Page 117 - AIT0722_E-Paper
P. 117

Entwurf • Design Yonder, Stuttgart
                                                                                     Bauherr • Client Privat
                                                                                     Standort • Location Irsengund 12, Oberreute
                                                                                     Nutzfläche • Floor space 130 m 2
                                                                                     Fotos • Photos (2, 3, 4) Brigida Gonzaléz, Stuttgart
                                                                                     Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 142

             Foto: Henrik Schipper, courtesy of JUNG                                 HOUSE S

                                                                                     IN OBERREUTE

                                                                                     For years, the building clients have been attracted to the
                                                                                     Allgäu – away from hectic Berlin, into the rural idyll of
                                                                                     the German alpine upland. After a long search, a site
                                                                                     was found on a steep slope in Oberreute. Not easy to
                                                                                     build on but with a great view! A weekend- and holiday
                                                                                     home, with the prospect of becoming a retirement resi-
                                                                                     dence, this was the task of Studio Yonder in 2017.

                                                                                     K   atja Knaus is a professor teaching at the Munich Academy of Fine
                                                                                         Arts; Benedikt Bosch is a professor at Biberach University of Ap-
                                                                                     plied Sciences; for ten years, they have been jointly managing the Stutt-
                                                                                     gart Studio Yonder architectural office. In the course of the past years,
                                                                                     numerous award-winning buildings designed by the office have been
                                                                                     constructed in the Allgäu, in the nearby Vorarlberg region and in the
                                                                                     Black Forest. The projects are characterized by unconventional soluti-
                                                                                     ons for layout on small areas as well as by clever decisions regarding
                                                                                     the materials and the construction. Not necessarily as to their form but
                                                                                     to their ideas, meaning economical and sustainable, the buildings fol-
             Grundriss Erdgeschoss • Ground floor plan  Grundriss Obergeschoss • Upper floor plan  low the regional building traditions. For Oberreute, Knaus and Bosch in-
                                                                                     itially developed the plan of a “raised hide”: A small holiday home on
                                                                                     a square layout at a lofty altitude, underneath it a two-storey timber
                                                                                     construction which, at a later point in time, could have been developed
                                                                                     into an actual residential building. But the municipal council opposed
                                                                                     the tower-like construction. The architects had to reduce the future con-
                                                                                     struction volume and placed the sauna originally planned inside the
                                                                                     building into a separate component on the site. It took more than two
                                                                                     years until the start of construction, two more until the completion. The
                                                                                     original “raised hide” can still be noticed on the façade and the interior
                                                                                     division of functions. On the ground floor is only a small guestroom, a
                                                                                     bathroom as well as the utility room. The actual living area has been
                                                                                     arranged on the floor above this. Living room, dining area and kitchen
                                                                                     easily merge. Under the roof, a large sleeping gallery opens which is vi-
                                                                                     sually and acoustically connected with the living room below it. The
                                                                                     house has been given its special appeal – inside as well as outside – by
                                                                                     a clever torsion. On the outside, it is the roof ridge which deviates from
                                                                                     the orthogonal, forces the roof edges to rise and fall and, in this way,
                                                                                     causes the views of the house to move. The walls inside the house, in
                                                                                     turn, follow by having the same angles and giving the rather small, effi-
                                                                                     ciently dimensioned rooms their very own quality due to the resulting
             Grundriss Dachgeschoss • Attic floor plan  Schnitte • Sections          expansions – a strong effect achieved by simple means.

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