Page 35 - AIT0423_E-Paper
P. 35

My Vision, 2022
                                                                             von • by Ramin Barzegar


                                                                           Why not, for a change, fold the world as if it were a piece of paper?

                                                                           And see what beautiful things may result? The Iranian photogra-

                                                                           pher Ramin Barzegar does exactly this in his My Vision photo se-

                                                                           ries – and thus opens a new, completely allusive view of the built

                                                                           environment. Barzegar has already been around moving around

                                                                           this environment a lot, he travelled, among other destinations, to

                                                                           Africa and to the USA, toured the metropolises as a multi-media

                                                                           journalist and, as a lighting designer, illuminated entire squares,

                                                                           parks and buildings, above all in his native city ofTeheran. Already

                                                                           since 1984, Barzegar has documented the numerous travel desti-

                                                                           nations in pin sharp photographs of architecture and nature and

                                                                           has already won several prizes with this. For the project shown

                                                                           here, he was recently given the title Architecture Photographer of

                                                                           the Year 2022 at the International Photography Awards. Barzegar

                                                                           shows a kind of architectural photography inspired by the major

                                                                           creations of technology but freely and imaginatively distorted to

                                                                           suit his own taste. He abstracts and deforms the smooth façades

                                                                           of steel, glass and concrete to such a degree that they are given an

                                                                           almost floral ornamentation. By doing this, the artist not only dis-

                                                                           covers a new, decorative potential and an unexpected varied

                                                                           colour spectrum of modern architecture which we often only per-
                                                                           ceive as grey-in-grey. In addition, he also inspires to newly looking

                                                                           at the disdainful grid of almost any city: One can turn it, twist it,

                                                                           distort and squiggle until a new pattern, a rosette or a ribbon is

                                                                           produced out of it. In any case, an image that is no longer rigid and

                                                                           fixed – the creation by another person – but one’s completely own,

                                                                           individually shaped perception of architecture.
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