and what really makes your own company spe-
                humour. Psychologically analysed, these sayings can be divided into different cate-  cial. This is the basis for targeted measures. Especially the "invisible" improvements
                gories. There is both the frustration factor boss and the frustration factor employee  can decisively enhance the office climate, so that one can afford a timeless, professional
                as well as general overload and — just as strenuous — mental underload. Thus bore-  class in a more relaxed way when redesigning an office.

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