Page 49 - AIT0720_E-Paper
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Jeden Monat nähern sich unsere Kolumnisten, die Berliner Filme -  Each month our columnists, Berlin-based filmmakers Dominik and
             macher Dominik und Benjamin Reding, dem jeweiligen Heftthema  Benjamin Reding, approach the respective issue-specific theme in
             auf ihre ganz eigene Art und Weise. Geboren wurden die Zwillinge  their very personal way. The twins were born on January 3, 1969
             am 3. Ja nuar 1969 in Dortmund. Während Dominik Architektur in  in Dortmund. Whilst Dominik studied architecture in Aachen and
             Aachen und Film in Hamburg studierte, absolvierte Benjamin ein  film in Hamburg, Benjamin graduated in acting studies in Stuttgart.
             Schauspielstudium in Stuttgart. 1997 begann die Arbeit an ihrem  They started working on their first joint motion picture “Oi! Warn-
             ersten gemeinsamen Kinofilm „Oi! Warning“. Seitdem arbeiten sie  ing“ in 1997. Since then they have tightly collaborated for TV and
             für Fernseh- und Kinofilmprojekte zusammen.         cinema film projects.

             T   he title was misleading. The book was called “Serafin und seine Wunderma-  ment and a living room with a travertine floor and they said this was a real dream
                 schine” and there was indeed a machine, something incredible which, as far as
                                                                           house, but I had seen the tiny children’s rooms and did not think so at all. Fortuna-
             one can tell from a picture book, was able to produce music with one hundred in-  tely, the house was far too expensive. After this, they gave up looking and decided –
             struments at the same time. But that was not the point. The book should have been  at that time, as a matter of fact teachers, small employees and even my low-income
             called “Serafins Wunderhaus” because it was about a house which was nothing short  parents were able to dare something like this – to build a house. When the house was
             of a miracle, a dream, a child’s fantasy. Serafin, who had just lost his job as a con-  finished and the parents said “Look!”, I was disappointed. Yes, there were well-illu-
             ductor on the Paris metro because he wanted to help a butterfly escape the darkness  minated children’s rooms for us and a shower in the basement (“For when you come
             of the tunnel, inherits the house. At first, it is a disappointment because the house  home dirty”) and an extractor hood in the kitchen and an intercom system at the en-
             and the property are ruins but, together with his mate Plum who practically lives in  trance but I looked in vain for a glass ball in which to blow soap bubbles, a ticket
             a striped sweater, they turn it into something so indescribable that even the illustrator  booth surrounded by flowers and a canopy  bed with golden cherubs. And in my fa-
             just writes below a drawing of it: “Look!” And that is what I did. At the façade, there  vourite book, which I finished reading in the new house, something sobering, yes un-
             was a glass ball in which Plum was lounging in his striped sweater and could blow  settling happened on the last pages: A settlement is constructed on Serafin’s property,
             soap bubbles into the air and a daring projection of thin steel profiles – completely  blocks of flats with sensible layouts and good thermal insulation and balconies in
             imitating the metro art nouveau Hector Guimard – at the very front of which and like  front of the living rooms. Excavators are arriving, push the trees together, level the gar-
             a graceful ballet dancer on a dangerous tightrope, the ticket booth was floating and,  den, then workmen follow and construction cranes, pile up concrete panels to con-
             surrounded by flowers, this was where Serafin dreamt his days away. And inside, wild  struct high-rise buildings and then, when Serafin’s home has long been standing lo-
              and winding, there was a library with galleries, spiral staircases and a fireplace as  nely and bothersome in the way, the court bailiffs arrive with eviction notices and, in
              high as a man in which the fire glowed. A room so mystical, so strong that, at night,  the end, the fire brigade to enforce what is grown-up, sensible, necessary. At that
              as one drawing in the book claimed, the figu-                                           point, Serafin and his mate Plum decide to
              res of world literature crept out of the heavy                                          take action: At the highest point of their house,
             folios, from Don Quixote to the Three Muske-                                             the ticket booth, they build a wooden tower,
             teers, from Pinocchio all the way to Max and                                             are building and, at the same time, climbing
             Moritz, and paraded in front of the two resi-                                            up it as quickly and as high as they can. The
              dents full of dramatic grandezza. I first looked                                        fire  brigade  is  already  storming  the  miracle
             at the book “Serafin und seine Wunderma-                                                 house and the tower and, just when a fireman,
              schine” as a child and for the last time ten                                            sure of victory, reaches out his hand towards
              years ago but I am able to describe down to                                             the two “losers”, they leave the wobbly tower
              the last detail the house and its garden, from                                          and build stairs from four old roof tiles, always
             the gnarly trees in the park to Serafin’s canopy                                         keep adding a tile, like steps, to the other into
             bed decorated with cherubs as if I had last                                              thin air. “Finally, they were nothing but a tiny,
             seen everything just yesterday.                                                          hardly visible speck. And the flew far, far, very
             Researching the concept dream - - - house on                                             far …” That is how the book ends.
             the Internet, one finds an abundance of exam-                                            For some years already, I do not know why, a
             ples:  sometimes  they  are  cubic  villas  with                                         realty- and property auction house has been
             plenty of glass and whitewashed walls in self-                                           sending me its catalogues. And sometimes, I
             titled Bauhaus style, then again voluminous                                              cannot  afford  a  house,  I  still  look  at  them.
             prefabricated timber houses in the American                                              There  are  numerous  well-maintained,  solid
             colonial style, or showing a strained creative                                           homes and I ponder whether and how one
             drive  with  porthole-shaped  windows  and Abbildung: © Philippe Fix                     could live and work in them. But, in most cases
             slanting roofs, walls and doors. They are many                                           on the last pages, the company also presents
             things but not what I had encountered in Se-                                             what is more difficult to sell: abandoned water
             rafin’s dream house. Just having received it as a birthday present, I held the book in  towers, derelict mansions, closed trains stations and once even a whole outdoor pool.
             my young hands when my parents decided to move with their three children from the  And while leafing through the catalogues, I catch myself imagining, more frequently
             rented terraced house into a larger house of their own. A search was started, at times  of late, taking all my savings and not buying a home with a bathroom and a view but
             we the children could go along. And, of course, I was hoping for a Serafin dream  something as absurd, childish, quirky, ultimately uninhabitable as Serafin’s dream
             house, with chambers full of nooks and crannies, mysterious perspectives, old trees  house to, when of moving in, be able to shout: “Look!” But to be honest, that would
             and canopy beds complete with cherubs. Once they found one like it, a house in Bau-  be completely crazy, or not?
              haus style in fact, but it was not a newish, angular bungalow but was built in 1928.  Postscript: Philippe Fix, now 83 years old, created “Serafin und seine Wunderma-
              And with its rounded building corners, an overgrown greenhouse, a turret room high  schine” in 1967 and became known worldwide for it. He authorized AIT, exclusively
              above the staircase, it looked far from “objective”. But my father said it was too small.  for this column, to use two of his illustrations from the book. I want to thank him for
             And then they found yet another one, from the 1950s, with rooms at different levels,  this with all my heart. But I also and almost more want to thank him for his book wit-
             floors of small tesserae, a window to display plants with rubber trees and a staircase  hout which my love of architecture (and I think, the love of many architects active
             with circular, coloured glass blocks. And I thought ha, that is the dream house! But  today) would never have been enflamed. So: Merci pour votre livre, Monsieur Fix! And
             father said it stood too close to the autobahn. And last, we looked at a true villa, al-  for all those who design something, all those in architecture, I can only again and
             most new, with wide glass fronts towards the landscaped garden, a pool in the base-  again wish and, like Serafin, call out loud: Look!

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