Page 169 - AIT1018_E-Paper
P. 169

Entwurf • Design Störmer, Murphy and Partners
                                                                                        Bauherr • Client Quantum Immmobilien, Hamburg
                                                                                        Standort • Location Friedensallee 11, Hamburg
                                                                                        Bruttogeschossfläche • Gross Floor Area 13.400 m 2
                                                                                        Fotos • Photos Carsten Brügmann, Hamburg
                                                                                        Mehr Infos auf Seite • More infos on page 192


                                                                                        IN HAMBURG-OTTENSEN

                                                                                        With the  Zeiserhof in Hamburg-Ottensen, Störmer
                                                                                        Murphy and Partners not only succeeded in putting twel-
                                                                                        ve branches of the British media company under one roof
                                                                                        – the ensemble of the former ship propeller foundry has
                                                                                        also been completed again at last.  The unpretentious
                                                                                        new six-storey building has 2,000 square metres of office
                                                                                        area around a central atrium, the “common space”.

                                                                                        T  hings are happening in Ottensen: Only in March, a supermarket
                                                                                           opened in the former Zeisehallen (see AIT 9.2018); just one year
                                                                                        before this, the Hamburg architects Störmer Murphy and Partners had
                                                                                        developed a war-induced wasteland next to the historic halls on the cor-
                                                                                        ner of Behringstrasse and Friedensallee. This is where the ship propellers
                                                                                        of the Zeise company used to be cast. The place has its very own, urban
                                                                                        atmosphere due to the various opposites and its history as a significant
                                                                                        industrial location in North Germany. The architects responded to this
                                                                                        with a building whose design is modest and carefully blends into the
                                                                                        lively context without, however, fading into the background but quite
                Grundriss Erdgeschoss • Floor plan ground floor                         naturally taking its place with powerful calmness and straight elegance.
                                                                                        The clear architectural vocabulary consisting of a selection of timeless,
                                                                                        unpretentious materials – concrete and water-struck brick – and a har-
                                                                                        moniously structured façade design strongly relates to the history of the
                                                                                        place and interprets the factory architecture of the adjoining Zeisehallen
                                                                                        in its very own and modern way. The heart of the building is the central
                                                                                        atrium which is covered by a ceiling of foil cushions on a curved con-
                                                                                        struction of wooden trusses. In this “common space”, the idea of com-
                                                                                        munications requested by the building clients and the users comes to
                                                                                        life – creative minds from various sectors are here to network and form
                                                                                        synergies. A cubic sculpture placed into the space contains the reception,
                                                                                        is a meeting point, a prestigious piece of furniture and a communicati-
                                                                                        ons hub all in one. On each of the upper floors, the new six-storey buil-
                                                                                        ding offers approximately 2,000 square metres of open, flexible office
                                                                                        space with natural lighting, a good indoor climate and pleasant acou-
                                                                                        stics – thanks to the careful selection of the materials. The levels are
                                                                                        accessed via four circulation cores as well as on walkways surrounding
                                                                                        the atrium which interconnect the office units. Here contacts are possible
                                                                                        and welcome but not enforced. The design of the railings and the eleva-
                                                                                        tor shafts subtly refers to the history of the place: The dynamics and the
                                                                                        movement remind of the ship propellers which used to be manufactured
                Grundriss 3. Obergeschoss • Floor plan 3rd floor                        here in former times. The circle is completed.

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