Page 57 - AIT0919_E-Paper
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Jeden Monat nähern sich unsere Kolumnisten, die Berliner Filmemacher Dominik und Benjamin Reding, dem jeweiligen Heftthema
                auf ihre ganz eigene Art und Weise. Geboren wurden die Zwillinge am 3. Ja nuar 1969 in Dortmund. Während Dominik Architektur
                in Aachen und Film in Hamburg studierte, absolvierte Benjamin ein Schauspielstudium in Stuttgart. 1997 begann die Arbeit an ihrem
                ersten gemeinsamen Kinofilm „Oi! Warning“. Seitdem arbeiten sie für Fernseh- und Kinofilmprojekte zusammen.

                Each month our columnists, Berlin-based filmmakers Dominik and Benjamin Reding, approach the respective issue-specific theme
                in their very personal way. The twins were born on January 3, 1969 in Dortmund. Whilst Dominik studied architecture in Aachen
                and film in Hamburg, Benjamin graduated in acting studies in Stuttgart. They started working on their first joint motion picture “Oi!
                Warning“ in 1997. Since then they have tightly collaborated for TV and cinema film projects.

                O   ne thousand years ago, it is said to have been on a windy autumn day, a crow  an elegantly dressed police inspector who solves the most complex cases on Scottish
                    that was frightened by the roar of a hungry bear dropped an acorn from its beak
                                                                              castles; a fearless private detective chewing on a cigarillo and always muttering some
                at the edge of a small village with wooden houses which was called Berlin. The acorn  disrespectful comment or the other who saves all the wrongly accused from the clut-
                fell all the way into the humid ground since the last ice age had left plenty of lakes be-  ches of those who are actually the guilty ones. Yes, Joachim von Vietinghoff could in-
                hind in this whole area. Winter came, cold and clear, and spring, wet and grey and  deed be a film actor and if so, he would certainly be a well-known one. But he isn’t
                then, finally, sun and warmth. A seedling not much bigger than a blade of grass pushed  that, he is a film producer. This is a profession which is difficult to describe and of
                up from out of the humus. Now there were many dangers lurking: birds picking up  which film viewers are unaware and are neither supposed to know. Film producers
                food, cows grazing indiscriminately and ants carrying presumed food away. But as the  are: courageous, daring, smart gamblers who raise the money so that directors may
                summer drew to an end, the trembling seedling had already become a plant, a minia-  dream. Nightmares, sensuous dreams, daydreams! For one film, Vietinghoff had an air-
                ture oak tree. For many autumns and winters, it bravely fought against storms, hale,  ship constructed and made it fly, a real one, with aluminium rings, fabric covering and
                frost and draught, snow and ice and even a herd of hungry deer, a greedy swarm of lo-  filled with helium, 30 metres long; for another film, he had the monumental painting
                custs. It escaped falling victim to slashing and burning peasants who left just it alone  by Barnett Newman entitled “Who´s afraid of Red, Yellow and Blue?” copied. So excel-
                standing and dressed it up to serve as a scarecrow. The small tree became a large tree  lently that the National Gallery was thinking of exhibiting it instead of the original for
                with a trunk into which hearts could be carved and a crown which was so big that one  insurance reasons. “Yes, we’ll meet at my place”, he said on the phone. But it was not
                could doze in its shade. 623 additional sum-                                             an address on Kurfürstendamm, and neither a
                mers came and went and then, once again                                                  “workspace” at Alexander- or Potsdamer Platz.
                there was a new king, a carriage stopped at the                                          We drove far out of the city to where formerly
                edge of the field. A servant opened the door                                             there had been the death strip, barbed wire
                and out stepped the new king in all his glory                                            and border zones, concreted roads and search-
                and his architect. Plans were unrolled, sketches                                         lights circling every night. His home was quite
                made, lines drawn in the soil with velvet shoes.                                         modest but this  was not  where  we  would
                And thus the field became a park, full of box                                            eventually have our talk; he took us into an
                hedges, aviaries, fountains and strict baroque                                           even smaller building in the garden, to a Bau-
                symmetries; in order to, just a lifetime later,                                          haus desk surrounded by award statues and
                and under the next king and the next architect,                                          film posters. We explained our project, nerv-
                become a landscape park in the English man-                                              ously, with clammy hands; we talked about
                ner. And whereas the oak tree had stood in the                                           the calculation, financing, provisions, our own
                way of the baroque architect and his axes and                                            resources, contributions from TV stations, re-
                had already been facing its death, the new ar-                                           payable loans, sums, balances, debit and cre-
                chitect loved it just because of this and left it                                        dit, about money, money, money. Suddenly
                standing, now surrounded by a lattice. As a de-                                          Vietinghoff stood up. “Those wild roses, you
                coration, as a destination, as the king’s oak.                                           can smell them even in here,” he said and
                It happens under pale neon lights, in cramped                                            went outside. “The last ice age and two kings
                back rooms with gypsum-plaster walls, felt car- Grafische Bearbeitung: Benjamin Reding   have created my garden. The ice age, which
                pets and sound-absorbing ceiling panels; at                                              had left a pond behind, and the two Prussian
                best, in some hotel grillroom, in a plushy bar,                                          kings Frederick William III and Frederick Wil-
                a fake rustic restaurant with cowbells as deco-                                          liam IV who, together with the garden architect
                ration and waitresses in national costumes. These are the locations where the big  Peter Joseph Lenné, wanted to turn every field in Potsdam into a park. But the venture
                “deals” are made, the purchase acts worth 100,000 euros. None of these places looks  ended up becoming too expensive. Frederick William’s successors sold and divided the
                anything like the glittering chambers of wonders, the aesthetic revelations and archi-  lands. Houses came instead of the parks, streets, boundaries. All the park oak trees
                tectural delicatessen which AIT shows twice a year on the subject of “retail”. And such  disappeared. All except one: this one here!” Joachim von Vietinghoff sat down at a gar-
                a place, pragmatic and bleak, was what we also expected on the occasion of our most  den table under the softly rustling crown. “The courage for making the first film. The
                major “deal”. Let’s tell it right away, it was about a million euros. A children’s film pro-  naivety when one doesn’t know which dangers are lurking behind the next corner, this
                ject with the actress Sibel Kekilli as the protagonist and based on an award-winning  has always fascinated me.” And then he told us about his beginnings, when he met
                children’s book written by Ingrid Bachér. As the inscrutable laws of film funding and  John Lennon on Lüneburg Heath and took a famous photograph of him; about his love
                TV stations requires, we had to find a co-producer who would come on board with this  in Cannes and a morning stroll with here along the Croisette; and that he liked garde-
                million for our project. And so we went to Joachim von Vietinghoff – in this regard as  ners “because they do not wage wars.” He even talked about death, suggested that,
                well, it would not make sense to keep it a secret since everybody in the business knows  after he passed away, one should sit under the oak tree, this is where he would still be
                him. He collects a variety of important awards for his films like other people might col-  present. Only at the car did we notice: “Man, we talked about so much but no longer
                lect teaspoons. If he were a film actor, he would always be on the side of the good ones.  about the money. We have done something wrong.” – “No”, my brother said, “we did
                A suntanned secret agent, who prevents evil wrongdoers from usurping global power;  the right thing!” And got into the car.

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