Page 116 - AIT0624_E-Paper
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           Sprossenfenster und Gussformtische erhalten den Industriecharme. • The industrial charm remains.  Über den neuen Galeriebau gelangt man in die Gästezimmer. • The gallery building provides access to the guest rooms.

           Eine neue Stahltreppe erschließt den Veranstaltungsbau. • A new steel staircase opened up the eventlocation.  Gewächshaus: Statt dunkler Industriehalle ein verglaster Innenhof • Instead of a dark hall a glazed inner courtyard

           T   he project deals with the second stage of the conversion of the former ceramics   building next to the new reception area is an original utilitarian warehouse of plaster
               factory in Kravsko. The original Baroque complex was built as an inn on the
                                                                         molds. The building has a 1:8 elongated floor plan on three floors. The vaulted cellars
           Prague-Vienna route. In the second half of the 19  century, it was transformed into a   are recessed into the hillside to the south. The ground floor is brick, the second floor is
           ceramics factory and expanded with new buildings. The production operated here for a   timber-framed. The masonry is partly built from old plaster moulds that were used for
           hundred years. Soon, however, it met the fate of many other obsolete industrial plants -   casting ceramics. The elongated shape allowed the layout to be chopped up into indi-
           production was closed down, the area changed hands and fell into long-term disrepair.   vidual rooms like a salami. Due to the narrowness of the house of less than 6 metres,
           The current owners, who come from Kravsko, are redeveloping the site for social events   it was not possible to build a corridor inside. Particularly on the second floor, this
           and adventure tourism. The main landmark of the site, visible from a great distance, is   would have meant a significant impact on the preserved wooden frames. Therefore, we
           the factory chimney. The part of the original factory next to the chimney is now used   decided to design a separate gallery that serves as a corridor for the upper rooms and
           as a reception area and staff facilities. The building is entered via a ramp made of   creates a desirable threshold on the south side thanks to the dense lathing. The rooms
           coloured concrete. The axes of the site originally faced in a different direction, but for   on the ground floor are accessible directly from the porch. To the north, the steel frames
           operational and ownership reasons it was no longer possible to follow them. The ramp   of the former factory windows have been retained. The new windows are behind them.
           and staircase welcome visitors and naturally guide them to enter.   The frames form a grille that acts as a barrier against falling, as the windows have a
                                                                         low sill. At the same time, the openings retain their original divisions. The whole buil-
           New organisational structures for old walls                   ding is wavy due to the pressure of the earth. We have added some support pillars to
                                                                         the north façade to stabilise it. However, in the rooms on the ground floor, you can read
           The reception area is where the mixing of the clay used to take place. The discontinued   a significant leaning of the walls until one has to hold on to keep from tipping. We were
           mixers are being left in their original positions as they were once abandoned. We leave   keen to preserve the authenticity of the building as much as possible, which forced us
           the whole space with its industrial character. Along one of the walls, we are creating   to insulate the inside of the building on the second floor. This left the original wooden,
           an installation from plaster moulds into which pots were cast. Here the moulds are  dusty façade in place, which, surprisingly, is still in good shape. The house has there-
           stacked in columns and left only as aesthetic objects that have lost their meaning but   fore not changed much in terms of expression. We kept the trusses in their structural
           are still beautiful. It‘s a way of keeping them in place and not getting rid of them. The   logic. The eastern gable of the building has undergone the most significant transforma-

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