Page 33 - AIT0418_E-Paper
P. 33

M    rs Damm, you are an architect but have worked as a successful author and
                     illustrator of children’s books since the year 2000. Countless young and older
                readers take pleasure in your books. Can you still remember how it came about that
                you submitted your first manuscript to a publisher?
                After the births of my first two children, I participated in numerous competitions. I
                used the free periods in-between these and drew children’s books. Not, however, with
                the intention of ever having them published. Quite by chance, I got to know a female
                employee at a publisher of children’s books who encouraged me to send my ideas for
                books to publishers. I chose five publishing companies which I myself liked very much,
                among them also Moritz Verlag where my books are now regularly published.  But my
                first books were released by the Swiss Atlantis Verlag. At the time, I didn’t really realize
                how fortunate I was when the letter of acceptance came. It was my entry into the scene
                of children’s books and I later learned about how much work is involved in finally get-
                ting a book on its way.

                r Your book „Der Besuch“ is illustrated with room scenarios which you yourself
                built with cardboard, then coloured, illuminated and, finally, photographed. How
                much of an architect is still hidden inside of you?
                Of course, as an architect I used to build many models. I always liked it when these
                models were also models to work with and not only served to perfectly present an idea
                for architecture. Based on a model, the spatial notion simply works better. The „Der
                Besuch“ picture book is based on a simply constructed room scenario representing the
                home of an old, lonely woman. The surprise visit of a child succeeds in changing her
                life. In the model, this can be seen by colour and light gradually entering the flat. My
                point was not perfection but building something which would inspire children to grab
                a piece of cardboard and get going themselves. This is also what I do in my workshops
                with children and it is a tremendous lot of fun

                r How much of your autobiography is reflected in your books? Your story „Kiki“ is
                based on experiences from your own childhood …
                A lot of what I experienced myself is in some of the books but it is also mixed with what
                I invented. Kiki used to be my best friend who sadly died in an accident when she was
                ten years old. I missed her very much because she was such a highly unusual, special
                child. We went for archaeological digs on fields together, looked after farmhouse cats
                and kittens, built a lot together, created heaps of drawings and even stole vegetables in
                a small village shop. Although it also describes Kiki’s death, the book is often funny.

                r In your latest book Was wird aus uns?, you focus on the topic of nature in a philo-
                sophical way ...
                Yes, my father made us children aware of nature. I am a “child of nature” who would
                like best to live in a remote cabin in the middle of the forest. What is nature, anyway?
                How would it be to live in the wilderness? Which is the question you would like to ask
                an animal? These are issues I collected in this book and added my own photographs
                and illustrations. These can be used as a start for interesting talks with children. When
                philosophizing with children, we as adults are not ahead of the little ones but we can
                approach subjects together.

                r Which marketing measures are required on the part of the author to be successful
                in the business?
                                                                                    D De
                                                                                    Deeckckckckcckc eneneneneneneene lilililiichchchchchchchhcht t t t ttttt ohohohohohohohhhhnenenenenenenenn  D DD D DDDDDDDDececececececececececkekekekkekkekeek nlnlnlnlnlnlnnln eueueueueueueueuuchchchchchhcc tetetetetetetetet : : : : : :: StStStStStStStrerererererererr amamamamamamamam ii i i iiststststststsst a a aa a aandndndndndndndderererererrrs.s.s.s.sss  D D D D DDDDDDerererererererer
                Giving readings and workshops is an important part of an author’s work. I very much
                                                                                    hoochchchchchchchhhwewewewewewewwwweeertrtrtrtrtrtrrtigigigigigigggge ee e e eee LeLeLeLeLeLeLeLLeucucucucucucuucu hthththththtthhteneneneneneneneneeeene kökökökökökökökööörprprpprprppppr erererererererererer i i i iistststststststsst L L L LLLLLLLLiciccicicchthththththhthh ququququququu lelelelelelellelelelelelee, ,   ,, ababababababababerererererereree  n n n n nnicicicicicciccchththththththhhthh
                like to do this to get feedback and to see how children react to my questions, stories
                                                                                    Mitttttttttttttttttttt eleleleleleellllpupupuppupuppup nknknknkknkkt t ttt t t dededededededed r r rr rrr LiLiLiLiLiLiiichchchchchchcchhchchhtwtwtwwwwtwwtwtwwwtwahahahahahhahahahhhhrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnehehehehehehehehe mumumumumumumumuungngngngngngngg. .. . . ... DiDiDiDiDiDiDiD e e e eeee DeDeDeDeDeDeDeeckckckckckckckkke e e ee ee e seseseseseseeees lblblblblbbbbstststststsststststss  ii i i iiistststststststsststt dd d d ddddieieieieieieie
                                                                                    M M M M
                and images. But I am also invited to advanced-training events for educators, teachers  M Mi
                                                                                    Reeflflflfflflfffllf exexexexexexxexioioioioioiooionsnsnsnsnsnsnsn flflflflffff ääcäcäcäcächehehehehehe, , , , , auauauauauuuauauf f f f ff f fffff dededededededdedddd r r rrr r sisisisissisichchchchchhchchhcc  dd d d d ddififififiifi fufufufufufufuseseseseseseses ss s s s ss LiLiLiLiLiLiLichchchchchchchcht t ttt ttt enenenenenenentftftftftffttft alalalalaalaa teteteteteteetet t tt t t t ununununununund dddd dd füfüfüfüfüfüfüür rr r
                and students or to readings for adults. In order to be noticed, good press work by the  Re
                publisher is essential. I get the impression that this is becoming increasingly more    ei ei ei ei e ei ei e e ei e neneneneneneee g g g g g gggg gggganananananana z z zzzz zz bebebebebebebebb sosososososoos ndndndndndndnddderererererrrrre ee e e eeeeeee AtAtAtAtAtAtAtAAAA momomomomomomoospspspspspspsphähähähähähähärerereererere s s s s sssorororororo gtgtgtgtgtgtgtg . . . . . StStStStStStStSStttttrererererererer amamamamamamam s s ss ssschchchchchhchcc afafafafafafaffafftftftftftfftff  m m m mm mmmmititititititt
                difficult since newspapers are reviewing fewer and fewer children’s books.   re re re re re re re re reeinininininininnin i i i iiiindndndndndndddnndn iriririririii ekekekekekekeke tetetetetetetetetetetett r rr r r rrrr BeBeBeBeBeBeBeBBeBB leleleleleeleucucucucucucucucuu hthththhthththtunununununununuung g g g g ggg – – – – gagagagagagaaararararararraantntntntnttntieieieieieeertrtrtrtrttrtrr  b b b b bbbblelelelelelleendndndndndnddn frfrfrffrfrffrfrffff eieieieieiee  – – – ––– g g g g ggggggeneneneneneneneneee uguguguguguguggug
                                                                                    Raumumumumumumumummmmmhehehehhehehehheheheheeellllllllllllll igigigigigiggigigkekekekekekekeeitititititititi  u uu u uu undndndndndndnd e e e ee entntntntntntntn spspspspspspspririririririr chchchchchchchc t t ttttt dadadadadadadadaabebebebebbbeeeb i i i i i dededededededeeeeen n n n n n NoNoNoNoNoNooNoNormrmrmrmrmrmrmmmvovovovovovovovorgrgrgrgrgrggabababababababba enenenenenenenn f f f fffffürürürürürürürür
                r What would you recommend to ambitious writers who are also hoping to gain a  Bü
                                                                                    B Bü
                foothold in the market for children’s books?                        Bürorororororororoobebebebebebebebebebebeb leleleleleeleelleucucucucucucucuccchthththththththh ununununununu g.g.g.g.ggg. wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww w.w.w.w.w.wwww rererererererer gegegegegegeg ntntntntntntntnntntntt.c.c.c.c.c.c.c.chhhhhhhhhh
                I would recommend to all those who want to gain a foothold in the market for chil-
                dren’s books: Just simply forget the market! Catch up on good books and publishers and
                thoroughly analyse them. Do what you can do really well, what thrills and interests you.
                Write books which take children seriously and where adults also find something for
                themselves. Books for everyone!
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