Page 93 - AIT0518_E-Paper
P. 93

Entwurf • Design schleicher.ragaller, Stuttgart
                                                                                        Bauherr • Client Kirchengemeinde St. Elisabeth
                                                                                        Standort • Location Schwabstraße 72, Stuttgart
                                                                                        Nutzfläche • Floor space 2.750 m 2
                                                                                        Fotos • Photos Zooey Braun, Stuttgart
                                                                                        Mehr Infos auf Seite • More infos on page 154


                                                                                        IN STUTTGART

                                                                                        Deep inside in the west of Stuttgart, the St. Elisabeth
                                                                                        Children's Home was built according to plans conceived
                                                                                        by Domenik Schleicher and Michael Ragaller. Their new
                                                                                        building provides access to three heterogeneous existing
                                                                                        buildings and merges them into an expressive and
                                                                                        functional ensemble. Associatively designed interiors and
                                                                                        exteriors create a stimulating, child-oriented ambience.

                                                                                        T  he new kindergarten ensemble of the St. Elisabeth community is
                                                                                           located deep inside a city block in one of Stuttgart's western dis-
                                                                                        tricts. The complex comprises three existing buildings dating from the
                                                                                        past century which are arranged in a T-shape and have been merged
                                                                                        both spatially and functionally by a new building. On two levels, the
                                                                                        existing buildings accommodate the various group rooms, including
                                                                                        the functional areas required for the respective age groups; the con-
                                                                                        necting  new volume,  on  the  other  hand,  serves  as  a  central  foyer.
                                                                                        With its differentiated transitions to the existing buildings, the adja-
                                                                                        cent multi-purpose hall on the ground floor, the wide flight of stairs
                Grundriss Erdgeschoss • Ground floor plan                               and the generously dimensioned, bridge-like gallery rooms on the
                                                                                        upper level, the foyer room can not only accommodate a large num-
                                                                                        ber of uses, but also convinces in terms of spatial quality and archi-
                                                                                        tecture with its diverse visual relationships and a mutli-faceted play
                                                                                        of colours, shapes and materials. There is no doubt that the architects
                                                                                        have succeeded in creating an interior space that can hardly be imag-
                                                                                        ined to be more exciting for a childcare facility. Domenik Schleicher
                                                                                        and Michael Ragaller themselves speak of the image of a small town
                                                                                        when they describe their design concept. The identity-creating quality
                                                                                        of the interiors are already evident in the façade of the new building:
                                                                                        A long row of porthole windows on the upper floor of the building's
                                                                                        longitudinal  side  brings  back  memories  of  a  ship's  hull, while  the
                                                                                        rounded  narrow side of the extension is reminiscent of a sperm
                                                                                        whale's mouth. Clad in wood and seemingly floating above its glass
                                                                                        substructure, the upper floor - especially in connection with the sur-
                                                                                        rounding tree population - could also be perceived as a large tree
                                                                                        house hat inviting its young users to play and discover. The new build-
                                                                                        ing is not stingy with positive associations suitable for children. The
                                                                                        result is a fine, small ensemble that convinces both with its exterior
                                                                                        and interior design and masterfully reconciles the required room pro-
                                                                                        gramme with the complex initial situation of a backyard location and
                Grundriss Obergeschoss • Upper floor plan                               various existing buildings.

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