Page 113 - AIT0722_E-Paper
P. 113

Entwurf • Design Formwænde, Lüneburg
                                                                                     Bauherr • Client Privat
                                                                                     Standort • Location Lüneburg
                                                                                     Nutzfläche • Floor space 150 m 2
                                                                                     Fotos • Photos Dan Hannen, Paul Gerdes
                                                                                     Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 142

                                                                                     ART NOUVEAU VILLA

                                                                                     IN LÜNEBURG

                                                                                     Florian Kienast founded the Formwænde planning office
                                                                                     in Lüneburg 20 years ago. Almost as long ago, he was
                                                                                     commissioned to partially refurbish an art-nouveau villa
                                                                                     whose gradual renovation was to follow the trained joi-
                                                                                     ner and his team for many years. In four construction
                                                                                     phases, they used functional customized installations to
                                                                                     take the distinguished building into the modern times.

                                                                                     F  ormwænde lovingly already describes the project as a “permanent
                                                                                        building site of a special kind”. This is because the conversion of
                                                                                     the classy art-nouveau villa on the southern periphery of Lüneburg has
                                                                                     been keeping the interdisciplinary team busy for almost 15 years by now.
                                                                                     In four construction phases up to now, the planners around of the direc-
                                                                                     tor Florian Kienast have step by step converted the spacious residence
                                                                                     of a north-German family of entrepreneurs; the beginning was the com-
                                                                                     plete renovation of the bathrooms in 2008. Starting in 2018, there was
              Grundriss Erdgeschoss • Ground floor plan                              the restructuring and the refurbishment of the ground floor in the course
                                                                                     of which the kitchen and the office changed places and were given cus-
                                                                                     tomized installations made with high precision. Since then, the study has
                                                                                     been framed by an upscale wall unit consisting of wood painted blue-
                                                                                     green and with elements of walnut, fabric covering of light-coloured linen
                                                                                     and golden buttons. This gives it the appearance of being as intimate,
                                                                                     functional and yet classic similar as a well-designed captain’s cabin on
                                                                                     an elegant tall sailing ship. Such posh but practicable solutions for
                                                                                     rooms were also wanted for the conversion of the two former children’s
                                                                                     rooms into two guestrooms on the upper floor which could be comple-
                                                                                     ted in 2021. In the course of this, the team of Formwænde designed the
                                                                                     wide room located to the south and with little depth by adding a functio-
                                                                                     nal wall with a curved facing shell consisting of oak which was placed
                                                                                     on the opposite side of a long row of windows. With a passage equally
                                                                                     covered with oak and linen fabric, the room next to this towards the
                                                                                     north – which used to be long and narrow prior to the conversion – is
                                                                                     now divided into two almost square spaces of which the front one serves
                                                                                     as a bedroom and study with a small desk and the one at the back as a
                                                                                     dressing room with a spacious built-in wardrobe. With plenty of exper-
                                                                                     tise when it comes to constructing furniture and a timeless-classic range
                                                                                     of materials such as a light-coloured woollen carpet, oak and wicker, the
                                                                                     planners have here combined the functional requirements with the exi-
                                                                                     sting spatial conditions and have given the bourgeois-established old
              Grundriss Obergeschoss • Upper floor plan                              building a relaxed, contemporary and well- functioning update.

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