Page 83 - AIT0521_E-Paper
P. 83

Entwurf • Design Bonnard Wœffray, CH-Monthey
                                                                                     Bauherr • Client Kanton Wallis SIP
                                                                                     Standort • Location Rue de la Monderèche 5, CH-Sierre
                                                                                     Nutzfläche • Floor space 11.200 m 2
                                                                                     Fotos • Photos Roland Halbe, Stuttgart
                                                                                     Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 134

                                                                                     ÉCOLE DE COMMERCE

                                                                                     IN SIERRE

                                                                                     With the introduction of various technical and vocatio-
                                                                                     nal baccalaureates at the ECCG Sierre, the number of
                                                                                     young people increased rapidly. Pupils and students of
                                                                                     the small town now make up 12 per cent of the total po-
                                                                                     pulation of 17,000. The new building by Swiss architects
                                                                                     Bonnard Wœffray has an appeal beyond the town limits,
                                                                                     not least for its direct location at the railway station.

                                                                                     A   ny refusal to take a test or exam is punished with the grade 1,”
                                                                                         the school regulations state. What at first sounds like a reform
                                                                                     pedagogical approach is simply the result of the reversed numerical
             Grundriss 2. Untergeschoss • Floor plan level -2  Grundriss Erdgeschoss • Floor plan level 0  sequence in Switzerland’s educational grading system. Such misun-
                                                                                     derstandings are unthinkable at the École de Commerce et Culture gè-
                                                                                     nérale (ECCG) Sierre, even though the regional cultures within Switzer-
                                                                                     land certainly differ. It is precisely these differences that the commer-
                                                                                     cial and technical secondary school makes use of: through bilingual
                                                                                     tandem teaching. One German-speaking and one French-speaking
                                                                                     pupil work in a “team of two” for a total of 1,200 hours. Synergetic in-
                                                                                     terculturality. In addition, the premises of the Sierre University of Ap-
                                                                                     plied Sciences included in the school complex promote exchanges
                                                                                     between pupils and students. The architects Geneviève Bonnard and
                                                                                     Denis Wœffray recognised the importance that the school authorities
                                                                                     attached to synergism and skilfully translated this into architecture
                                                                                     and urban design. After the substantial upgrading of the south side of
                                                                                     the station – with a pedestrian crossing, a two-storey car park and a
                                                                                     separate bus station – the architects succeeded in crowning their
                                                                                     large-scale project “Complexe de la Gare Sud” with the prominent
             Grundriss 1. Obergeschoss • Floor plan level +1  Grundriss 4. Obergeschoss • Floor plan level +4  seven-storey school building. Various colour compositions result from
                                                                                     the tinted glass façade and the slanted perforated metal parapets that
                                                                                     reflect their surroundings. This play of colours can also be experienced
                                                                                     inside the building, as the lecture halls arranged in a ring around the
                                                                                     large atrium are completely transparent. True to the motto “to see and
                                                                                     to be seen”. Attractive sensual red, expansive refreshing blue, ...  in
                                                                                     the force field of colours. And yet the purist stairways clearly dominate
                                                                                     the central space. In pairs, the stairs extend from the ground floor to
                                                                                     the top gallery level, their wild arrangement breaking with the con-
                                                                                     ventional  floor  plan  typology.  Circulation,  lounge  area,  meeting
                                                                                     point – defeatism when climbing stairs is a thing of the past here. The
                                                                                     journey is the reward. The seemingly abstract smooth material sur-
             Schnitt • Section                                                       face brings the interaction between space and people to the fore.

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