Page 122 - AIT0921_E-Paper
P. 122


            Der Ladenraum erhält eine zweite, entwurfsprägende Hülle. • The sales room is given a second envelope characterizing the design.    Türen zu den Umkleideräumen • Door to changing room

            Isometrie • Isometric                                                   Vorhang • Curtain  Spiegel • Mirror  Ablage und Bank • Shelf and bench

            U   sually, we approach our projects in a holistic way and combine the different dis-  climate zones, we developed a system to keep the production- and transport costs as
                ciplines such as architecture, interior architecture, product design and graphic de-
                                                                          low as possible and chose materials which are independent of the sites – for individual
            sign. Designing a store prototype for JNBY was a very challenging process in the course  sales landscapes in all the regions. Starting with the ceiling of concrete coffers with in-
            of which we managed to raise the interdisciplinary work to a new level. As always, a  tegrated fluorescent tubes: This kind of construction system can be adjusted to the dif-
            unique atmosphere was paramount for us – a spatial experience where the qualities of  ferent dimensions and features of premises in the different regions of China. The opti-
            construction, details, materials and light come into their own. At the end of our work,  mum module (weight, assembly, fire-resistance and transport) turned out to be the cof-
            we had a whole catalogue full of layout typologies, modules, furniture, room installati-  fered ceiling with a grid of one by one metre. The positioning and distribution of the
            ons and presentation devices such as clothes rails, shelves and mirrors. It was a long  metal supports and the fluted structured-glass panes is also subordinate to this system.
            way, however, until we were able to make these suggestions which JNBY gratefully ac-  Due to the five centimetres wide gaps between the concrete modules, the mounting
            cepted: In the storage building of our client in Hangzhou, we tested the effect of the de-  rods of metal can be directly attached to the ceiling.
            sign, experimented with various construction methods and checked the replicability of
            our design. Our usual working process consists in designing a space on the basis of its  Dynamics thanks to the grid – flexibility thanks to the clip system
            location – to get inspired by the surroundings, the architecture of the neighbourhood.
            This time, we did not even have a specified floor area. In other respects, as well, we en-  To grasp the “urban appearance”, the coffered ceiling was made of fire-proof concrete
            joyed a lot of freedom – we had a time period of close to one year to sample a wide va-  textured laster. As a striking element, support stands consisting of recycled asphalt
            riety of materials and to try out lighting devices of any kind. “Just naturally be yourself”  and paving stones literally bring the street inside. The design is to sensitize the city
            (JNBY) was what we were told. Due to the close cooperation with our client, we gained  dwellers, to make them receptive for the surprises and the poetry which the daily rou-
            insights into the field of marketing and developed a concept which is consistent with  tine offers every day – to learn to recognize what is beautiful amidst the noise of the
            the brand- and sales strategy of the label. Since the potential locations are in different  city and to appreciate it. At first glance, the materials in their totality look contradic-

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