Page 140 - AIT0417_E-Paper
P. 140


                                                                             T  he Paris banlieues have a bad reputation. The exterior perception is mainly influ-
                                                                                enced by the crime rate, unemployment and poverty which exists there among
                                                                             the predominantly immigrant residents. This image, however, may soon change, with
                                                                             the city of Pantin playing a kind of pioneer role. Located in the north east of Paris, the
                                                                             architectural landscape of this city is typically characterized by high-rise estates in pre-
                                                                             fabrication construction. They were built in the 1960s in the wake of the economic ups-
                                                                             wing  in  France. The  buildings  at  Canal  de  L’Ourcq,  however,  are  from  a  different
                                                                             period: They testify to the significance of the former shipping canal for transporting
                                                                             goods at the beginning of the 20th century. The same goes for Les Magasins Généraux
                                                                             preserved as an icon of industrialization. Constructed between 1929 and 1931, until its
                                                                             closing, the reinforced-concrete building served above all for storing grain and flour
                                                                             and also as a customs office. In the meantime used by the local street-art scene as a
                                                                             surface for artistic creations, like other industrial monuments on the Canal de L’Ourcq
                                                                             it was eventually given a new utilization as part of the “Grand Paris” project. By upgra-
                                                                             ding the existing fabric, the latter has the objective of turning the banlieues into a new
                                                                             home with creative potential, innovation and economic growth. The new owner BETC
                                                                             commissioned the Jung Architectures office with converting and renovating the former
               Bestehende Stützen und Träger bilden eine Betonpergola. • Existing supports and pillars form a concrete pergola.  grain warehouse. The building was to become not only the new headquarters of the
                                                                             marketing agency but, at the same time, also a place of inspiration and joint experi-
                                                                             menting as well as a meeting place of creative minds. The aim of the renovation- and
               Die Innenhöfe sind mit Lärchenholz ausgeführt. • Larch wood is installed in the patios.
                                                                             conversion measure was to combine the standards and requirements of the future
                                                                             users with the existing building structures and thus to preserve the building’s rough
                                                                             and yet charming industrial look as well as its function as a landmark at the Canal de
                                                                             L’Ourcq. The concrete grid façade lined with bricks had the graffiti works of art remo-
                                                                             ved and was restored. The same approach was used for the balconies whose expres-
                                                                             sive-curved form is owed to the art déco influences prevailing at the time when the
                                                                             building was constructed. They are largely responsible for the striking appearance of
                                                                             the building. Also renovated were all the concrete supports and pillars whose dimen-
                                                                             sions come particularly into their own in the newly designed and planted roof garden.
                                                                             This is suitable for breaks or for informal meetings with a view of the city – framed by
                                                                             the impressive concrete pergola. Two patios admit daylight into the building’s interior
                                                                             and, with larch-wood cladding, add a warm contrast to the cool and rough concrete.

                                                                             New solutions for a varied work environment

                                                                             The play with contrasts to the existing fabric is continued inside as well. Here above
                                                                             all natural and warm materials such as felt, fabric and wood were used. The T&P
                                                                             Work Unit agency, which was substantially involved in the interior design, invited
               Les Magasins Généraux vor dem Umbau. • Les Magasins Généraux before the conversion.
                                                                             ambitious  young designers to develop customized furniture and spatial situations
                                                                             which make various ways of working possible – be it on one’s own or in groups. The
                                                                             result: The open-plan office landscape simply bursts with ideas. For joint working in
                                                                             small groups, for instance, the employees can enjoy an elevated seating position on
                                                                             the stepped monolithic block or hold meetings of up to 20 people at one of the long
                                                                             rows of tables. For concentrated working or a setting for quiet meetings, completely
                                                                             closed cubes with a luminous ceiling and placed in the room are available. Round
                                                                             berths, separated by ropes – with a velvety texture reminding of chenille yarn – offer
                                                                             individual workstations for working in privacy. The employees can completely live out
                                                                             their artistic dispositions in the so-called Le Garage: a section in the building where
                                                                             films, music and design can be produced. In the Le Kartz café and the La Cantine
                                                                             restaurant, organic dishes are served for occasional breaks. But the building not only
                                                                             provides space for various modes of working for the 900 employees of BETC, the
                                                                             ground floor is completely open to the public – the neighbours thus also profit from
                                                                             the conversion of the building. For them, there is for instance now the possibility of
                                                                             participating in workshops in La Grande Salle, of networking with other creative minds,
                                                                             of dining in the restaurant or of enjoying live music in the concert- and event area.

               Grundriss 2. Obergeschoss • Floor Plan Level +2               Schnitt • Section

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