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Entwurf • Design Studio Alexander Fehre, Stuttgart
                                                                                     Bauherr • Client E. Breuninger GmbH & Co. KG
                                                                                     Standort • Location Sachsenheim
                                                                                     Nutzfläche • Floor space 4.500 m 2
                                                                                     Fotos • Photos Philip Kottlorz Fotografie
                                                                                     Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 142

                                                                                     BREUNINGER SAX

                                                                                     IN SACHSENHEIM

                                                                                     Curtains up! Clear the ring! The sound of these words
                                                                                     alone succeeds in unleashing a true flood of images in
                                                                                     our heads: acrobats, magicians, animals and clowns – all
                                                                                     assembled together under a large tent roof. The scenery
                                                                                     of a circus is fascinating, magical, fantastic, awakens
                                                                                     childhood memories but always seems a bit chaotic as
                                                                                     well. Not really what normally constitutes a workplace …

                                                                                     B   ut the world of fashion is different: dazzling, exciting, colourful, po-
                                                                                         pulated by extraordinary people and seemingly far from what is
                                                                                     considered to be normal. So why not produce a fanciful circus as the
                                                                                     arena for the new working world of the Breuninger fashion company
                                                                                     which is located in Sachsenheim!? This is what Alexander Fehre and his
                                                                                     team must also have been thinking and created for their client a fashion
                                                                                     circus, a place where creativity and diversity are quite naturally the basis
             Axonometrie Zelt • Tent axonometry                                      of success. On an area measuring a good 4,500 square metres, premises
                                                                                     have been designed for the department which is responsible for the on-
                                                                                     line shop where the contents for the web shop are established and pro-
                                                                                     duced. Far from chaotic, however, since this is where the fashion items
                                                                                     find their way from the arrival to the processing and the shooting all the
                                                                                     way to their presence in the online shop. Only on the inside does the
                                                                                     exuberant explosion of colours and forms show. Because seen from the
                                                                                     outside, the building, located in an industrial zone on the outskirts, ap-
                                                                                     pears as a closed construction, the entrance is even underground – for
                                                                                     reasons of safety. But already the pure white, curved stairs the em-
                                                                                     ployees, photographers, customers, suppliers and models use to get to
                                                                                     the “office floor” announces something unique. Thus, behind it, a wall
                                                                                     of glistening metal poured into waves appears and radial floor graphics
                                                                                     designed in red. The screen, which serves to get one’s bearings and in-
                                                                                     dicates the floor plan for the respective photo shootings, seems to effort-
                                                                                     lessly balance on a red-white ball. Red is anyway the predominant co-
                                                                                     lour: A circular sofa landscape enveloped in bright red panne velvet and
                                                                                     red Plexiglas rods which are hanging from the ceiling have been combi-
                                                                                     ned with white, spinning top-shaped seating elements, a stand and wall
                                                                                     elements equipped with lightbulbs to produce a backdrop resplendent
                                                                                     in colours and forms for the hustle and bustle centred on fashion which
                                                                                     prevails here. Even in the tea kitchen for the employees, the plate-sha-
                                                                                     ped luminaires appear to have just flown out of the hands of the juggler
                                                                                     … It looks as if the team of designers had had as much pleasure in the
             Axonometrie Sitztreppe • Sitting steps axonometry                       planning as the employees now have in their fashion circus!

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