Page 87 - AIT0521_E-Paper
P. 87

Entwurf • Design Lederer Ragnarsdóttir Oei, Stuttgart
                                                                                     Bauherr • Client Erzbistum Köln
                                                                                     Standort • Location Clarenbachstraße 1, Köln
                                                                                     Nutzfläche • Floor space 5.300 m 2
                                                                                                                                       Foto: Zooey Braun
                                                                                     Fotos • Photos Roland Halbe Fotografie, Stuttgart
                                                                                     Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 134

                                                                                     SCHOOL EXPANSION

                                                                                     IN COLOGNE-LINDENTHAL

                                                                                     With a new building, the Cologne Archdiocese wanted to
                                                                                     expand the premises of the Liebfrauenschule, the Dom-
                                                                                     singschule as well as the Kölner Dommusik. What at first
                                                                                     seemed like a manageable building task for architects,
                                                                                     turned into a major challenge upon close analysis – the
                                                                                     intended location is directly adjacent to the Church of the
                                                                                     Resurrection of Christ designed by Gottfried Böhm.

                                                                                     T  he monumental construction inaugurated in 1971 is exemplary of
                                                                                        Böhm´s church buildings: strong, geometric forms which success-
                                                                                     fully merge into a big picture and evade any symmetry in the process.
                                                                                     A sculptural type of architecture which has enormous presence and ra-
                                                                                     diance. Building in the shadow of such a striking construction requires
                                                                                     quite a lot of courage – and probably a certain deal of pragmatism as
                                                                                     well. This is because of the question of how to react with an annex to a
                                                                                     building whose architect one highly appreciates? By being awestruck,
                                                                                     subordinating oneself to the existing building stock or by creating a bold
                                                                                     alternative concept? Lederer Ragnarsdóttir Oei from Stuttgart cleverly
             Grundriss Erdgeschoss • Ground floor plan                               solved this task with a design which, although resting autonomously
                                                                                     next to the Church of the Resurrection of Christ, does not even try to
                                                                                     enter in competition with it – an elegant balancing act between respect
                                                                                     and lightness. These efforts are not noticeable in the school building –
                                                                                     as if it had been standing there between the old trees, the Domsing-
                                                                                     schule and the Church of the Resurrection of Christ all along. With a
                                                                                     brick façade that takes up the material of the church in its colouring, a
                                                                                     soft transition is produced. A one-story structure where the new central
                                                                                     canteen for the schools finds room produces a distance to the second,
                                                                                     more voluminous main part of the new building. The latter´s spatial ar-
                                                                                     rangement has rehearsal rooms for individual and group instruction to
                                                                                     ensure the musical training at the Domsingschule. The class rooms are
                                                                                     complemented with residential units on the upper levels with a sepa-
                                                                                     rate access. The quality standards of the builders not only show in the
                                                                                     careful dealing with the context but also in the level of the details re-
                                                                                     garding the interior construction. In the dining hall, the construction of
                                                                                     truss girders remains visible whereas large arched windows at the short
                                                                                     sides produce a visual reference to the nearby park. In the main buil-
                                                                                     ding, much importance is attached to good acoustics as well as to a
                                                                                     well-balanced lighting concept. The careful design not only results in vi-
                                                                                     sual successes – a high quality of stay for the users of the rooms is also
             Grundriss Obergeschoss • Upper floor plan                               produced. A concept which definitely has a sustained impact!

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