Page 111 - AIT0620_E-Paper
P. 111

riosity, surprise and anticipation of a planned journey; on the other hand, these pu-                             S3
             blic spaces are likely to produce feelings such as fear all the way to disgust. This
             clearly shows how people connect emotions in different ways. Only very rarely is
             it possible to filter out a single emotion – in most cases, rooms are characterized by
             the mixing ratio of emotions. In a test series, curiosity was always connected with                         Ärger
             the element of surprise and was then positively linked with pleasure or negatively   Freude
             with fear, anger or disgust. Trust, pleasure, fear, surprise and curiosity are the emo-
             tions most frequently found in an interior. The persons interviewed were able to
             clearly and very quickly identify all of them. It was very difficult to define disgust
             and anger, however. The same goes for grief whereby this was often associated with  S1                                  S1
             the emotion trust. Based on this, a classification into groups of all that emotions can  Ekel
             be established: trust and grief, pleasure, surprise and curiosity, fear, anger and dis-
             gust. A person seeks out the room corresponding to his or her currently emotional       Neugierde                Neugierde
             state. It is also a goal to always produce an indirect reflection of the personal emo-
             tional state or to deliberately change it with contrariness. Should the idea of a mea-             Neugierde
             surement method be further developed so we could measure the individual sensa-
             tion in a room, it would be possible to adapt the result of this for instance offices,
             schools, hospitals and hotels much more precisely to people and their needs as well
             as emotions.                                                                                Neugierde         Vertrauen  S2

             A circuit of emotion with “trust” as an example
             The “circuit of emotions” following the measuring is to bring the emotional design
             into the foreground and thereby prove that we have to be aware of our built envi-           S3
             ronment. Physically and psychologically, the visitors immerse themselves in world  Grundriss Erdgeschoss • Ground floor plan
             of experience. It has to be noted that emotions always only play inside human
             beings (physically and psychologically). The room becomes a catalyst, the trigge-
             ring moment, the catch basin and mirror of specific emotions. The design concept  „Wenn die gebaute Umwelt immer digitaler
             refers to the principle or a horizontal sequence of rooms. The layout collates the pre-  wird, entsteht eine unglaubliche Sehnsucht
             viously established sets of emotions and brings them into an intriguing context. De-
             pending on a person’s mental state, rooms are preferred or even avoided. The basic  nach Materiellem und Greifbarem.“
             volume of a square measuring 30 by 30 metres is hollowed out depending on the  Nina Marissa Müller
             use to create a free space for human sensations. Quite deliberately, no specific emo-
             tion is revealed from outside in order to rouse curiosity. The inner experience is not
             visible on the outside. The objective is to design a holistic room experience which
             is able to attract the visitors. Everything that is experienced in the exhibition is fil-
             led with emotion. A choreography is created for the room which vacillates between
             positive and negative emotions and brings these into balance. Starting with curio-
             sity, the visitors are welcomed and directed into the interior of the building. The cir-
             cuit is designed as a roundaout route and can be accessed from both sides to gather
                                                                               Freude                          Trauer       Neugierde
             different impressions depending on the sequence. Stylistic elements are deliberately
             taken up several times to produce a link between the individual rooms. Trust is a
             basic instinct which wants to be satisfied at any time of one’s life. Contrary to fear  Schnitt 1 • Section 1
             or anger, this room serves as a quiet zone. The trust room is centrally accessed and
             allows a view outside to observe what is happening. The shaft connects the ground
             floor with the lower level and passing persons can be observe to survey what is
             happening outside the door. Protection is the priority. A calm emotion requires a
             calm form which is customary and familiar. It invites to rest, does not pose a threat                      Vertrauen
             and transforms only slowly. The circular shape creates harmony, a focus of concen-  Überraschung   Neugierde
             tration and closeness in the room that envelops the visitors. The suggested funnel
             shape brings dynamics into the room and is intended to dissolve the spatial bor-
             ders. The “trust room” seamlessly merges with the sky. Depending on the time of
             day and the season, different moods can be captured. Sitting and lying down here  Schnitt 2 • Section 2
             means coming to rest, letting go and trusting. The room is deliberately designed to
             be small to keep the number of visitors low and make maximum relaxation possi-
             ble. The sound of a room plays an important role for trust. Due to the “warm or
             soft” looking surface, sound is absorbed with the help of a perforated area and an
             undisturbed environment is generated. It has to be noted that trust is often connec-
             ted with textiles since look, structure and feel are decisive for this sensation. In the           Ärger
             concept, the textile level has deliberately been reduced to a minimum. With the im-
             pression of a fabric, an approximation is produced that, however, leaves scope for
             interpretations. Over time, trust is loseing its attraction and all the visitors are
             prompted by curiosity to move on.                             Schnitt 3 • Section 3

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