Page 38 - AIT0418_E-Paper
P. 38


                                                                             Kurbelstützen runter, Elektrostecker rein und fertig ist der Aufbau. • Lower the crankbars, plug in and start to relax.

                                                                                              "Such a tiny house

                                                                                    of Weinsberg can do something!"

                                                                             turned out to be particularly practical since, not least, they effectively protected us
                                                                             against nocturnal mosquito attacks. A true highlight is the bathroom with full daylight:
                                                                             Adventurous campers are here able to at the same time combine having a shower,
                                                                             brushing their teeth and going to the toilet. Whether this allows more time for what is
               In der kleinen Badkabine geht so ziemlich alles gleichzeitig. • Bathroom: everything is practically done at once.  essential – meaning the vacation – I leave undecided. What is striking, however, is the
                                                                             attractively logical and, at the same time, ergonomic arrangement of all the room com-
                                                                             ponents and functions. The water tap is thus quickly turned into the shower head.
               Apartment on wheels – is this camping or glamping?            Fascinating. When it then also becomes clear that the airtight-locking WC flushes, I
                                                                             have officially arrived in glamping heaven. Claustrophobics, on the other hand, are of
               Having arrived at the destination, expert installation is called for. All in line with the  course not helped by all this, but it still remains impressive. And the water tank?
               “pitching the tent” tradition, we begin by opening a bottle of beer – yet there isn’t really  Without excessive showering, it easily lasts for two days when filling up with drinking
               much to do. Lowering the crank supports and inserting the electric plug – done. From  water becomes necessary. From my own personal experience, I can say: Those who
               now on, the motto is to enjoy and chill. My Hanseatic mentality nods just once and I  “outsource” showering and dishwashing can easily stretch it to four days. Top! For all
               briefly comment: Works! No wonder, since I have not even driven half a metre on the  those who do not want to think about their own water consumption, drinking water
               way from Stuttgart to Visby on Gotland. This is because, for the CaraTwo, all those who  can permanently be pumped into the system with the help of an extra connection. Let
               have passed their driver’s license after July 1996 need an additional trailer license and  me here give a piece of advice to the users of the water tank: Refilling with water can
               I don’t have that. Hence I cannot really provide any information on the drivability. My  only be done by two people since the current water level is not indicated on the side
               “chauffeur” describes it with a rather lame “gooood” which means as much as “dri-  where you fill the tank. Our solution: One person stands at the water tap and one con-
               vability and braking behaviour are super”. I take this opportunity to officially thank  trols the filling level of the tank on the other side of the caravan through an opened
               him for 18 hours of pure driving time each way! Back to the test object: The interior of  storage flap and gives a clear “stop” signal.
               the caravan looks compact and well thought-out. The spatial programme is extensive
               and, as a consequence, not one square centimetre remains unused. On the left are a  Tent or caravan: Does the CaraTwo tempt to a repeat performance?
               wet cell and a seating group which can be turned into a reclining surface; on the right
               is a permanently installed berth. Fantastic: A real bed, but is this still camping or has  Unlimited storage space, two regular sleeping spaces, one’s own bathroom and gas
               one now arrived in the luxury range – the so-called glamping? At the end of the day,  heating, the CaraTwo offered more than we actually needed and used during our hol-
               this is probably a matter of one’s own point of view. The centre of the “all-in-one” inte-  iday. Some conveniences such as the fridge, the regular bed and a weatherproof roof
               rior is the cooking unit. Alibi kitchen: yes or no? In my opinion: At first glance, the  were worth a mint. The, without exception, clever detail solutions convinced: From the
               desire to cook will quickly pass due to this minimum of a work top. I risk a self-exper-  jacket wardrobe with a full-length mirror to the individually switchable reading lamp
               iment all the same and am amazed at how much is possible. The hob and the sink are  at the bed – everything was thought of. The obligatory foil graphics on the caravan shell
               arranged in a way that allows easy handling. An additional folding element expands  still takes getting used to. In addition, the different window formats and ventilation
               the storage area. As long as one doesn’t wish to conjure up a four-course meal, it is  grilles look untidy from the outside and disturb the line management of the graphics.
               sufficient. Cooking is done with gas. All the cabinet doors and storage-room flaps are  Does it have to be like that? Apart from that: thumbs up! Whether we will go on holi-
               furthermore extra secured so that nothing falls out during driving. Those who keep  day again with the caravan? The relaxed holiday-maker in me is reconciled with the
               order are thus able to spontaneously change their location at any time. In any kind of  concept of the caravan and notes: Yes, such a tiny house in the sporty holiday-bunga-
               weather and at any time of the day, numerous luminaires, windows and roof hatches  low version manufactured by Weinsberg performs well! But waving hello to all the
               ensure a bright living area. The insect screens and blinds attached to each window  oncoming caravan vacationers on the road? No, I still feel too young for this.

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